
  • Release Party Ostrava

    • Presentators, Presentations and Program

      • Start 10:00 AM

        • Tadeáš Pařík - Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal presentation about new Unity, practical examples and tips (download here:

        • Martin Kiklhorn - Kubuntu 11.04 "everything" about new Kubuntu (download here:

        • Vlastimil Ott (Liberix) - Liberix, o.p.s. and their activities open source in practical examples

      • Lunch 12:00 AM - 01:00 PM

        • Vojtěch Trefný ( - Ubuntu Community structure of the Ubuntu Community, not only in the Czech republic...(download here:

        • Miroslav Hrončok (LinuxEXPRES) - Xfce/Xubuntu "everything" about new Xubuntu (download here:

        • David Strnad (EliteChoice) - Ubuntu and Municipal Office in Skalica (Slovak republic) 120 new PCs with Ubuntu and savings 70% - comparing the other systems (download here:

      • End 03:00 PM

    There was very nice atmosphere and very nice discussion between visitors and presentators. All visitors had a possibility to visit our "technical window" of our Releas Party, where they could solve all problems with their PCs.
  • Live meeting in Brno - informal discussion

  • Live meeting in Prague - informal discussion

  • 05/26/2011 IRC Conference - official log is here

    • Release Party in Ostrava
    • Czech forum
    • Official Czech Ubuntu Community
    • Video cast
    • New list of Ubuntu friendly notebooks

CzechTeam/TeamReports/11/May (last edited 2011-06-02 11:30:43 by 144)