
Differences between revisions 1560 and 1655 (spanning 95 versions)
Revision 1560 as of 2013-07-03 17:27:23
Size: 4177
Editor: lyz
Revision 1655 as of 2017-10-20 15:18:32
Size: 90
Comment: Redirect to the new page on the Ubuntu Community Hub
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Adding Agenda Items ==

Adding agenda items is not restricted to the CC - any community member is encouraged to put an agenda item forward if they wish. You can use this page to nominate items for discussion by the Ubuntu Community Council. See the [[|Ubuntu Governance page]] and Community Council [[CommunityCouncil|wiki]] and [[|launchpad]] pages for more information.

## Please show up to the meeting if you add an agenda item though ;)

== Meeting Time ==

The CC meetings will now be regularly at:
 * 17:00 UTC, 1st Thursday of the month
 * 17:00 UTC, 3rd Thursday of the month

The next meeting is scheduled for [[|4 July 2013, 17:00 UTC]] and will be held in [[irc://|#ubuntu-meeting]] on [[MeetingLogs/CC| Past meeting logs]] are also available.

'''Hint:''' In order to get notified about next meeting's time, you can:
 * Subscribe to [[|The Fridge]] [[|calendar page]] via [[|iCal]].
 * ''Subscribe'' to this page. You will be sent E-Mails everytime the page changes showing the ''diff'' of the change. Be sure to check the '''+''''s and '''-''''s on the diff to see if the change is not a trivial one.

== General Agenda Items and Proposals ==

Please put a brief statement of the issue to be discussed here, and link to a more detailed description or summary elsewhere in the wiki. You can use the [[/talk]] page to write about issues listed below.

##|| DennisKaarsemaker || Example agenda item || * ||
|| Xubuntu & Ubuntu Studio || Check-in || 4 July 2013 ||

## If you add items to the agenda, please follow the example above
## If you put an item on the agenda, you will have to show up.
## Otherwise the item may be deleted from the agenda. Please add
## your name to items you add and invite any interested people to
## the meeting. Please don't add items to the list on the day before
## a meeting.

== Fixed Agenda Items ==

 * ''' Review actions in [[|last team report]].'''
 * Decide who will
  * '''update [[CommunityCouncil/TeamReports]]''',
  * '''update the next meeting time on the wiki''',
  * '''chair the next meeting,''',
  * '''reference meeting log at [[MeetingLogs/CC]]'''.
  * '''send next board/council we meet a reminder mail'''.

=== Team catch-up ===
We want to invite teams and boards to CC meetings to more regularly catch-up between teams. If you want your team to sign up for this, please add it to the agenda.

Things that might be interesting to talk about during these catch-ups:

 * things you're proud of,
 * reviewing team reports together,
 * outstanding things and plans for the near future,
 * things you and your team are discussing right now, want to get input on from a broader audience,
 * questions you might have.

Our current schedule:

 * 30.05.2013 Ubuntu Technical Board (./)
 * 06.06.2013 --(Edubuntu &)-- Lubuntu (./)
 * 20.06.2013 Forums & Translations team (./)
 * 04.07.2013 Xubuntu & Ubuntu Studio
 * 18.07.2013 DMB
 * 01.08.2013 IRC Council & Developer Advisory Team
 * 15.02.2013 Doc team
 * 05.09.2013 Lo``Co Council
 * 13.09.2013 Membership Board & Translations Community
 * 03.10.2013 Kubuntu

== Locoteams ==
Starting 2008-04-15, LoCoTeam approval is handled by the LoCo Council.
So please add your TeamApproval to LoCoCouncilAgenda.

== Membership candidates ==

Starting 2008-04-15, membership applications will be handled by regional teams, delegated by the Community Council, as described at StreamlineMembershipApproval. See [[Membership/RegionalBoards]].

Before applying for membership, please see [[Membership]].

== Previous meetings ==

Logs for previous meetings may be found at [[MeetingLogs/CC]].


CommunityCouncilAgenda (last edited 2017-10-20 15:18:32 by flexiondotorg)