
Getting debugging-level driver logs

Warning /!\ Might be slightly out of date. This section needs review. Warning /!\

When a bug appears to be driver related or you are asked by a bug triager to submit a driver enabled log, you need to enable driver logging right before you start to capture your testcase. How to do that depends on the driver you use and whether it has been with compiled with debug support.

IPW (2100,2200, 3945)


# either during module load:
 modprobe ipw{2100,2200,3945} debug=65535

# or when already loaded you can change the debug_level through /sys/bus/.../drivers/
 echo 65535 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw{2100,2200,3945}/debug_level

DebuggingNetworkManager/DriverLogs (last edited 2011-10-26 21:09:43 by cyphermox)