
Revision 13 as of 2008-03-01 12:42:55

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IceBuntu right now is just an idea, but it may turn into a full-fledged Ubuntu derivative, thanks to the community.

Its focus is on providing a lightweight implementation of Ubuntu for those with modest computer specifications, particularly those who prefer ["IceWM"] to ["Fluxbox"].

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Currently all that is installed is:

  1. ["IceWM"]
  2. GDM
  3. Dillo
  4. XFE
  5. Synaptic

Release 2.2

to install boot from live cd, open the terminal and type ubiquity


1 ) email client installed by default Sylpheed.

2 ) syslinux configured so that it is posible to boot in safe graphics mode.

3 )human gtk theme so it dont look ugly.

4 )add a sript to make a live usb open terminal and type "sudo /cdrom/ --autodetect".

5 )install abiword and gnumeric for word processing etc.

6 ) installed thinblack theme, not set as default, but i noticed a few people suggesting it over at ubuntu forums .

Release 2.1


  1. IceBuntu theme installed by default.

  2. Network manager on the panel, with support for connecting to wireless networks.
  3. Auto mount external automatically in /media.
  4. [ Conky] starts every boot to display important hardware information, such as used RAM, etc.

  5. [ Pidgin] installed for MSN, AIM, IRC, etc.

  6. Support for restricted drivers
  7. Icewm configured, different theme, panel neatened and all of the menus are neatened up [ screenshot]

  8. Dillo replaced with [ Kazehakase]

  9. [ Audacious] installed for music play back
