
Proposal for DebianEdu and Edubuntu cooperation

The proposal was to explore ways we can cooperate and create synergy between the two projects.

Cooperation Items

  • Collaboration (but how?)
    • Hold a DebianEdu/Edubuntu developer gathering or through a mailist (whatever is easiest/most efficient in the first stage)
    • Use Utnubu as the Umbrella for collaboration

  • Where can we collaborate:
    • Packaging: i.e. Moodle
    • File wishlist bugs (preferably) with patches and thus help reducing their own work later on once they do the usual Debian-unstable to Ubuntu merge.
    • Create a a space (a wiki page?) for information tracking for DDs, MOTUs, Ubuntu Core devs and Upstream devs. Hopefully that will get us somewhere.

DebianEdubuntu (last edited 2010-08-06 11:59:59 by dhcp243)