Key details





Marketing and Advocacy




Events & Meetings

Conferences and 3rd-party Events





GNOME 3 Launch Party

Release Parties

Natty Narwhal

Oneiric Ocelot

Precise Pangolin

Quantal Quetzal

Global Jams

In past two years we took part in three Global Jams -- in April 2011, September 2011 and March 2012. All three events took place in Prague hackerspace Brmlab and were focused mostly on Ubuntu localization. We had about 5-15 attandees at each event.

LoCo Meetings

Community Support


Our forum was established in autumn 2005 and since that time it has grown into the one of the largest czech forums focused on linux. Nowadays, the forum has about 28 000 registered users who posted nearly 440 000 posts in more than 60 000 topics. At the present time the number of posts steadily grows up by (approx.) 3 000 per month. The forum is supervised by 6 administrators and 13 moderators.The forum does not only acts as a support center, but also serves as a meeting place of the community and helps to organize various gatherings and projects.

Community Documentation

Our Wiki is probably the most reliable source of Ubuntu documentation in Czech. It contains about 1000 howtos and guidelines (1531 pages in total). It covers the problematics ranging from Ubuntu installation, basic controls and settings, to the installation and setup of single applications.

In summer 2012 we succesfully finished migration from MoinMoin to DokuWiki wiki engine. We also separated wiki into two parts -- for community contributed documentation and for community projects coordination.


The Ubuntu Czech Translators team has currently 6 core members responsible for reviewing proposed translations, solving problems, correcting bugs and communicating with upstream. The total number of contributors is vastly greater.

Ubuntu 12.10 is translated in about 97% and Czech has 16th place in Ubuntu translation stats.

We have a working localization wiki, a localization mailing list and a localization dictionary. We actively contribute to project which aims to unify Czech localization between various opensource projects like GNOME, KDE, Mozilla and others.



Our community cooperates with the Czech Linux/OSS media, but even though we try to establish relationships with also other than a purely technical media we didn't enjoy much success in this matter. We create and send out press releases on regular basis and try to communicate directly but still haven't got any significant success.

Since 2011 we've participated in openMagazin magazine -- joint project of thirteen Linux/OSS online portals (including us). Unfortunately openMagazine has been cancelled few moths ago.

OpenSource & praxe is new printed magazine mostly focused on open source software in practice. We had few articles about Ubuntu in Czech Rep./worldwide.


Recently we started to produce some Ubuntu marketing materials for Ubuntu users in Czechia. Currently we have badges, car stickers and "powered by" stickers for laptopts/computers.

We are giving those away for free at our events and/or conferences, but we're planning to run small eshop and sell some of these to cover the costs (we finally got permission from Canonical to use Ubuntu trademark for commercial use).

Few years ago we've also produced some name-labeled t-shirts for active members for our community.

Local CD distributors

So-called "local distributors" offer help to people that can't download Ubuntu CD. The local distributors are members of the community from the Czech (or Slovak) Republic, who will burn Ubuntu on request to anyone, free of charge (in exchange for a free CD medium or for a symbolic fee). Some of them might also offer help with installation and setting up Ubuntu. The list of these local distributors currently contains more than 100 volunteers.

CzechTeam/ReApprovalApplication2012 (last edited 2012-11-19 22:04:16 by ip-89-176-244-26)