We're going to decide on official T-Shirt designs - if you have suggestions, please attach them below.
if you install a fortune-mod and fortunes and run fortune -m bug | less there are a few good quotes
<- Replace the 3 circles though with bugs!!! Come on, lets see some design ideas!!! I want a bug shirt -- nixternal 2006-06-21 12:15:05
Like this? cluster_bugs.svg
I also made a "no bug" style logo similar to "no smoking" signs. no_bug.svg
Also have a bug with a ubuntu target on its head bug_target.svg -- draimusWow - these are neat! In order of preference: 1. no_bug, 2. cluster_bugs, 3. bug_target - Motin
- What about an exotic african bug with the ubuntu logo on it's back?
- Maybe a orkin man type shirt?
- maybe exotic african bug = scarab beetle?
- here's an idea: standard logo, except it's misspelt "ubugtu"
..then have a little guy erasing the bottom part of the "g" so it looks like an "n" again. -pbr
- ^ that idea (without the guy): ubugtu - s/g/n/-Team -a7p
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BugSquad/TShirtDesigns (last edited 2008-08-06 16:15:22 by localhost)