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Below are the highlights of previous meetings in reverse chronological order.


Present :

scot524, bass, dragonbite

Scribe :


Other Notes :

funny UserFriendly cartoon, forum he(bass) runs

Highlights :

In spite of over a week's worth of notice, this meeting has very light attendance but it was still productive.

It is official, we will have a regularly scheduled IRC meeting every other week on Thursday at 9:00pm with Wednesday as an alternative day (in case of holidays on Thursday, etc.).

Scot has upgraded 13 at home and 12 at work, and shared with us his wisdom gained; wait 2 weeks. They fixed some bugs in the update program. Also that Xubuntu does work very well on older hardware and Feisty is good for Wifi and power management.

We have 13 registered (with Launchpad) members of the Loco team. This will be easier to track when the mailin list gets set up. Dragonbite has been informed that there are a number of teams waiting and that the powers to be are working on it.

Talking about the MS Patent activity we enjoyed a funny UserFriendly cartoon on the subject

For Projects Scot thought, and dragonbite concurrs, that the use of sticky forum postings is a better means than the Wiki for keeping track of what's going on with any particular project.

In regards of the Outreach project, bass suggested putting CDs and flyers at school campus'. We discussed the benefits and use of beryl when demonstrating Ubuntu or providing a loander PC. Also discussed was setting up booths at trade shows and the possible issue of the cost of the endeavour but to try and focus the passed out CDs to people who may use actually try them.

We rounded out the night with providing more information about ourselves to each other. Bass talked about the forum he runs which is hand-programmed in php 5.


Present :

dragonbite, pmasiar, scot524, garlik42 joined later

Scribe :


Other Notes :

Forum post

Highlights : is good for backups - runs also from liveCD, backupr to USB. Fast and fancy, per scot free ubuntu stickers: - just send self-adressed *stamped* envelope

upgrading feisty -> gutsy: per scot: Sata -- no problem. Single IDE - no problem, Multiple IDEs -- be careful If it's a fresh install, I say go for it. Upgrading? Perhaps use clonezilla first! upgrade was worth it especially on the notebooks. Network manager works (WIFI and VPN) They ditched (at least as a default) the gnome control center. I like it and you can add it as an option under preferences. But do you know how to replace the Preferences and Admin menus with Gnome Control Center? In essence, change the system menu. I did some looking around, it's harder than it look

Scot has 10 PCs at home, maybe he grows them? Come to next meeting and ask him how!

(added by Dragonbite)


Present :

dragonbite, Garlik42

Scribe :


Other Notes :

Forum post

Highlights :

Well, I guess our first IRC meeting was at least a partial success ... Dragonbite was on time, and launched the meeting. I joined in around 8:30 and we chatted for about an hour about "stuff" Maybe the next meeting we can get a couple more people !!

ConnecticutTeam/PastMeetings/2007 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:47 by localhost)