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About me

I've been using Ubuntu for some time now (not quite sure how long, I'd have to go digging for that information) and I've really come to love and enjoy using Linux on the desktop and server. Even though I considered myself a very tech-savy person before joining the linux community, I've found Ubuntu to be exceptionally easy to use and recommend it to all my friends and family.

I love Ubuntu so much that I've decied that I want to give back to the Ubuntu community! I'm a frequent idler of #xubuntu and have recently started to participate in #ubuntu-ca, #ubuntu-marketing, and #ubuntu-motu. I also hope to lend some of my programming skills to help improve the Xubuntu distribution and Ubuntu as a whole. Even though I still consider myself a newbie compared to the other amazingly talented individuals in our community, I think my dedication, enthusiasm, willingness to learn, and my ever developing technical aptitude and skills could become an asset to the Ubuntu project.

Skill Set

I can program in Java, Pike, JavaScript, Bash Script, and LPC comfortably. I'm interested in learning Python (almost done), C, and C++ soon as well as improving on the aforementioned languages. Love to ramble about CS/tech topics and don't mind lots of questions? Then I've got an ear to listen with. :]

I also consider myself to be proficient in written and spoken English but I can be a horrible speller at times. <g>

Other notable skills include leadership, organization, and the ability to quickly learn new topics.

Other distros that I have experience with include RedHat 9, Debian, DSL (my first linux adistro), Slackware, Fedora Core, and a few other small utility distros.

My Contributions

Since I've just started to get involved recently, this list will be rather short.

  • Member of Ubuntu Canada Team
  • Owner of Xubuntu Users team
  • Member of Ubuntu Marketing Team
  • Member of Kubuntu Users team
  • Member of Ubuntu Bug Squad
  • Member of Xubuntu Team
  • Tech support on #xubuntu on
  • Regular contributor to xubuntu-devel mailing list.
  • Regular contributor to Xubuntu Wiki pages ([:Xubuntu])
  • Regular bug triaging on launchpad and [ bug reporting].