
Differences between revisions 1 and 47 (spanning 46 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2006-06-21 06:53:01
Size: 12349
Editor: ALagny-109-1-10-42
Comment: dump gobby
Revision 47 as of 2006-07-03 00:54:36
Size: 26353
Editor: 124-168-37-125
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 * '''Launchpad Entry''':  * '''Launchpad Entry''':
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 * '''Contributors''': MattZimmerman  * '''Contributors''': MattZimmerman, AndreasLloyd (Gobby dump clean-up and presentation), RoaldHopman
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]||

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With the many community customization scripts floating around, it is relevant to provide relevant information about the status of integrating the changes these scripts provide in Ubuntu. This page seeks to

 * Examine these resources and document their effect on the system
 * Provide a list of suggested improvements inspired by these resources that may make them unnecessary in the future.
 * Give instructions on how to avoid questionable solutions and help work toward implementing official solutions instead
 * Give an explanation of why there are some packages that Ubuntu cannot or will not adopt

This page is a result of BOF sessions held at the Ubuntu Developer Summit, held in June 2006 in Parisj.

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== Use cases ==

== Scope ==

== Design ==
=== Why scripts are problematic ===

Contributed scripts like this do not provide the best user experience possible. They:

 * often require command-line interaction
 * do not receive review or QA from the Ubuntu development team, and as a result sometimes implement incorrect solutions which cause immediate or eventual problems for the end user
 * are not authenticated, so downloading and running them presents a security risk

=== A better solution ===

Applications->Add/Remove is the recommended way to install applications in Ubuntu. Users who are looking for software should start there, and users offering support should recommend it to those who are looking for help. It provides a very simple and fast way to find packages.

We would like for the user community to provide structured, constructive feedback to the development team. When a situation arises where many users wish to customize their systems in a certain way, a representative should contact the development team to discuss a solution.

=== Why Ubuntu does not adopt certain packages ===

==== Proprietary software ====

Ubuntu is committed to producing a free software system. More information about this philosophy can be found on the Philosophy page of the Ubuntu website:

Software packages such as Macromedia Flash and Sun Java, while able to be redistributed, are not free software, and so will not be included in a default Ubuntu installation. We make these programs available on the network for users who wish to use them, and Ubuntu derivatives may choose to include them by default in their distributions.

==== Patent-encumbered software ====

Some free software includes technology which may be covered by patents, which can be a problem for users in many countries. Additional details can be found on RestrictedFormats.

==== Non-redistributable software ====

A package such as w32codecs containing the proprietary Windows multimedia codecs can only be used legally by users who also have purchased a Windows license which allows the use of these codecs. Therefore Ubuntu cannot ship or hold such a package in its repositories.

Similar issues apply to some firmware used by (for example) network drivers.

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=== Code ===

=== Data preservation and migration ===

== Outstanding issues ==

= Gobby dump =

== EasyUbuntu ==


Swapping totem-xine for totem-gstreamer we believe is now obsolete
Freecodes is covered by the easy-codec-installation spec
libdvdcss is something we're not going to touch right now
midi - this merely installs timidity, timidity-interfaces-extra and freepats: midi playback in the desktop still doesn't seem to work, but selecting a midi file in firefox will launch timidity in the background (Soren: i think there's some sort of integration between alsa and timidity available that emulates a midi playback device which in turn sends the midi stream to timidity.) dsilvers: Indeed there is, and it's documented in the timididy README.Debian so it needs to be made easier(default when there's no hardware midi device available?) perhaps?

Flash -- We already have flashplugin-nonfree -- do we need more?
gnash is supposedly getting better support for newer SWF features -- may be
useful for amd64 systems in the future

Java -- Is there a suitable free implementation?
Videos -- embedded into web pages -- installs totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin and kaffeine-mozilla
  totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin has proven unstable in the past, but is under consideration for Edgy already. mozilla-mplayer from multiverse (or something like that) is working quite nicely for me.

RAR - installs non-free rar tools
* the free version of rar doesn't even support listing the content of an archiveACE - installs unace from universe
 * doesn't seem to integrate with file-roller, so only command-line support
 (dsilvers:is this up to file-roller or the packages to provide some descriptor?)

Repository list - this is covered by

Fonts - installs msttcorefonts (non-free), gsfonts-x11 (free, but useful?), xfonts-intl-european (free, but useful?)
 * Expect that most users benefit from msttcorefonts and the others are noise
 users on the forums install msttcorefonts a lot. I am not familiar with the other packages.
 * the installation of the ms fonts is covered by the desktop guide and we also have got a virtual "application" for it in gnome-app-install

DMA - on Breezy, this installed a hardcoded hdparm.conf. On Dapper, it does nothing
 * dsilvers: doesn't our kernel now enable DMA where it's known-safe anyway?
 * mdz: yes, that's why it does nothing
nvidia - installs non-free driver
ati - installs non-free driver
almost all users on the forums install the non-free videodrivers
I think that they want to install the latest driver mainly, since they are required by some war games
wengo - installs wengophone (free SIP phone universe)
 * How does it compare to ekiga?
 * i use ekiga on a daily basis. it works quite well on i386 but often crashes on powerpc
skype - installs non-free package
ekiga has actually gotten a lot better (at least with sip it seems) than when I've
used it in the past as gnomemeeting.

== Automatix ==


 * No source packages in repository... (quality)
 * seems to be written in sh, though _i386, _amd64 and _powerpc debs are distributed?
 * the german version has some serious issues currently: removes its own files instead of using the packaging system. uses apt-get --force and --assume-yes

Acrobat reader - installs non-free package (does anyone actually use it?)
 * Yes, we install it on our machines, researchers seem to find pdfs that
   do not display under free pdf readers all the time, however I've
   not yet unleashed evince/dapper on them. acroread also does a better job
   with high-vector documents, like systemwide bus maps. It shows the drawing
   in progress and does not render the entire page if only a zoomed in section
   is in view.IMHO most users like evince. Yes, evince is very good, its just
   not perfect. :) :-P (fun fact: The published ubuntu books available in PDF
   format are not viewable by evince)
AMSN - installs package from universe (how does this compare to gaim?)
amsn is nice and pretty for ex-msn users but it can't handle other protocols.(It does support webcam but I don't know how well)
aMule - installs package from universe Let's not install this one it almost has no legal use.
rar, unrar, ace - same as for EasyUbuntu
DVD - same as for EasyUbuntu
avidemux - installs package from universe; I've used this before and found it to be rather primitive (mdz)
backup and restore - installs sbackup from universe
 * is meant as a better solution
bittorrent - installs bittornado and azureus from universe both?seems overkill. also the default bittorrent that comes with Dapper has a far easier GUI so it's more useful for new users
 * doesn't install the GUI for bittornado; what's the point?
   * Umm, don't we have gnome-bittorrent anyway? (dsilvers)
 * does azureus work with free Java?yeah. (on a side note the current azureus has a bug -> most/all? users can't hide/close warning messages)
   * it does work, not fully functional - may have changed with beta azureus?
 * azureus would be a good option for advanced users (sdier)I agree. Definetely not suited for the new user / average desktop user.
boot-up manager - installs bum from universe
   * Will this remain relevant with the hardware-based-boot idea? (dsilvers)
checkgmail - installs checkgmail (universe) by downloading hardcoded .debs from Debian
ctrl-alt-del - configures GNOME shortcut for ctrl-alt-del to launch gnome-system-monitor (similar to Windows)
 * gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete" && gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"
DCPP - installs linuxdcpp (P2P client) by untarring in /opt
Debian Menu - enables the Debian menu
 * we don't want this; packages should provide XDG .desktop files instead
DVD ripper - installs dvdrip (command-line program) from multiverse
Eject CD - disables tray locking on CD-ROM drive
 * We do better than this in Dapper; HAL sends a signal and the device is unmounted cleanly
GAIM beta - adds a source to get beta GAIM .debs
 * for use as a msn replacement, more usable than gaim1.5 (offical MSN client has increased functionality)
Firefox 1.5 plugins - installs Sun Java, Flash, msttcorefonts(?), mozilla-acroread, mozilla-mplayer
Frostwire - yet another P2P, installed by downloading third party .deb
gdesklets - installs gdesklets gdesklets-data from universe
gftp - installs gftp from universe
gnomebaker - installs gnomebaker from universe
 * comparison with Nautilus/Serpentine?

wifi-setup: installs ndiiswrapper and network-manager-gnome
gnomeppp: installs gnomeppp
listen media manager - installs third party deb of Listen
MS ttf - installs msttcorefonts
media players - installs totem-xine vlc vlc-plugin-arts wxvlc beep-media-player vlc-plugin-esd and inexplicably hardcoded dependencies(?) from universe/multiverse, downloads third-party realplayer .deb and bmp bocklet
 - open a root terminal in the correct direcotry
 - open the selected file in gedit as user root
 - start the gnome-search-tool with the current path

== Ubuntu Guide ==

 * Repositories -- as before, enables universe and plf(on a side note cipherphunk which is not installed by unbuntuguide has w32codecs AFAIK)
Herein we describe a plan to make it easier for users to perform many common customizations, in clean and supportable ways.

=== Enabling universe/multiverse ===

This is covered by a separate specification:

=== Bundling ===

 * Create a meta-package in multiverse for the most common multiverse packages and register it with gnome-app-install
  * flashplugin-nonfree
  * sun-java1.5-jre
  * gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
  * gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
  * msttcorefonts

=== Video ===

 * NVIDIA drivers
  * Improve package to automatically enable the driver when it is installed
  * Add .desktop file to `gnome-app-install`
 * FGLRX (ATI's proprietary driver)
  * Improve package to automatically enable the driver when it is installed
  * Add .desktop file to `gnome-app-install`

 * Reconfiguration of
  * Automatically cope with hardware changes (no spec yet)
  * Should implement a better way to recover from incorrect autodetection ( should solve most problems)

=== Audio ===

 * Midi
  * Add an icon in gnome-app-install which installs timidity

 * Listen media manager
  * Get package into universe (contact maintainer)
 * totem-xine
  * Consider putting totem-xine in g-a-i (where currently only totem-gstreamer is)

 * bmp-docklet
  * Get package into universe (currently at

=== Bittorrent and P2P clients ===

 * Azureus
  * Confirm functionality with free Java
  * If it works well with free Java, propose for main
  * some bugs : , people on the forums recommend running CVS version so probably upstream fixes most (all?) bugs.

 * Frostwire (P2P client)
  * Package for universe and ensure registration in g-a-i

=== Browser-related ===

 * Swiftfox Browser
  * Given compelling benchmarks, we would consider building our firefox for 686 instead

 * Firefox 1.5 plugins
  * mozilla-acroread and mozilla-mplayer should be added to g-a-i as easily findable plugins.

 * Sun Java
  * Sun java in the g-a-i only installs sun-java5-bin and not the (browser) plugin, which is only Suggested. Upgrade to Recommends.
  * JSS libraries are needed to allow user certificates (and digital signatures) to work with firefox (allowing e-government processes). Bring packages from Guadalinex into Ubuntu.

 * msttcorefonts (Microsoft Core Fonts such as Times New Roman and Arial)
  * Description in gnome-app-install should be clarified (says "TrueType core fonts")

=== Network ===

 * wifi-setup
  * ndis-gtk should be added to g-a-i

 * Gnome PPP
  * JeffWaugh to check back in the archives about why gnome-ppp wasn't included in GNOME upstream

=== Desktop ===

 * Control+Alt+Delete
  * Create Gnome shortcut preferences to allow user to define this themselves.
  * Could be used as shortcut for System Monitor or the Logout Dialog
  * JeffWaugh to discuss with GNOME upstream

 * nautilus-scripts
  * nautilus-actions should be aded g-a-i

 * Winpopup (linpopup)
  * should have a .desktop file added to the package, will appear in g-a-i

=== Commercial ===

The following applications should be added to the commercial repository.

 * Opera
 * Skype
 * Realplayer

=== Pre-release software ===

 * Propose seb128's gaim and rhythmbox pre-releases to the backports team for inclusion in -backports

=== Locating Packages ===

 * Planned enhancements to gnome-app-install will make it easier to find many of these packages, as the most popular applications in its list will be sorted to the top (based on popcon data):
 * g-a-i relies on good keywords in package descriptions. Some suggestions:
  * mp3, dvd (bring up gstreamer extra plugins)
  * flash (bring up flash plugin)
  * real (bringing up real player plugin)
  * acrobat (bringing up acrobat reader + firefox plugin)
  * ...


== Future Work ==

GNOME should provide a keyboard preference to enable numlock on login.

We should study user behaviour to see what keywords they are using to find applications, and improve package descriptions so that they are easier to find in gnome-app-install.

We should look at this alternative Wine package (maintained at and see what differs from ours in universe.

RoaldHopman : is just a redirect and not the official domainname. is the official domainname. (I got a PM of forum user Peetke from lowvoice and budgetdedicated) winehq also refers to budgetdedicated here :

The only significant difference between boot-up manager and services-admin seems to be that boot-up manager allows control of more init scripts. Suggest to upstream that an expert option be added to display a full list of services for power users

== Analysis of community scripts and how-tos ==

=== EasyUbuntu ===
Easy Ubuntu is a community script, maintained at
It uses a GUI to allow the user to choose to do the following:

 * Swapping totem-xine for totem-gstreamer
  * we believe this is now obsolete; totem-gstreamer should work as well and is more flexible
 * Freecodes
  * installs multimedia codecs
  * covered by the EasyCodecInstallation spec
 * libdvdcss
  * installs libdvdcss package
  * cannot be adopted. See explanation below.
 * midi
  * installs timidity, timidity-interfaces-extra and freepats: midi playback in the desktop still doesn't seem to work, but selecting a midi file in firefox will launch timidity in the background (Soren: i think there's some sort of integration between alsa and timidity available that emulates a midi playback device which in turn sends the midi stream to timidity.) dsilvers: Indeed there is, and it's documented in the timididy README.Debian so it needs to be made easier(default when there's no hardware midi device available?) perhaps?
  * too large to include on the CD
  * timidity already depends on freepats
 * Flash
  * We already have flashplugin-nonfree -- do we need more?
  * already in Gnome Application Installer (g-a-i)
  * gnash is supposedly getting better support for newer SWF features -- may be useful for amd64 systems in the future

 * Java
  * Installs non-free Java
  * Is there a suitable free implementation?
  * We ship free java in main, but it isn't generally useful for running popular apps
   * This is changing, many apps are working just nicely with open source Java and people don't even notice they're running open source Java. People are mostly wanting the web browser plugin, which has been lacking (gcjwebplugin) - gcjwebplugin is now integrated into Classpath CVS, and next Classpath release will include a much improved Java plugin. It could be considered for including in main for Edgy, or Edgy+1. If it works well enough, and the security issues are solved (currently a pop up windows asking if the user wants to trust the applet, which is already an improvement), it would divert people to use free software instead of installing non-free Sun Java.

 * Videos -- embedded into web pages
  * installs totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin and kaffeine-mozilla
  * totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin has proven unstable in the past, but is under consideration for Edgy already
  * mozilla-mplayer from multiverse (or something like that) is working quite nicely for some

 * RAR (support for proprietary file compression format)
  * installs non-free rar tools

 * ACE (support for proprietary file compression format)
  * the free version of rar doesn't even support listing the content of an archiveACE - installs unace from universe
  * file-roller doesn't seem to integrate with it, so only command-line support

 * Repository list
  * this is covered by

 * Fonts
  * installs msttcorefonts (non-free), gsfonts-x11 (free, but useful?), xfonts-intl-european (free, but useful?)
  * Expect that most users benefit from msttcorefonts and the others are noise.
   * Reportedly gsfonts-x11 helps with non-free Flash, but I don't use it so not sure.
  * the installation of the ms fonts is covered by the desktop guide and we also have got a virtual "application" for it in gnome-app-install

 * DMA - on Breezy, this installed a hardcoded hdparm.conf. On Dapper, it does nothing
  * The Dapper kernel now enables DMA where it is known-safe

 * nvidia video drivers
  * installs non-free driver and correctly enables

 * ati video drives
  * installs non-free driver, doesn't seem to enable

 * wengo (free SIP phone)
  * installs package from Universe
  * in gnome-app-install for those who want it
  * with Wengo 2.0 we could consider this "GPL'd Skype-killer" even for default installation - it's instant messenger like, instead of a "teleconference system" like Ekiga

 * skype - installs non-free package
  * Investigate adding skype to gnome-app-install

=== Automatix ===
Automatix is a community script, maintained at It does not seem to have source packages in repository, and is written in sh. The german version (not officially supported by the Automatix team) has some serious issues currently: removes its own files instead of using the packaging system. uses apt-get --force and --assume-yes

It install most of the packages that EasyUbuntu offers as well as the following:

 * Acrobat reader (proprietary .pdf-reader which can be used with Firefox plugin (see below))
  * installs non-free package
  * Is available in gnome-app-install

 * AMSN (a F/OSS chat program that copies the look and feel of MSN Messenger, for those users who are used to that)
  * installs package from universe
  * Is available in gnome-app-install

 * aMule (P2P application)
  * installs package from universe
  * Is available in gnome-app-install

 * avidemux
  * installs package from universe
  * Is available in gnome-app-install

 * backup and restore
  * installs sbackup from universe
  * is meant as a better solution

 * bittorrent clients
  * installs bittornado and azureus from universe
  * The default bittorrent that comes with Dapper has a far easier GUI so it's more useful for new users
  * azureus is in gnome-app-install
  * doesn't install the GUI for bittornado; what's the point?

 * boot-up manager
  * installs bum [] from universe
  * perl-gtk application to enable/disable services
  * We ship services-admin already, which provides a simpler interface

 * checkgmail (system tray application which notifies of new mail in gmail)
  * installs checkgmail by downloading hardcoded .debs from Debian (which will be synced to Ubuntu when syncing starts for Edgy...)
  * we already have gmail-notify and kcheckgmail in universe

 * ctrl-alt-del
  * configures GNOME shortcut for ctrl-alt-del to launch gnome-system-monitor (similar to Windows)
  * gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete" && gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"
  * This key-combination does nothing by default; why not this?
  * Maybe more appropriate to open the logout dialog?

 * DCPP (P2P client) maintained at
  * installs linuxdcpp by untarring in /opt
  * Is already in universe
  * Has been failing to build for some time, but may be trivially fixable (missing build-dep)
  * Has a .desktop file, should appear in g-a-i

 * Debian Menu
  * enables the Debian menu
  * we don't want this; packages should provide XDG .desktop files instead

 * DVD ripper
  * installs dvdrip (command-line program) from multiverse

 * Eject CD
  * disables tray locking on CD-ROM drive
  * We do better than this in Dapper; HAL sends a signal and the device is unmounted cleanly

 * GAIM beta
  * adds a source to get beta GAIM .debs
  * for use as a msn replacement, more usable than gaim1.5 (offical MSN client has increased functionality)

 * Firefox 1.5 plugins
  * installs Sun Java, Flash, msttcorefonts(?), mozilla-acroread, mozilla-mplayer
  * Sun Java, Flash and msttcorefonts are already in g-a-i
  * mozilla-acroread and mozilla-mplayer should be added

 * Frostwire (P2P client)
  * installed by downloading third party .deb
  * GPL

 * gdesklets (desktop applets for GNOME)
  * installs gdesklets gdesklets-data from universe
  * gdesklets depends on gdesklets-data
  * available in gnome-app-install for those who want it

 * gftp
  * installs gftp from universe, which installs gftp-gtk and gftp-text
  * gftp-gtk is in main and available in gnome-app-install

 * gnomebaker
  * installs gnomebaker from universe
  * is available in gnome-app-install
  * how does this compare to Nautilus/Serpentine?

 * wifi-setup
  * installs ndiswrapper, ndis-gtk and network-manager-gnome
  * ndiswrapper is just a command line app
  * ndis-gtk integration could be included it in g-a-i or by default
  * network-manager-gnome is in gnome-app-install
  * a spec about wireless client :

 * gnomeppp
  * installs gnomeppp

 * listen media manager (
  * installs third party deb of Listen

 * media players
  * package realplayer in commercial
  * totem-xine is not in g-a-i (totem-gstreamer is)
  * vlc is in g-a-i
  * beep-media-player is in g-a-i

 * nautilus-scripts
  * opens a root terminal in the correct directory
  * opens the selected file in gedit as user root
  * starts the gnome-search-tool with the current path

 * Numlock ON
  * installs numlockx from universe
  * replaces /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default with a version that runs numlockx
  * should really be part of gnome, in keyboard preferences or something

 * Opera Browser
  * Installs the Sun JRE and other dependencies of Opera
  * Installs a third-party xlibs .deb(!)
  * Adds the Opera .deb repository to sources.list
  * Installs the opera .deb
  * Installs a custom .desktop file
  * Opera should go in the commercial repo (that will handle all dependencies)

 * Programming tools
  * Installs anjuta, bluefish, screem and nvu from universe
  * all of these are in g-a-i

 * Rhythmbox
  * Downloads a pre-release rhythmbox .deb from and installs it

 * Ripper and Tuner
  * Installs streamripper, streamtuner, xmms from universe
  * streamripper: command line tool
  * streamtuner is in g-a-i
  * xmms is in g-a-i

 * Sun Java 1.5 JRE
  * Installs sun-java5-jre from multiverse
  * is in g-a-i

 * Sun Java 1.5 SDK
  * Installs sun-java5-sdk from multiverse
  * is in g-a-i

 * Swiftfox Browser
  * Installs swiftfox (, a binary firefox build) from a tarball
  * given compelling benchmarks, we would consider building our firefox for 686 instead

 * Swiftfox plugins
  * Installs sun-java5-plugin msttcorefonts acroread mozilla-acroread mplayer-386 mplayer-fonts mozilla-mplayer from multiverse
  * Clobbers totem firefox plugin if it is installed
  * Cannot be included in Ubuntu - see explanation below.

 * Thunderbird 1.5
  * Installs mozilla-thunderbird from main
  * in g-a-i

 * Wine
  * Adds repository to sources.list and installs wine package from there
  * Ubuntu a version of Wine in g-a-i

 * XChat
  * Installs xchat, xchat-systray from universe
  * xchat-gnome is rumoured to do what xchat-systray does

 * NVIDIA Cards
  * If a PCI device in a hardcoded list is present:
  * Installs nvidia-glx and l-r-m
  * Runs nvidia-xconfig (which is the wrong thing to do)
  * nvidia-glx should automagically configure itself upon installation

 * Laptop-wifi
  * Installs ndisgtk (a GTK configuration thing for ndiswrapper)
  * Installs network-manager-{gnome,kde} depending on which env you're in when running it.
  * as above

=== PLF Repositoty ===
A community repository that offers various controversial packages. Maintained at,

Contains the following:

 * "free" component
  * deCSS
 * "non-free" component
  * realplayer
  * w32codecs

Ubuntu cannot include any of this for copyright reasons (not patents). For further explanation, see below.

=== Multimedia howto on ubuntuforums by ubuntu_demon ===
howto found at

Contains instructions on how to install codecs, Java and Flash from multiverse, universe and cipherfunk repositories. Again, Ubuntu cannot include the codecs, Java and Flash is discussed above.

=== Ubuntu Guide ===
Another community how-to. Offers instructions on how to enable universe and plf repositories and on how to install many of the above packages as well as the following:
Line 141: Line 466:
   - Download and unpack a tarball directly to /usr/bin
   - chown and chmod it
   - run it.
   - Seems to recommend running gnome-clipboard-daemon in a crontabb @reboot rule
  Surely we can do better?
 * J2SE+firefox plugin
   - Installs sun-java5-jre from the plf repository
 * Flash
   - Installs flashplugin-nonfree from ubuntu
 * Acroread
   - Installs non-free acrobat packages including a mozilla plugin
 * Download manager for X
   - Installs d4x from universe
 * gFTP
   - Again from universe
 * DC++
   - Download and untar a built tree into /opt
   - manually create a .desktop in the /usr/share/applications tree
 * Azureus
   - Having done J2SE as above, download and unpack tar into /opt
   - manually create a .desktop in /usr/share/applications
 * P2P emule client
   - Installs amule from universe
 * Gnutella client (FrostWire)
   - Download and install deb from ~stubby on a bizarre random host
 * Skype
   - Add the skype repository to sources.list
   - Install the skype deb
  * Download and unpack a tarball from directly to /usr/bin
  * chown and chmod it
  * run it.
  * Seems to recommend running gnome-clipboard-daemon in a crontab @reboot rule(?!)
  * gnome includes a partial fix for this stuff, JeffWaugh will link to upstream discussion about this
Line 170: Line 473:
   - Install linpopup from universe
   - Manually create a .desktop in /usr/share/applications
  * Install linpopup from universe
  * Manually create a .desktop in /usr/share/applications
Line 173: Line 477:
   - installs all the gstreamer plugin packages from Ubuntu   * installs all the gstreamer plugin packages from Ubuntu
  * these are in g-a-i
Line 175: Line 481:
   - install libdvdread3 from main
   - Run the
   - Install totem-xine
  * install libdvdread3 from main
  * Run the
  * Install totem-xine
Line 179: Line 486:
   - installs xine-ui from universe
   - Bodges the autoplay_dvd_command to run xine
   - Futzes the default app from totem to xine in /usr/share/applications

IMHO all average desktop users benefit by having universe and multiverse enabled by default. But this is not useful for corporate use. as long as the ui continues to indicate main vs. universe/multiverse
when installing packages through synaptic/smart/etc in the future. I agree. also in enterprise
use if the selection packages is centrally deployed they can take care to avoid
universe when necessary. We still install lots of universe packages at umn.
  * installs xine-ui from universe
  * Bodges the autoplay_dvd_command to run xine
  * Futzes the default app from totem to xine in /usr/share/applications

=== Joe Brockmeier's 10 Ubuntu tips ===
Another community guide. Contains instructions to:

 1. Getting multimedia to work
  * Should be adequately addressed above
 2. Changing the default editor from nano to vim
  * nano is very annoying/limited for more expert users that would like vim instead; for example, if in less you press 'v' it starts nano by default in Ubuntu, which is an Ubuntu-specific feature (of course, it's good for newbies)
 3. How to install packages
  * Suggests Synaptic and Adept -- but not gnome-app-install?
 4. Sudo and gksudo
  * Documentation issue, covered by existing docs
 5. Add users to sudo
  * A documentation issue - covered in the Ubuntu Desktop Guide?
 6. Adding a new desktop
  * Introduction to -desktop metapackages; not necessarily a good idea for most users
 7. How to reconfigure
  * We don't cope automatically with hardware changes yet
 8. How to configure autologin
  * A documentation issue - covered in the Ubuntu Desktop Guide?
 9. Compiling from source
  * gcc and build-essential -- mdz supports installing these by default
  * checkinstall (not recommended for quality reasons)
 10. Installing an optimized kernel
  * Done automatically on the DVD
  * No space for it on the CD
  * RoaldHopman : Can't this be installed (automatically) from ubuntu repositories if internet is available ?

== random mutterings from Gobby ==
Line 196: Line 527:
I know I'm jumping in late, but what about VLC?

I always advice people to install mplayer,totem-gstreamer xine-ui/gxine and vlc (and a bunch of codecs). That way there's (almost?)always a player which works (except for wmv10)
and real play video
you need realplayer for that yeah. But IMHO most users don't need it ;)
Try to listen to lugradio then ;)
doesnt it have an ogg podcast ?
should have, but sometimes mirrors are not available
Anyway, I'm quite happy with the bunch I have.

I have written a multimedia guide on the forums. It's in the howto section. It's intended for gnome.My nick is ubuntu_demon

What's happening wrt midi?
probally use timidity with a default patch set?

extra artwork
 * gnome-themes-extras nice :)
 * ubuntu-calendar AFAIK it doesn't get used very much by users but it can't hurt :)
Line 225: Line 536:
Please consider EthicalInfo when enabling all this dubious software to our beloved users. Yes, add Skype to the Commercial repos, but please add a warning that the user will be subject to proprietary lock-in, and potential snooping and loss of privacy. JackWasey
 * Seconded. As Ubuntu promotes free software, it would be useful to actually tell, why. The texts in gnome-app-install could be improved.

== Comments ==

RoaldHopman : There is some good stuff on Some if it might be useful for the average desktop user, in particular the multimedia section right here :

RoaldHopman : Maybe we can include google earth into g-a-i ? Here's a popular howto on the forums :

RoaldHopman : Here's another initiative like automatix. It's called BUMPS. I think we've covered the most important packages it installs. But it does install some packages which we haven't covered. Here's the forum section :

RoaldHopman : If we know which non-official repositories are liked by the users we have "some" idea about which kind of packages are liked. Here's a poll called "What are your favorite non-official repositories for Dapper?"

RoaldHopman : CommonCustomizations - feedback request :


With the many community customization scripts floating around, it is relevant to provide relevant information about the status of integrating the changes these scripts provide in Ubuntu. This page seeks to

  • Examine these resources and document their effect on the system
  • Provide a list of suggested improvements inspired by these resources that may make them unnecessary in the future.
  • Give instructions on how to avoid questionable solutions and help work toward implementing official solutions instead
  • Give an explanation of why there are some packages that Ubuntu cannot or will not adopt

This page is a result of BOF sessions held at the Ubuntu Developer Summit, held in June 2006 in Parisj.



Why scripts are problematic

Contributed scripts like this do not provide the best user experience possible. They:

  • often require command-line interaction
  • do not receive review or QA from the Ubuntu development team, and as a result sometimes implement incorrect solutions which cause immediate or eventual problems for the end user
  • are not authenticated, so downloading and running them presents a security risk

A better solution

Applications->Add/Remove is the recommended way to install applications in Ubuntu. Users who are looking for software should start there, and users offering support should recommend it to those who are looking for help. It provides a very simple and fast way to find packages.

We would like for the user community to provide structured, constructive feedback to the development team. When a situation arises where many users wish to customize their systems in a certain way, a representative should contact the development team to discuss a solution.

BR Anchor

Why Ubuntu does not adopt certain packages

Proprietary software

Ubuntu is committed to producing a free software system. More information about this philosophy can be found on the Philosophy page of the Ubuntu website:

Software packages such as Macromedia Flash and Sun Java, while able to be redistributed, are not free software, and so will not be included in a default Ubuntu installation. We make these programs available on the network for users who wish to use them, and Ubuntu derivatives may choose to include them by default in their distributions.

Patent-encumbered software

Some free software includes technology which may be covered by patents, which can be a problem for users in many countries. Additional details can be found on RestrictedFormats.

Non-redistributable software

A package such as w32codecs containing the proprietary Windows multimedia codecs can only be used legally by users who also have purchased a Windows license which allows the use of these codecs. Therefore Ubuntu cannot ship or hold such a package in its repositories.

Similar issues apply to some firmware used by (for example) network drivers.

BR BR Anchor(implementation)


Herein we describe a plan to make it easier for users to perform many common customizations, in clean and supportable ways.

Enabling universe/multiverse

This is covered by a separate specification:


  • Create a meta-package in multiverse for the most common multiverse packages and register it with gnome-app-install
    • flashplugin-nonfree
    • sun-java1.5-jre
    • gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
    • gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
    • msttcorefonts


  • NVIDIA drivers
    • Improve package to automatically enable the driver when it is installed
    • Add .desktop file to gnome-app-install

  • FGLRX (ATI's proprietary driver)
    • Improve package to automatically enable the driver when it is installed
    • Add .desktop file to gnome-app-install

  • Reconfiguration of


  • Midi
    • Add an icon in gnome-app-install which installs timidity
  • Listen media manager
    • Get package into universe (contact maintainer)
  • totem-xine
    • Consider putting totem-xine in g-a-i (where currently only totem-gstreamer is)
  • bmp-docklet

Bittorrent and P2P clients

  • Azureus
  • Frostwire (P2P client)
    • Package for universe and ensure registration in g-a-i

  • Swiftfox Browser
    • Given compelling benchmarks, we would consider building our firefox for 686 instead
  • Firefox 1.5 plugins
    • mozilla-acroread and mozilla-mplayer should be added to g-a-i as easily findable plugins.
  • Sun Java
    • Sun java in the g-a-i only installs sun-java5-bin and not the (browser) plugin, which is only Suggested. Upgrade to Recommends.
    • JSS libraries are needed to allow user certificates (and digital signatures) to work with firefox (allowing e-government processes). Bring packages from Guadalinex into Ubuntu.
  • msttcorefonts (Microsoft Core Fonts such as Times New Roman and Arial)
    • Description in gnome-app-install should be clarified (says "TrueType core fonts")


  • wifi-setup
    • ndis-gtk should be added to g-a-i
  • Gnome PPP
    • JeffWaugh to check back in the archives about why gnome-ppp wasn't included in GNOME upstream


  • Control+Alt+Delete
    • Create Gnome shortcut preferences to allow user to define this themselves.
    • Could be used as shortcut for System Monitor or the Logout Dialog
    • JeffWaugh to discuss with GNOME upstream

  • nautilus-scripts
    • nautilus-actions should be aded g-a-i
  • Winpopup (linpopup)
    • should have a .desktop file added to the package, will appear in g-a-i


The following applications should be added to the commercial repository.

  • Opera
  • Skype
  • Realplayer

Pre-release software

  • Propose seb128's gaim and rhythmbox pre-releases to the backports team for inclusion in -backports

Locating Packages

  • Planned enhancements to gnome-app-install will make it easier to find many of these packages, as the most popular applications in its list will be sorted to the top (based on popcon data):

  • g-a-i relies on good keywords in package descriptions. Some suggestions:
    • mp3, dvd (bring up gstreamer extra plugins)
    • flash (bring up flash plugin)
    • real (bringing up real player plugin)
    • acrobat (bringing up acrobat reader + firefox plugin)
    • ...


Future Work

GNOME should provide a keyboard preference to enable numlock on login.

We should study user behaviour to see what keywords they are using to find applications, and improve package descriptions so that they are easier to find in gnome-app-install.

We should look at this alternative Wine package (maintained at and see what differs from ours in universe.

RoaldHopman : is just a redirect and not the official domainname. is the official domainname. (I got a PM of forum user Peetke from lowvoice and budgetdedicated) winehq also refers to budgetdedicated here :

The only significant difference between boot-up manager and services-admin seems to be that boot-up manager allows control of more init scripts. Suggest to upstream that an expert option be added to display a full list of services for power users

BR Anchor(dissection)

Analysis of community scripts and how-tos


Easy Ubuntu is a community script, maintained at It uses a GUI to allow the user to choose to do the following:

  • Swapping totem-xine for totem-gstreamer
    • we believe this is now obsolete; totem-gstreamer should work as well and is more flexible
  • Freecodes
  • libdvdcss
    • installs libdvdcss package
    • cannot be adopted. See explanation below.
  • midi
    • installs timidity, timidity-interfaces-extra and freepats: midi playback in the desktop still doesn't seem to work, but selecting a midi file in firefox will launch timidity in the background (Soren: i think there's some sort of integration between alsa and timidity available that emulates a midi playback device which in turn sends the midi stream to timidity.) dsilvers: Indeed there is, and it's documented in the timididy README.Debian so it needs to be made easier(default when there's no hardware midi device available?) perhaps?
    • too large to include on the CD
    • timidity already depends on freepats
  • Flash
    • We already have flashplugin-nonfree -- do we need more?
    • already in Gnome Application Installer (g-a-i)
    • gnash is supposedly getting better support for newer SWF features -- may be useful for amd64 systems in the future
  • Java
    • Installs non-free Java
    • Is there a suitable free implementation?
    • We ship free java in main, but it isn't generally useful for running popular apps
      • This is changing, many apps are working just nicely with open source Java and people don't even notice they're running open source Java. People are mostly wanting the web browser plugin, which has been lacking (gcjwebplugin) - gcjwebplugin is now integrated into Classpath CVS, and next Classpath release will include a much improved Java plugin. It could be considered for including in main for Edgy, or Edgy+1. If it works well enough, and the security issues are solved (currently a pop up windows asking if the user wants to trust the applet, which is already an improvement), it would divert people to use free software instead of installing non-free Sun Java.
  • Videos -- embedded into web pages
    • installs totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin and kaffeine-mozilla
    • totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin has proven unstable in the past, but is under consideration for Edgy already
    • mozilla-mplayer from multiverse (or something like that) is working quite nicely for some
  • RAR (support for proprietary file compression format)
    • installs non-free rar tools
  • ACE (support for proprietary file compression format)
    • the free version of rar doesn't even support listing the content of an archiveACE - installs unace from universe
    • file-roller doesn't seem to integrate with it, so only command-line support
  • Repository list
  • Fonts
    • installs msttcorefonts (non-free), gsfonts-x11 (free, but useful?), xfonts-intl-european (free, but useful?)
    • Expect that most users benefit from msttcorefonts and the others are noise.
      • Reportedly gsfonts-x11 helps with non-free Flash, but I don't use it so not sure.
    • the installation of the ms fonts is covered by the desktop guide and we also have got a virtual "application" for it in gnome-app-install
  • DMA - on Breezy, this installed a hardcoded hdparm.conf. On Dapper, it does nothing
    • The Dapper kernel now enables DMA where it is known-safe
  • nvidia video drivers
    • installs non-free driver and correctly enables
  • ati video drives
    • installs non-free driver, doesn't seem to enable
  • wengo (free SIP phone)
    • installs package from Universe
    • in gnome-app-install for those who want it
    • with Wengo 2.0 we could consider this "GPL'd Skype-killer" even for default installation - it's instant messenger like, instead of a "teleconference system" like Ekiga
  • skype - installs non-free package
    • Investigate adding skype to gnome-app-install


Automatix is a community script, maintained at It does not seem to have source packages in repository, and is written in sh. The german version (not officially supported by the Automatix team) has some serious issues currently: removes its own files instead of using the packaging system. uses apt-get --force and --assume-yes

It install most of the packages that EasyUbuntu offers as well as the following:

  • Acrobat reader (proprietary .pdf-reader which can be used with Firefox plugin (see below))
    • installs non-free package
    • Is available in gnome-app-install
  • AMSN (a F/OSS chat program that copies the look and feel of MSN Messenger, for those users who are used to that)
    • installs package from universe
    • Is available in gnome-app-install
  • aMule (P2P application)
    • installs package from universe
    • Is available in gnome-app-install
  • avidemux
    • installs package from universe
    • Is available in gnome-app-install
  • backup and restore
  • bittorrent clients
    • installs bittornado and azureus from universe
    • The default bittorrent that comes with Dapper has a far easier GUI so it's more useful for new users
    • azureus is in gnome-app-install
    • doesn't install the GUI for bittornado; what's the point?
  • boot-up manager
  • checkgmail (system tray application which notifies of new mail in gmail)
    • installs checkgmail by downloading hardcoded .debs from Debian (which will be synced to Ubuntu when syncing starts for Edgy...)
    • we already have gmail-notify and kcheckgmail in universe
  • ctrl-alt-del
    • configures GNOME shortcut for ctrl-alt-del to launch gnome-system-monitor (similar to Windows)
    • gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete" && gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"

    • This key-combination does nothing by default; why not this?
    • Maybe more appropriate to open the logout dialog?
  • DCPP (P2P client) maintained at

  • Debian Menu
    • enables the Debian menu
    • we don't want this; packages should provide XDG .desktop files instead
  • DVD ripper
    • installs dvdrip (command-line program) from multiverse
  • Eject CD
    • disables tray locking on CD-ROM drive
    • We do better than this in Dapper; HAL sends a signal and the device is unmounted cleanly
  • GAIM beta
    • adds a source to get beta GAIM .debs
    • for use as a msn replacement, more usable than gaim1.5 (offical MSN client has increased functionality)
  • Firefox 1.5 plugins
    • installs Sun Java, Flash, msttcorefonts(?), mozilla-acroread, mozilla-mplayer
    • Sun Java, Flash and msttcorefonts are already in g-a-i
    • mozilla-acroread and mozilla-mplayer should be added
  • Frostwire (P2P client)
    • installed by downloading third party .deb
    • GPL
  • gdesklets (desktop applets for GNOME)
    • installs gdesklets gdesklets-data from universe
    • gdesklets depends on gdesklets-data
    • available in gnome-app-install for those who want it
  • gftp
    • installs gftp from universe, which installs gftp-gtk and gftp-text
    • gftp-gtk is in main and available in gnome-app-install
  • gnomebaker
    • installs gnomebaker from universe
    • is available in gnome-app-install
    • how does this compare to Nautilus/Serpentine?
  • wifi-setup
  • gnomeppp
    • installs gnomeppp
  • listen media manager (

    • installs third party deb of Listen
  • media players
    • package realplayer in commercial
    • totem-xine is not in g-a-i (totem-gstreamer is)
    • vlc is in g-a-i
    • beep-media-player is in g-a-i
  • nautilus-scripts
    • opens a root terminal in the correct directory
    • opens the selected file in gedit as user root
    • starts the gnome-search-tool with the current path
  • Numlock ON
    • installs numlockx from universe
    • replaces /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default with a version that runs numlockx
    • should really be part of gnome, in keyboard preferences or something
  • Opera Browser
    • Installs the Sun JRE and other dependencies of Opera
    • Installs a third-party xlibs .deb(!)
    • Adds the Opera .deb repository to sources.list
    • Installs the opera .deb
    • Installs a custom .desktop file
    • Opera should go in the commercial repo (that will handle all dependencies)
  • Programming tools
    • Installs anjuta, bluefish, screem and nvu from universe
    • all of these are in g-a-i
  • Rhythmbox
    • Downloads a pre-release rhythmbox .deb from and installs it
  • Ripper and Tuner
    • Installs streamripper, streamtuner, xmms from universe
    • streamripper: command line tool
    • streamtuner is in g-a-i
    • xmms is in g-a-i
  • Sun Java 1.5 JRE
    • Installs sun-java5-jre from multiverse
    • is in g-a-i
  • Sun Java 1.5 SDK
    • Installs sun-java5-sdk from multiverse
    • is in g-a-i
  • Swiftfox Browser
    • Installs swiftfox (, a binary firefox build) from a tarball

    • given compelling benchmarks, we would consider building our firefox for 686 instead
  • Swiftfox plugins
    • Installs sun-java5-plugin msttcorefonts acroread mozilla-acroread mplayer-386 mplayer-fonts mozilla-mplayer from multiverse
    • Clobbers totem firefox plugin if it is installed
    • Cannot be included in Ubuntu - see explanation below.
  • Thunderbird 1.5
    • Installs mozilla-thunderbird from main
    • in g-a-i
  • Wine
    • Adds repository to sources.list and installs wine package from there
    • Ubuntu a version of Wine in g-a-i
  • XChat
    • Installs xchat, xchat-systray from universe
    • xchat-gnome is rumoured to do what xchat-systray does
  • NVIDIA Cards
    • If a PCI device in a hardcoded list is present:
    • Installs nvidia-glx and l-r-m
    • Runs nvidia-xconfig (which is the wrong thing to do)
    • nvidia-glx should automagically configure itself upon installation
  • Laptop-wifi
    • Installs ndisgtk (a GTK configuration thing for ndiswrapper)
    • Installs network-manager-{gnome,kde} depending on which env you're in when running it.
    • as above

PLF Repositoty

A community repository that offers various controversial packages. Maintained at,

Contains the following:

  • "free" component
    • deCSS
  • "non-free" component
    • realplayer
    • w32codecs

Ubuntu cannot include any of this for copyright reasons (not patents). For further explanation, see below.

Multimedia howto on ubuntuforums by ubuntu_demon

howto found at

Contains instructions on how to install codecs, Java and Flash from multiverse, universe and cipherfunk repositories. Again, Ubuntu cannot include the codecs, Java and Flash is discussed above.

Ubuntu Guide

Another community how-to. Offers instructions on how to enable universe and plf repositories and on how to install many of the above packages as well as the following:

  • Clipboard daemon for GNOME
  • Winpopup (linpopup)
    • Install linpopup from universe
    • Manually create a .desktop in /usr/share/applications
  • Multimedia codecs
    • installs all the gstreamer plugin packages from Ubuntu
    • these are in g-a-i
  • DVD support
    • install libdvdread3 from main
    • Run the
    • Install totem-xine
  • Multimedia player (xine-ui)
    • installs xine-ui from universe
    • Bodges the autoplay_dvd_command to run xine
    • Futzes the default app from totem to xine in /usr/share/applications

Joe Brockmeier's 10 Ubuntu tips

Another community guide. Contains instructions to:

  1. Getting multimedia to work
    • Should be adequately addressed above
  2. Changing the default editor from nano to vim
    • nano is very annoying/limited for more expert users that would like vim instead; for example, if in less you press 'v' it starts nano by default in Ubuntu, which is an Ubuntu-specific feature (of course, it's good for newbies)
  3. How to install packages
    • Suggests Synaptic and Adept -- but not gnome-app-install?
  4. Sudo and gksudo
    • Documentation issue, covered by existing docs
  5. Add users to sudo
    • A documentation issue - covered in the Ubuntu Desktop Guide?
  6. Adding a new desktop
    • Introduction to -desktop metapackages; not necessarily a good idea for most users
  7. How to reconfigure
    • We don't cope automatically with hardware changes yet
  8. How to configure autologin
    • A documentation issue - covered in the Ubuntu Desktop Guide?
  9. Compiling from source
    • gcc and build-essential -- mdz supports installing these by default
    • checkinstall (not recommended for quality reasons)
  10. Installing an optimized kernel
    • Done automatically on the DVD
    • No space for it on the CD
    • RoaldHopman : Can't this be installed (automatically) from ubuntu repositories if internet is available ?

BR Anchor

random mutterings from Gobby

needed : firefox totem plugin installed byu deault (or mplayer or something else) its nice to use totem for playback because it follows gstreamer preferences, but mplayer seems to have the highest success of playback. in my personal experiences mplayer and totem-gstreamer are almost equal .. some videos don't play using totem and other don't play using mplayer. but therefor totem-gstreamer is probably the better choice How does totem-gstreamer handle non-free win32 dlls these days -- it seemed to be difficult to configure. It does some magic with ffmpeg, I think. It seems to kind of work.. sometimes theres some package on cipherpunk .. pitfdll or something. i think it works for most wmv's except the newest ones(wmv 10 doesnt work at all AFAIK) it appears pitfdll is in dapper at least.great!

compiz/aiglx/xgl currently needs a warning

  • ((I tried it on a geforce 3 when Dapper was still in development I stopped trying after a bit of time though))
  • -forums for aiglx/xgl/compiz howtos for ubuntu (and other distros) * repositories contain cvs debs of compiz, aiglx, xgl and
    • associated xlibs, as well as patched parts of gnome to make compiz function
    • many users report sucess
  • aiglx/compiz/i810 has wacky breakages in it like password dialogs don't draw right and sustpend is broken. must make sure users understand that this has a

Please consider EthicalInfo when enabling all this dubious software to our beloved users. Yes, add Skype to the Commercial repos, but please add a warning that the user will be subject to proprietary lock-in, and potential snooping and loss of privacy. JackWasey

  • Seconded. As Ubuntu promotes free software, it would be useful to actually tell, why. The texts in gnome-app-install could be improved.


RoaldHopman : There is some good stuff on Some if it might be useful for the average desktop user, in particular the multimedia section right here :

RoaldHopman : Maybe we can include google earth into g-a-i ? Here's a popular howto on the forums :

RoaldHopman : Here's another initiative like automatix. It's called BUMPS. I think we've covered the most important packages it installs. But it does install some packages which we haven't covered. Here's the forum section :

RoaldHopman : If we know which non-official repositories are liked by the users we have "some" idea about which kind of packages are liked. Here's a poll called "What are your favorite non-official repositories for Dapper?"

RoaldHopman : CommonCustomizations - feedback request :


CommonCustomizations (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:22 by localhost)