# |
Date |
Size |
Editor |
Comment |
Action |
1405 |
2009-09-15 10:52:23 |
3648 |
to previous |
82-70-123-254 |
view |
1404 |
2009-09-10 07:32:49 |
3373 |
to previous |
89-168-39-185 |
link to spec for Wiki Licensing issue |
view |
1403 |
2009-08-24 15:34:33 |
3837 |
to previous |
eth0 |
view |
1402 |
2009-08-15 22:15:38 |
3819 |
to previous |
94 |
rm long-stand bug #375345 (Ubuntu One naming)---proponents are happy with it being closed "Won't Fix" |
view |
1401 |
2009-08-12 08:27:09 |
4007 |
to previous |
i59F73E3C |
view |
1400 |
2009-08-12 07:29:18 |
3966 |
to previous |
196-209-146-116-wblv-esr-3 |
view |
1399 |
2009-08-03 21:42:03 |
4096 |
to previous |
94 |
Update next meeting |
view |
1398 |
2009-07-21 13:31:24 |
4142 |
to previous |
94 |
Replace next meeting date (in past) with ??? ??? |
view |
1397 |
2009-07-13 11:23:44 |
4112 |
to previous |
i59F700B7 |
view |
1396 |
2009-07-08 16:20:20 |
4027 |
to previous |
i59F77A36 |
rescheduling due to Mark's and my holidays |
view |
1395 |
2009-07-08 09:30:06 |
4027 |
to previous |
i59F73E92 |
view |
1394 |
2009-07-07 21:42:04 |
4508 |
to previous |
92 |
rationale, again |
view |
1393 |
2009-07-07 21:40:16 |
4506 |
to previous |
92 |
rationale |
view |
1392 |
2009-07-07 21:36:21 |
4381 |
to previous |
92 |
||DanielHolbach || '''Code of Conduct Review''' || |
view |
1391 |
2009-07-07 21:32:25 |
4153 |
to previous |
92 |
||DanielHolbach || '''Code of Conduct Review''' || |
view |
1390 |
2009-07-07 21:10:25 |
4101 |
to previous |
92 |
Fix unneeded newline breaking table |
view |
1389 |
2009-07-07 21:08:19 |
4103 |
to previous |
92 |
||DanielHolbach || '''Restaffing CC''', mako's membership and process || |
view |
1388 |
2009-07-07 05:07:45 |
4027 |
to previous |
94 |
Bump Wiki licensing up so it doesn't get usurped by (likely length) ensuring Ubuntu One firestorm. |
view |
1387 |
2009-07-07 05:03:25 |
4029 |
to previous |
94 |
Restore overwritten ||PaulSladen || '''Ubuntu One'''. || per Mark's latest clarification. |
view |
1386 |
2009-06-30 06:41:13 |
3844 |
to previous |
89-168-42-196 |
fix whitespace table formatting issue |
view |
1385 |
2009-06-30 06:39:53 |
3846 |
to previous |
89-168-42-196 |
add item re team wiki licensing |
view |
1384 |
2009-06-28 19:34:52 |
3281 |
to previous |
chifi |
view |
1383 |
2009-06-15 10:44:58 |
3410 |
to previous |
host82-53-dynamic |
Ubuntu One note |
view |
1382 |
2009-06-11 07:12:24 |
3186 |
to previous |
i59F777A9 |
no meeting on Tue 16th June, 11:00 UTC, no quorum |
view |
1381 |
2009-06-05 19:10:28 |
3186 |
to previous |
vc-41-29-142-68 |
view |
1380 |
2009-06-05 19:09:02 |
3188 |
to previous |
vc-41-29-142-68 |
view |
1379 |
2009-06-03 00:13:08 |
3056 |
to previous |
92 |
Edit collision |
view |
1378 |
2009-06-03 00:10:38 |
3105 |
to previous |
92 |
Clean up; two rollovers |
view |
1377 |
2009-06-02 21:12:49 |
3671 |
to previous |
99-21-107-94 |
view |
1376 |
2009-06-02 19:17:16 |
3542 |
to previous |
stpete |
view |
1375 |
2009-06-02 10:19:23 |
3526 |
to previous |
i59F75EF9 |
view |
1374 |
2009-06-02 00:07:34 |
3526 |
to previous |
stpete |
view |
1373 |
2009-06-01 06:33:14 |
3538 |
to previous |
79-72-4-179 |
comments should be the /talk page |
view |
1372 |
2009-05-29 17:56:30 |
10468 |
to previous |
smurf |
it's ⇒ its; de-wikification of FoobarSync and OpenStreetmap |
view |
1371 |
2009-05-29 17:55:20 |
10403 |
to previous |
92 |
* Being seen as "officially Ubuntu" is a brand powerful that it can enabled Freeing of content during the trademark negotiations (cf. "The Official Ubuntu Book"). |
view |
1370 |
2009-05-29 17:38:57 |
10235 |
to previous |
92 |
Grammar " * Leave billing/payment to individual service providers (Waterstones)" |
view |
1369 |
2009-05-29 17:32:35 |
10216 |
to previous |
92 |
Some grammar tweaks and the really hard part: '''Naming of on-line components''' and clients: |
view |
1368 |
2009-05-29 16:56:20 |
8446 |
to previous |
92 |
Ubuntu One, personal summing up/possible overview/points for discussion. |
view |
1367 |
2009-05-27 05:57:19 |
3592 |
to previous |
80 |
view |
1366 |
2009-05-25 23:34:56 |
3660 |
to previous |
pc012856 |
Just moved Ubuntu one into table. |
view |
1365 |
2009-05-19 23:53:41 |
3722 |
to previous |
adsl-76-222-55-70 |
view |
1364 |
2009-05-19 23:52:32 |
3688 |
to previous |
adsl-76-222-55-70 |
view |
1363 |
2009-05-15 23:57:21 |
3465 |
to previous |
yttrium |
Shifted CC meeting back by a week as 2/3 of active (i.e. unexpired) CC members will be unavailable on 19th |
view |
1362 |
2009-05-13 22:00:58 |
3398 |
to previous |
83-216-156-21 |
view |
1361 |
2009-05-13 17:34:29 |
3398 |
to previous |
92 |
* Trademark issues/[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/375345 bug #375345]. This bug report suggest that the "Ubuntu" mark is being diluted by its use within the mark "Ubuntu One" (a non-op |
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1360 |
2009-05-12 17:55:40 |
3005 |
to previous |
stpete |
view |
1359 |
2009-05-12 17:06:07 |
3005 |
to previous |
stpete |
view |
1358 |
2009-05-12 16:39:16 |
3029 |
to previous |
stpete |
view |
1357 |
2009-04-21 11:20:04 |
2651 |
to previous |
i59F774C1 |
view |
1356 |
2009-04-21 09:02:56 |
2735 |
to previous |
130 |
OA's blog on planet ubuntu review |
view |