
Revision 6 as of 2006-08-22 10:12:27

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Welcome to the Ubuntu New User Network's, Classroom Transcripts. This page will list the transcripts created from the logs created during the individual classes. Everyone is welcome to take the IRC logs and create their own transcript. Please check back within a couple of days after a class is completed for the up to date transcripts.

New User Network Classes

For a list of the available classes, and the proposed classes, please view them on the ["Classroom"] wiki page. The following are the completed classes, along with the transcripts created.

Class 1: Introduction to IRC

This class was presented on two different days. The first day was Saturday, August 5th, 2006 at 18:00 UTC. The second day was Monday, August 7th, 2006 at 01:00 UTC. Lectures for this class were provided by [:KevinGailey:Kevin Gailey] aka hybrid, presenting irssi, and [:nixternal:Richard Johnson] aka nixternal, presenting Konversation.

Transcripts for this class have been provided by the following IRC members:

Class 2: Introduction to Command Line Interface

This class was presented on two different days, the second was on Sunday, August 20th, 2006 at 00:00 UTC. The lecture on Sunday was provided by [:PaulOmalley:Paul O'Malley] aka ompaul.

Transcripts for this lesson:

  • [:Classroom/Log/2006-08-20:Sunday with ompaul]

How To Help

Interested in helping the New User Network, and maybe becoming a Mentor, or even an Instructor? Then visit the following wiki pages for more information:

The New User Network is always looking for new and exciting mentors to help new Ubuntu users.