2014 T-Shirt Design Page
If you are looking for the old T shirts page, click here.
This page coordinates information and designs for team T-shirt orders.
Previous Parameters for the shirt:
Classy durable "Polo shirt" with embroidered logo and "Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team" on the left chest. "CoLoCo Rocks" phrase on the left sleeve also (specify if you don't want it).
- Depending on popularity/estimated cost, a different style may be offered.
Future orders: anyone can organize an order. You just need to order at least 4 shirts. The company we used for the order in 2007/2008 was http://www.queensboro.com
Future design possibilities, e.g. for a more casual t-shirt:
- Bonus points for stuff on the back also.
- Silkscreening or the like. No decals.
Phrases: To be determined.
See also:
Canonical's store with tshirts et al.
t-shirt wiki page
land's end shirts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=529667
CatalanTeam/Grafisme - some cool designs there!
LoCoTeams/GroupBuy - how to organize loco teams to order merchandise
Graphics Design Area
To Be Determined
First Order, not yet ordered
Cost for first order:
The default shirt is TBD
The option is an additional TBD
Shipping for the entire order will be TBD
Commitments to Order
When there are known parameters for the order, one can volunteer to be the Order Coordinator who will collect payments and distribute T-shirts. At that point, the committments to order and payment status may be documented in this section of the page.