- Ubuntu Live Session 13/08/2011 in Průhonice (near Prague)
- introduction by Tadeáš Pařík
practical examples from current version 11.04 by Vojtěch Trefný, presentation in Czech is here
news in 11.10, examples, How To by Vojtěch Trefný, presentation in Czech is here
- knowledge competition (Ubuntu T-shirts, keyboards etc.)
OpenStreetMap by Filip Dominec, presentation in Czech is here
- practical Ubuntu usage by David M. Strnad
- discussion with our community
blog about this session by Filip Dominec
Library in Průhonice (previous topic) will migrate to Ubuntu very soon
preparation for GlobalJam in September
non official meeting in Pardubice 06/08/2011 (special section on our czech forum)
CzechTeam/TeamReports/11/August (last edited 2011-09-04 20:52:43 by ip-94-113-49-226)