LoCo Project Template

  • time required to start -
  • life expectancy -
  • expected budget -
  • skill requirements -
  • material requirements

UKTeam - UKTeam/LugRadioLive2007 - UK LUGRadio Conference

  • time required to start - preparation for booth and time to get all materials
  • life expectancy - fire&forget

  • expected budget - materials
  • skill requirements -
  • material requirements - CDs, laptops, Ubuntu guides, leaflets, tattoos, polo shirts, booth

OhioTeam - OhioTeam/OLF - Ohio Linux Fest

  • time required to start - 6 months
  • life expectancy - fire&forget

  • expected budget - $1250
  • skill requirements - communicating with booth visitors, fundraising
  • material requirements - banner, tattoos, computers, CDs, candy,

UKTeam - UKTeam/LinuxWorldLondon2006 - UK Linux World London 2006

  • time required to start - one month
  • life expectancy - fire& forget

  • expected budget -
  • skill requirements -
  • material requirements -computers, posters, t-shirts, coffee, bags for clean up, CDs, stickers, tools for booth, networking equipment,
  • message - Ubuntu UK is a UK wide network of Ubuntu users, getting involved in Ubuntu, "One choice, One Disk , One Place - Ubuntu", we are the community that Support both the Developers and the Users of Ubuntu :- so what will make it work for you.

UKTeam - UKTeam/Education - UK Education

  • time required to start -
  • life expectancy - continuous
  • expected budget -
  • skill requirements - lobbying MPs and "expressing concern over current software procurement methods," teaching classes with OSS
  • material requirements -

AustralianTeam - AustralianTeam/Projects - Not For Profit

  • time required to start - create case studies and find groups to help, prepare presentations, prepare for conferences
  • life expectancy - continuous
  • expected budget -
  • skill requirements -
  • material requirements - case studies, CDs to give away

DIYMarketing/HOWTOs/DraftHOWTO (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:34 by localhost)