All support related issues should still be completed in #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #edubuntu, or #xubuntu. #ubuntu-nun is the meeting location for mentors, and is usually a ghost town. #ubuntu-classroom is the channel we bring users into for one-on-one counseling, as well as the location where we provide the Ubuntu classes.
The Ubuntu New User Network
The Aim of the Ubuntu New User Project is to try and help new Ubuntu Users get to grips with Ubuntu. Members of the New User Network will spend a lot of time on IRC, the forums and the mailing lists.
If you are an enthusiast about Ubuntu and want to help others learn how to use it, then join us on #ubuntu-nun on freenode.
Visit the following links for more info
NUNAgenda - meeting agenda
The Classroom - New IRC Classroom for teaching new users!!!
If you want to be a member, read NewUserNetworkGuidelines, item number 10.
Spread Ubuntu!
NewUserNetwork (last edited 2008-08-07 12:25:14 by pool-96-235-6-94)