Ubuntu Colombia 2019 - 2021

Ubuntu Colombia Re-approval

Ubuntu Colombia is one of the most traditional LoCo Teams within the regional and global communities, specially within the Spanish language ones. As Ubuntu Colombia is conscious about the importance to keep being recognized as an active and official LoCo Team, we've created this Wiki page to summarize the main activities that we've done during the last three years. We know that we have lost approval a couple of years ago, but we have still remained active and operational in our country and wish to have LoCoTeam reapproved again.

General data


Datos del Team


October 17, 2019

Team establishment:

Noviembre 25 de 2005

Team Admins:

Ubuntu Colombian Council

Team Contact:

Lina Porras


https://launchpad.net/@@/person 36 launchpad members







Mailing List:

808 suscriptors


#ubuntu-co on Freenode (logged on irclogs.ubuntu.com)

Facebook Page:

http://facebook.com/favicon.ico UbuntuColombia (8094 Followers)


http://twitter.com/favicon.ico @ubuntuco (5072 followers)


Telegram Soporte Ubuntu Colombia (322 members)

Ubuntu Colombia Members

Ubuntu Colombia has increased the number of official members in Launchpad with respect to the last reapproval that we had available, although we were not an official team in the LoCo, We have updated and simplified the process to be members of the community. With the activities that we are doing, we have increased the members in our different channels and more than that, the people who collaborate with the team that have made the update of this Wiki possible and have supported the different activities that we report here


Ubuntu Colombia is being administered by the council, composed by official community members. Within its tasks, it should help fulfilling the community's interests in general, serve as support for different activities and events held all over the country, look for a harmony and orderly development in the community growth and help in establishing cooperation agreements between different LoCo Teams and communities within Colombia and other countries, within other several tasks.

We have a strong team for this new administration that will take care of the future of the community.

Council's Wiki Page

Council's Launchpad

Team's Mission

To promote the use of open source software, open formats, free software licenses, Open Data and Open Knowledge in Colombia, by using Ubuntu and spreading Ubuntu and its philosophy.

Team's objectives

Events picks and activities

This is the report of the biggest activities we have had in the last 4 years


Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Release Party: This was a social meet up of the Ubuntu Colombia community members to celebrate the new LTS release of Ubuntu. Event Page

Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.10: Introduction talk and installation Workshop: In this activity, community leader linaporras gave a speech for new users of Ubuntu about it's new features and advantages, and then community member Edwin Garzon leaded a workshop showing the process, partitioning and tips & tricks of the Ubuntu 16.10 installation. Event Page

Ubuntu Free Software Working Time or Jornada de Software Libre (JSL): Between the days 26 and 27 of November was realized the Jornada de software libre in the Virgilio Barco Public Library. A space for people interested in contributing, strengthen and promote the free software.

The event was developed based on working circles with topics such as:

- Government, territory and public policies where topics such as the elaboration of strategies for the follow-up and promotion of the Free Software policy initially with an approach in Bogotá and later at the national level. Table of government

- The subject of education and investigation was then discussed, where strategies for inclusion of free software in education and its articulation with research. Table of education

- Later they became known the different profiles of the developers of the community, the needs they presented and generated proposals that would make this point more visible which is one of the strongest in the community. Table of developers

- Also discussed was the articulation with the business sector and entrepreneurship whose central theme was the determination of the possible services that the community can offer along with strategies to make them feasible. Table of enterprise and entrepreneurship

- Finally, strategies were established for the dissemination of FLIsoL and Software Freedom Day Of 2017. Table of diffusion

Ubuntu 11th Anniversary of the Ubuntu Colombia Community: On December 3rd, the community celebrated it's Eleventh anniversary with a small reunion of old and new members and a bowling game. Event Page and Photo Gallery

Ubuntu Workshop: Ubuntu for technicians from another OS: In this activity, community member Edwin Garzon showed how Ubuntu can work in parallel with other operating systems (dual boot), and it's advantages. Event info

Ubuntu Celebrating Christmas with Ubuntu Colombia: In this activity, the community team leader linaporras and other community members helped to install the data network and installed Free software for the Salvemos a Christian foundation. Mail list Thread


Ubuntu FLISoL Bogotá 2017: Latin American Free Software Install Fest FLISoL is a festival that consists of the dissemination of free software at Latin American level through conferences, workshops, software installation, etc. This event was co-organized mainly by Ubuntu Colombia, CorreLibre, Hackbo and SkinaIT, all the partners can be seen here A month before the day of the event, the community began to spread it through social networks and flyers, the same day of the event was counted on the presence of an on-line radio that interviewed each lecturer. Canonical supported us with a budget for the development of the event (1,500 USD) and requested publicity material directly from CANONICAL and we bought publicity material to publicize the UBUNTU CO event and the UBUNTU CO community (keychains, prints, personalized UBUNTU cards, a facing hall Display, stickers, etc).It counted with the support of the high council of the TIC and the mayoralty of Bogotá for the place and its adaptation. The venue was divided into four parts: a. Government and culture that consisted of conferences related to government policies and citizen culture in front of the technology (open data, citizen digital services etc.) b. An area set for the realization of workshops dedicated to the practical part such as the installation of a LAPP server, implementation of firewalls in high availability etc Photo. c. The zone of installers consisted of tables with what is necessary to install from free software to a free operating system. d. A space at the entrance of the event for the sponsors' booths, the Ubuntu Co stand had the Canonical public material, the t-shirts that were sent to stamp etc. For the event, tables and chairs were rented for the attendants, refreshment for installers and staff.No internet service could be obtained so the day before they bought tools, wiring and devices to create a local network with repositories. In conclusion, it was a successful event with more than 700 attendees and 35 facilities.

Of course Ubuntu Colombia Community has a stand which was the biggest and most successful of the event Photo

Ubuntu FLISoL Medellin 2017: See more

Ubuntu After FLISoL - Members of the Ubuntu Colombia Team are supporting the After FLISoL which is an initiative to promote online workshops to talk about technology and FLOSS. Crypto-currencies - Programmable Money, The Linux History in Colombia

Ubuntu Scratch Day - We help to spread the voice about this event and we went the day of the event. Photos

Ubuntu Workshops in Universities about Zentyal and tools for managing networks by Edwin Garzon; Photos

Ubuntu Share time - Celebrating the Diego and Lina birthday

Ubuntu The Great LPIC-1 Preparatory Course: The Ubuntu Colombia community works shoulder to shoulder to be able to disseminate knowledge, and in this task has reached many people interested in acquiring it. There are different certifications in the field of Linux, however in Ubuntu Colombia we wanted to give emphasis to the preparation course for the LPIC-1 certification of the Professional Institute Linux, non-profit organization which prepares the professional in information technologies using Systems Operating systems. On this occasion, we had the support of strategic allies who gave us their unconditional support, such as Fundación CorreLibre, who lent us their facilities to develop the course, we also supported great professionals certified in free technologies like Instructors.

The development of the course was divided into several sessions face-to-face, the topics covered were GNU / Linux Architecture and Hardware Identification, Boot System, etc. (the agenda is available here ), the students followed the commands and instructions of the instructor in his own computer, virtual sessions were assigned to each student see more. The students also practice with exams in which the topics were evaluated, the results of the exams were socialized to be able to see the failures and to be able to improve. The course finished with a test of 60 questions that simulated the certification, and could not miss the cake of Ubuntu Colombia

This event as well as strengthening knowledge also served to strengthen ties of friendship within the community and to be more productive in the diffusion of knowledge Photo.

Ubuntu The LaTeX course 1.0 See more

Ubuntu Date: 22 July Event: Mini Hackaton para la re-verificación del team Place: Hackbo, Bogotá

Ubuntu Date:23 September Event: MeetUp Ubuntu Colombia en Medellín Place: Carrera 80 #49A-18, Medellín

Ubuntu Date: 2 Diciembre Event: Aniversario 12 y cierre de año Ubuntu Colombia Place: La Vecina Gourmet, Bogotá


Ubuntu Ubuntu Colombia Community First Meeting: Online meeting held via jitsi.org where XXX and YYY was discussed. Attendin members Lina Porras

Ubuntu Flisol Bogotá 2018: 28 April 2018 The biggest simultaneous FLOSS Festival, organized by every local community with installations, talks, workshops bringin around 1000 participants toghether in one single day. Organizing members Lina Porras

Ubuntu 13º Aniversary and year closing Ubuntu Colombia : 28 December 2018 La Vecina Gourmet, Bogotá . Organizing members Lina Porras


Ubuntu Flisol Bogotá 2019The biggest free Latin American software event to be held in the city of Bogota, we count on the presence of Sergio Schvezov [@sergiusens] from Argentina with Canonical sponsorship. Photos Event

Ubuntu UbuconLA 2019 - Creando comunidad con Ubuntu Conference on the community of Ubuntu in Latin America, held in Talca - Chile on UbuconLA 2019 where we will talk about how to build community with Ubuntu, and how to include women in the community. Presentation by Jhosman Lizarazo

Ubuntu 13º Aniversary and year closing Ubuntu Colombia : 28 December 2018 La Vecina Gourmet, Bogotá . Organizing members Lina Porras, Lina Porras, Lina Porras.

Directory Events:

https://www.facebook.com/pg/UbuntuColombia/events/ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/Eventos/ https://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-co/events/history/ https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-co/

Partner Organizations

Ubuntu Fundación CorreLibre (Website) a non-profit organization that promotes and develop Free Software and advocate for Open Knowledge.

Ubuntu Hackbo - Hackerspacce Bogota (Website): A hackerspace, a physical and virtual space, related to technologies, in particular the digital ones, managed and sustained communitarian, to find us, to converse and / or realize projects for profit or pleasure.

Ubuntu Fundación Karisma (Website): is a civil society organization that responds to the threats and opportunities posed by the "Technology for development" to the exercise of human rights.

Ubuntu Laboratorio de ideas abiertas (lab.ia): is a Colombian initiative that is under construction and pretends to be a "hub" for the diferents FLOSS communities.

Social Networks

Ubuntu Colombia has decided to stay closer to our users in the matter where they were. This strategy has led us to intensive use of social networks, disseminating information about Ubuntu and free software. The achievements of this work are testified in the following images.

Twitter of Ubuntu Colombia

General stats


Facebook Charts

Some of our most recent stats.

Like stats


Followers Population

YouTube Channel of Ubuntu Colombia

YouTube Stats

YouTube stats

Podcast of Ubuntu Colombia

Anchor Stats Anchor stats Anchor stats Anchor stats Anchor stats

Previous reports and approvals

Reapproval 2010:

Reaprobación 2010

Reapproval from 2011:

Report 2011

Reapproval from 2012:

Report 2012

Reapproval from 2014:

Report 2014

Contributors to this Wiki

Ubuntu Cristhian Echeverry

Ubuntu Alexander Bejarano

Ubuntu Jhosman Lizarazo


ColombianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2019 (last edited 2019-11-08 19:21:48 by cristhianecheverry)