

These are the notes from an impromptu BOF by the LoCo teams present at UDS MTV.

Problem: How do we leverage LoCos for localization of documentation, websites, etc? (what are the other problems dealing with language)

Challenges: How to change the input method (wiki, webpage, etc) so that the text can be easily translated and redeployed in various languages

Ideas to implement:

  • locoteams bug reporting in native language
    • triaging the grave native language bugs to/from EN
      • creating a "localized" form where users could report bugs?
      • multilingualise malone is the more natural way to do
  • translating most of the locoteam pages to other languages:
  • Launchpad integration
    • leverage Rosetta?
    • leverage Malone?
    • utilize bazaar to control loco docs?
      • if so, how would we automate the checkout/publish method?
        • create a project for each loco team, so their team can collaborate via bazaar, and then they can publish to wiki if need be, or via a cron to their http server
    • ..etc..

A possible way to deal with bugs reported in local language

  • Example: Chinese user wants to report a bug.
    • "Are you bilingual? Then please report in EN."
    • meets Chinese launchpad interface
    • enters his bug in Chinese
    • bilingual Chinese/English person receives ticket
      • can this be solved by refering the reporter to a document(wiki)? is it really a bug? (bug triage)
    • bilingual Chinese/English person translates bug
    • bug gets integrated into Launchpad bug database
    • developer answers
    • answer gets translated to Chinese
      • process gets repeated until issue is (hopefully) resolved
    • ? how to feed back to the user in Chinese? same procedure
    • do we want to do this for all kinds of use cases? or only for localisation bound problems?
    • complexity probably only worth the effort for problems directly related to the language:
      • translations, utf8, bidirectional printing, ...
      • how to eliminate the clearly non-language related stuff?
        • the translator
        • the user himself should have a clear idea of what kind of problems he can report in his local language
  • For https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamsUDSMVSpecs/CommunityBugReporting:

    • Documentation should consider localization
  • question: can automatic translating be of any use


DerivativeTeam/UDSNotes/MTV/Localization (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:42 by localhost)