2014 T-Shirt Design Page

If you are looking for the old T shirts page, click here.

This page coordinates information and designs for team T-shirt orders.

Previous Parameters for the shirt:

Future orders: anyone can organize an order. You just need to order at least 4 shirts. The company we used for the order in 2007/2008 was http://www.queensboro.com

Future design possibilities, e.g. for a more casual t-shirt:

Phrases: To be determined.

See also:

Graphics Design Area

To Be Determined

First Order, not yet ordered

Cost for first order:

Commitments to Order

When there are known parameters for the order, one can volunteer to be the Order Coordinator who will collect payments and distribute T-shirts. At that point, the committments to order and payment status may be documented in this section of the page.

ColoradoTeam/2014 Tshirts (last edited 2014-04-06 03:47:24 by 71-208-239-174)