Ubuntu Colombia 2016 - 2018
Ubuntu Colombia Reapproval
Ubuntu Colombia is one of the most traditional LoCo Teams within the regional and global communities, specially with the Spanish language ones. As Ubuntu Colombia is conscious about the importance to keep being recognized as an active and official LoCo Team, we've created this wiki page to summarize the main activities that we've done during the last two years.
General data
Datos del Team |
Date: |
Agosto 21, 2014 |
Team establishment: |
Noviembre 25 de 2005 |
Team Admins: |
Team Contact: |
Membership: |
Wikipage: |
Launchpad: |
Homepage: |
Mailing List: |
ubuntu-co on 1240 suscriptors |
IRC: |
#ubuntu-co on Freenode (logged on |
Google+ Page: |
Facebook Page: |
Twitter: |
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Ubuntu Members list
These are the Ubuntu Members currently members of Ubuntu Colombia LoCo Team:
Fabián Rodríguez - 01/11/2005
Julián Alarcón - 16/10/2008
Hollman Enciso - 16/10/2008
Andrés Mujica - 06/01/2009
Luis Lopez - 18/11/2009
Juan Marquez - 18/11/2009
Diego Forigua - 07/12/2009
Carlos Zambrano - 07/12/2009
Sergio Meneses - 21/01/2010
Julian Bohorquez - 21/04/2011
CesarGomez - 20/10/2011
Jose Gutierrez - 20/10/2011
Jhosman Lizarazo - 19/01/2012
Lina Porras - 21/11/2012
Jose Luis Ahumada - 06/02/2014
Ubuntu Colombia is being administered by the council, composed by official community members. Within its tasks, it should help fulfilling the community's interests in general, serve as support for different activities and events held all over the country, look for a harmony and orderly development in the community growth and help in establishing cooperation agreements between different LoCo Teams and communities within Colombia and other countries, within other several tasks.
Once the current re-approval process is finished, there would be a new council to be elected.
Team's Mission
To promote the use of open source software, open formats and free software licenses in Colombia, by using Ubuntu.
Team's objectives
To double the official members amount in a two (2) year term.
To rise at least in 25% the Ubuntu Members amount in a two (2) year term.
To support one of our members to become a MOTU in a three(3) year term.
To participate in at least three (3) massive events all over Colombia as in the Flisol or Software Freedom Day.
To establish formal cooperative bonds with at least three (3) free software communities in Colombia and at least one LoCo Team within the region.
To participate as one of the organizing communities in the Ubuntu Conference Latin America for the 2013 or 2014 version
To widen up the operation and covering of the Ubuntu Colombia projects assuring the active participation from at least two(2) community members.
Events picks and activities
At this time we're registering our events in the Wiki and in the LoCo portal. We hope we can migrate in a definitive way to the LoCo portal later this year. (We just are needing a way to link up our pictures there)
The events registered from 2012 to 2014 are in Loco Portal.
Previous and other events are here Events Wiki
Ubuntu Hour
Talleres & Hacklabs
Release Party
UbuConLA 2014
UbuCon Latinoamerica 2014
Este año fuimos los organizadores de la UbuCon Latinoamerica, en la cual conto con mas de 8 conferenciantes Internacionales y 15 conferenciantes internacionales. El Evento que se realizo en las instalaciones de la Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, fue un total éxito. Dejamos algunos datos significativos.
Contamos con la participación de Varios LocoTeams, como son Mexico, Venezuela, España, Uruguay, Argentina y Peru.
Se registraron mas de 700 personas al evento. |
Asistieron mas de 500 personas al evento. con mas de 250 personas diarias que nos visitaron. |
Se realizaron mas de 10 conferencias, charlas y talleres diarios. Conferenciantes: Agenda:
Actividades con Colegios
En esta ocasión invitamos a varios colegios de la ciudad de Cartagena de indias, para enseñarles las bondades del Software Libre y la filosofia de Ubuntu. Primero Naudy de Venezuela estuvo hablando sobre el proyecto de Canaima Educativo y compartiendo con los chicos su experencia en cuanto a este proyecto.
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- Y luego Fernando Laneros y Marta de España estuvo hablando sobre las bondades del Software libre y Ubuntu y estuvieron realizando unas obras con los estudiantes.
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La UbuCon Latinoamerica, estuvo en las primeras planas de los diarios mas importante de la region.
Algunas Fotos
Looking for a viral distribution way of spreading Ubuntu, we've created some videos available in our YouTube's channel, where you'll find videos promoting Global Jam, Ubuntu Hour, Final users experiences, workshops and conferences given by the community.
One of the most popular and interesting videos is this one about a newcomer lawyer to Ubuntu, please check it right here:
Ubuntu Colombia from its inception started a work model based on projects looking to fulfill the typical needs. At this moment the projects are maintained and working according to the participant members pace, but its importance is growing.
Fundacion CaribeMesh and Ubuntu Colombia
Ubuntu Colombia y la Fundación CaribeMesh se encuentran trabajando desde hace 5 meses en un Proyecto de Educación con Software Libre para las escuelas de escasos recursos de colombia. Este proyecto empezó con un piloto que se esta realizando en la Ciudad de Cartagena de indias, Colombia.
El piloto comenzó en un Colegio en el Sur de la ciudad de Cartagena, en el Colegio Ciudadeka 2000 el cual empezamos realizando una encuesta para ver la posibilidad de realizar cursos y actividades en el colegio. Estos fueron los resultados. Ver Resultados..
Foto con algunos estudiantes encuestados. |
En estos momento estamos trabajando con al rededor de 60 estudiantes de los grados 9 y 10 de la institución, los cuales se les esta brindando un curso de Software Libre y se realizo la migración de la sala de sistemas a Edubuntu.
Algunos estudiantes estuvieron presentes en la UbuConLA 2014, el cual fue una experiencia enriquecedora para ellos.
Ver mas sobre el proyecto en la wiki oficial: EducaLibre
Social Networks
Since last year, Ubuntu Colombia decided to keep itself closer to our users no matter where they were located. This strategy led us to an intensive social networks use, spreading the word about Ubuntu and free software. The accomplishments of this work are testified on the next images.
Facebook Charts
Some of our most recent stats.
Twitter @ubuntuco Chars
Last three months stats.
Google+ Ubuntu Colombia
Google plus is the most recent social network :
Youtube Channel of Ubuntu Colombia
Youtube Stats
Previous reports and approvals
Our first re-approval from 2010:
Reaprobación 2010 Reaprobación 2012
Last report from 2011:
Re approval from 2012:
ColombianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2016 (last edited 2016-06-27 14:48:38 by sergiomeneses)