

  • The Ubuntu Connecticut Team is a localized team to promote Ubuntu and Linux in and around the state of Connecticut, USA. If you live or have any connection to the state of Connecticut (live in, moved out of, went to school, friends or family live here, etc.) please feel free to join us in our meetings and future activities. Now is a great time to join in with the Team! Please feel free to join us on our IRC Chat meetings, posting in our Forum! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

What's New

  1. 5/23/2007 We have our mailing list! The email address is and you can join here.

  2. 5/17/2007 IRC Meetings are now Scheduled to be every other Thursday at 9:00pm
    The Projects page wiki will be used for larger project tracking, otherwise Sticky Forums will be the primary means of communication among participants.
    We are going to continue looking for Outreach opportunities including campus' and libraries.

  3. 5/9/2007 New Outreach Script page for collaborating answers to questions for when one is out on the town, at trade shows (and etc). This tool is to help provide a "pre-programmed" and consistent answer so you are not caught off guard!

  4. 5/8/2007 Links to the main related sites (Launchpad, forum, etc.) are now located along the top of the page, as well as Wiki-related sites.
  5. 5/3/2007 A new Projects Page has been created to help organize projects and volunteers! Check it out!


  • Our regularly scheduled IRC meeting (#ubuntu-connecticut) occurs every other week on Thursday at 9:00pm. Highlights from past meetings will be avialable here in our past meetings page or click on the corresponding year in the chart below.














    19, 26

    17, 31

    14, 28

    12, 26

    9, 23

    6, 20

    4, 18

    1, 15, 29

    13, 27



    7, 21


    3, 17



    10, 24

    7, 21

    4, 18

    2, 16, 30

    13, 27



  • You will find links to the main sites related to the Ubuntu Connecticut Team located at the top of this Wiki page. If you have any questions, comments or rude remarks (just joking.. keep the rude ones to yourself) then you can either post in the forum or contact Drew.

Activity Ideas

  • The group is still fledgling, but it appears some members of the Team will be meeting face-to-face in the future and a number of us have voiced the desire of having a large Team-wide meeting sometime soon. Some other quick ideas include
  • Demonstration at a computer club
  • Adult Education Classes (and pass out free, professional looking Ubuntu CDs!)
  • Participating in a computer club's meetings (even non-Linux groups as an informational talk)
  • Demonstrating to a school, nursery, preschool, etc. the benefits of Edubuntu

  • Install-fests
  • Hand out CDs at trade shows and flea markets
  • Blogging


  • You can become a member by joining launchpad, joining the Google Group, joining us in IRC (#ubuntu-connecticut) chat meetings, joinging our mailing list or by posting in our forum. The Launchpad membership also allows you to edit the Wiki pages, which is helpful in listing and joining projects as well as other Wiki pages to be developed. Introduce yourself, and where you are in Connecticut, or any other connection (went to school here, grew up here, have friends/family here, etc.). While the focus on the Team is on Connecticut, we reach out further than just our borders.

Additional Links :

CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryLoCoTeams NUUbuntuTeam

ConnecticutTeam (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:37 by localhost)