This document is a brief overview of the Soyuz infrastructure.
General Soyuz-related content classes and tests can be found at lp.soyuz
However the the entire system depends on other components:
Component |
Module |
Upload server |
canonical.poppy |
Source Building |
canonical.buildd |
Upload processing |
lp.archiveuploader |
Build dispatching |
lp.builddmaster |
Archive publishing |
lp.archivepublisher |
Upload server
The upload server is a custom zope FTP daemon which the only purpose is to isolate upload sessions.
Source building
This component results in the launchpad-buildd packages which is basically consistent of an custom version of sbuild with a XMLRPC-based control layer.
Uploading processing
The upload processor job runs every 5 minutes processing all ftp uploads.
Among other tasks, this job check the upload content/metadata consistency (usual dak-inherited checks) and archive version coherency.
The result is a upload queue records, containing a source or binary package release, that will be announced via email according it's status: REJECTED | NEW | UNAPPROVED | ACCEPTED.
Build dispatching
Published sources are dispatched to launchpad-buildds instantly and collected as binary uploads (.changes + N .deb).
Archive publishing
Virtually any Source or Binary release can be published in a given Archive.
CelsoProvidelo/SoyuzInfrastructureOverview (last edited 2009-09-04 19:29:21 by bd23baa8)