
The Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team - (ColoradoTeam) is a Colorado group devoted to educating the public on open-source software, with a focus on Ubuntu Linux. Our public involvement is currently limited, but we are driven to improve the ways we get out and promote Ubuntu. We currently provide the following services to the public:

  • CD distribution
  • Basic local user support

In addition to our public services, we also host release parties marking both the April and October final releases. Historically this is on the first sunday following the release. For example, the upcoming 12.10 release is scheduled for October 18th, and the party is scheduled for Sunday the 21st.

Key Details

Experience (2010-2012)


Friday, September 28th

Ubuntu Hour at the Falling Rock

~15 Attended


Sunday, April 29th 6-9PM

Precise Release Party

Loco Event Page

~30 attended


Sunday, May 1st 6:30-9PM

Natty Release Party Event

45 Attended


Colorado Technology in Education Outreach




Supported Boulder Community Computers startup

Several regular helpers


Sunday, May 2nd 5:30-8PM

Lucid Release Party Event

17 Attended


Over the past few years, our membership has been limited and we intend to improve this over the upcoming years. We have been limited to hosting yearly events, and have recently been ramping up team involvement. This year marks the first year in the past few that we will host a .10 release. We intend to have a successful release party, and continue making steps in the right direction.

Our current membership is chiefly made up of members currently employed in the technology field. Unfortunately, this means the current population of members do not have the amount of free time that is required of a more active group. We do have the advantage of having experienced members glowing with knowledge and experience, however. We hope to use this as a strong selling point to students seeking to expand their professional contacts. Ultimately, a larger group size will mean greater chances that enough members will have the time to devote to hosting events.

In the meantime, we are churning away at new ideas to draw a diversity of different people with different interests. Alexander (stokes91) will be hosting tiny meet-ups at coffee shops around the metro area. These topics will be focused on doing a quick (1hr) hello-world type application to a new and interesting focus area. Of course, all of this will be done on Ubuntu.

Upcoming Events


Sunday, October 21st 6-9PM

Quantal Release Party

Google + Event

Facebook Event


To be decided

Ubuntu + Coffee + NodeJS



To be decided

Ubuntu + Coffee + Arduino



To be decided

Ubuntu + Coffee + Andriod


ColoradoTeam/ReApprovalApplication2012 (last edited 2012-10-16 16:12:32 by med2836d0)