Global Bug Jam - Colombian Team Stories
These are the Colombian Team Global Bug Jam Stories.
ES Report
GBJ Febrero 20, 21 y 22
- Nos reunimos 8 personas en la casa de Hollman
- Durante los 3 días varios miembros de ubuntu-co estuvieron por IRC trabajando en bugs!
don Hollman la sacó del estadio con WII Sports
Un tipo muy parecido a Slash le dio al GuitarHero
- Hanuman llegó se quitó el casco, monto un live stream por giz y nos dejó en línea todo el sábado! Gente de diferentes Bug Jams se conectaron con nosotros!
Logramos una tasa de 4.5 Bugs x Beer !!!
- Llegamos al Top 10 del GBJ con 135 bugs !!! (aunque ahora aparecen 34, sabra dholbach porque..) Igual en el Fridge aparecemos con los 135 :P
Salimos a las 2 de la mañana!!! (y el domingo no hicimos ni uno...
- Se cayó Launchpad de tanta gente dandole a los Bugs!
Preparatorio Febrero 7
- Nos reunimos 9 personas en el Club de Suboficiales de la FAC
Tuvimos cerca de 6 personas trabajando remotamente. E incluso se unieron a la sesión miembros de otros LoCo Team como Ecuador !!! Vamos Latinoamérica!!!
- Un portátil tenía la inalámbrica dañada y con el fabuloso Network Manager 0.70 le pudimos dar acceso a Internet!!!
Transmitimos en línea por mogulus
Logramos una tasa de 0.71 Bugs x Beer !!!
- Logramos el puesto No.1 en el Top 50 del 5-A-Day de Febrero 7
- 15 Reportes de bug mejorados!!!
EN Report
GBJ February 20,21 and 22th
- About 8th people were gathered at Hollman's house
- During the 3 days some of the ubuntu-co members were jamming some bugs via IRC!
our admin Hollman hit a Home Run with WII Sports
Some guy with some -far- resemblance with Slash played GuitarHero
- Hanuman took over his helmet, put a giz live stream and we were online all saturday evening! People from different Bug Jams were connected with us!
We made an awesome rate of 4.5 Bugs x Beer !!!
- We made it to the GBJ Top 10 with 135 bugs !!! (now we are listed with 34, only dholbach would now why..) anyway at the Fridge we're listed with 135 :P
- We jamming until 2 am!!!
- Launchpad was down because all the jammers of the world!!
February 7th Preparation
We've got 9th people gathered together for the the BugJam session at the Club de Suoficiales de la FAC
About 6 people were working remotely, including members from different LoCo Teams as Ecuador. Go LATAM!!
- One laptop had the WIFI broken, thanks to Network Manager 0.7 que could give it access to the Internet!!!
Live broadcast via mogulus
We made a 0.71 Bugs x Beers rate !!!
We ranked as February 7th 5-A-Day No.1 in the LoCo Team TOP 50 !!! Sorry dholbach
- 15 improved bug reports!!!
ColombianTeam/GlobalBugJamJaunty/Report (last edited 2010-01-29 07:08:07 by adsl190-26180199)