
Panel Icons we need:

  • pending Updates
  • Sound Icons (Volume up, down, mute) (listed on DapperUbuntuIconsOrganisation - media)

  • Ubuntu logo
  • Network Manager
  • Power Manager (we had a look at jimmac's set, but instead we'd prefer to have a "it's charging" lightning on the battery)
  • Network status
  • Trash icon (should be there, as part of the mimetype icons)
  • Desktop icon,
  • Resume icon
  • Shutdown
  • Restart icon
  • Suspend Icon
  • Quit Icon
  • Logout Icon
  • Lock Screen (maybe a lock on a screen?)
  • Switch User icon
  • Hibernate Icon
  • Gaim (notification Area)
  • Rhythmbox (notification Area)
  • ekiga (notification Area)

DapperUbuntuPanelIcons (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:00 by localhost)