
Revision 1 as of 2008-06-26 12:24:45

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For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/Meeting.


  • Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
  • Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
  • Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
  • Martin Pitt (pitti)
  • Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
  • Michael Vogt (mvo)
  • Mirco Müller (MacSlow)

  • Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
  • Ted Gould (tedg)

  • Pedro Villavicencio Garrido (pedro_)



  • Outstanding actions from last meeting
  • MacSlow: problems with merging goffice (needed by gnumeric)

Outstanding actions from last meeting

Actions from this meeting

Activity reports

Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)


  • mostly packaging KDE 4.1 beta 2
  • advising/helping community with their backport of 4.1 beta 2 to hardy
  • final merges
  • a couple hours of archive admin
  • playing with seeds, still some bits to work out for an installable kubuntu-desktop


  • 1 main inclusion report still needing review
  • Kubuntu website

Next week:

  • hardy .1?

No milestoned bugs

Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)

* finished stage 2 of the murrine theme. The input box bg is quite dark in order to work around bugs in firefox preferences and other wierd widgets.

  • finished first stage of a new metacity theme. The buttons are not really ready and I'd liek to somehow show the "clickable" area better (to make moving the windows easier).
  • Packaged all of this for intrepid (ubuntu-artwork as well to set the defaults). Removed the dependency on ubuntulooks and included a legacy light-colored theme based on murrine as well. Also made a PPA out of the above for hardy...screenshot of theme attached

PPA available at https://launchpad.net/~kwwii/+archive


  • wallpaper ideas until now attached...nothing far enough along to really present, but some ideas nontheless Smile :-)

attachment:energy.jpg attachment:hardy-style.jpg attachment:ibex-mod.jpg

  • looked into two ideas for usplash refresh

Martin Pitt (pitti)

Holiday reminder: I will be on vacation from Friday to next Tuesday.

Intrepid specs I am drafting:

  • intrepid-device-permissions, consolidate-spell-checkers, kernel-abi-package-handling, jockey-printer-driver-support: to be reviewed by Scott
  • drafting: guest account (still waiting for upstream feedback)

Currently open milestoned bugs (8.04.1): None


  • Done: libnjb
  • All done, except for belocs-locales-bin, which is a poinless merge (tiny FTBFS NMU, but it builds fine on intrepid); I'm going to ignore this one, unless someone wants me to do it for the purpose of cleaning the MoM list

Other non-chores work this week:

  • Played with PackageKit, updated to latest version, made it work on Intrepid, uploaded; I also sent the patches upstream and got upstream git commit access (4 h)

  • Fought with PolicyKit to use it from Python programs (which is not obvious due to not having Python bindings for libpolkit{,-auth}.). I understand it now. (4 h)

  • Split Jockey into a system D-BUS backend (PolicyKit controlled) and an unprivileged UI. This gets rid of some nasty hacks in the code, makes it much more portable, and paves the way for the killall-gksudo and jockey-printer-driver-support specs. (25 h)

  • jockey-printer-driver-support: Discussed shared implementation of local printer detection and openprinting.org driver query with Tim Waugh, in a split-out library from system-config-printer. Found out that he already implemented most of it. Had an initial look, stuff looks mostly good. Will work further with him to get it perfect for our purposes. I plan to package it, and integrate it into Jockey in the next two weeks. (1 h)
  • Scrutinized Dustin's ecryptfs mount suid program (1 h)

Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)

Michael Vogt (mvo)


  • kino, xaos, valgrind, wdiff, pan, tiff, mutt, hdparm, ppp, dash,lzma,taglib,swig1.3,bzip2,acpi,gettext,anacron,opensp,recode, radvd,rarian,powernowd
  • help/mentor MacSlow with his merges/packaging

  • cleaned my sponsoring queue (tomboy, apt-build,packagekit, packagekit-gnome,gnome-apt,pbuilder)
  • update python-support (after mail from josslin)


  • review apt https patches
  • look how the Pkg-Series implementation could be done, did some prototyping for simple cases, no good solution yet. tricky


  • fix crash when the admin group can not be added
  • Test/sru/upload fix for sparc dapper->hardy upgrades (#239458)

  • upload sru for hardy
  • implemented auto-detection of desktop/server mode based on the installed stuff (server mode in update-manager behaves slightly differently as it is more relaxed with metapackages, i.e. it does not enforce them to be installed, desktop mode will add missing metapackages)
  • review debian update-manager branch and merge some changes
  • work on process seperation branch, still in the early stages
  • add hardy->intrepid autoupgrade tester profile (and update the docu on how to build base-images with the latest jeos-builder)


  • mail/bug triage
  • mentoring/sponsoring
  • merge glade-2 and make it work with latest gtk+ again
  • fix missing libc6 dependency on findutils so that upgrades go smooth from hardy to intrepid (with the help of cjwatson, #234234)
  • review available desktop backup solutions
  • switched my mail provider

Mirco Müller (MacSlow)



  • got to setup and learn pbuilder tool for merge work (setup environments for distro-series hardy and intrepid)
  • gtkglext: worked on merge only to find out that seb128 was faster Smile :)

  • planner: merged from debian unstable to intrepid, got some help from mvo, needed patch also sent to debian-maintainer and planner upstream (gnome-bugzilla)
  • gnome-pilot-conduits: worked on merge, but somebody from the community was faster
  • goffice/gnumeric: trying to merge, newest goffice is needed for gnumeric under intrepid, several issues with goffice (debian/rules) not finished yet, need some help
  • gnome-netstatus: merged from debian unstable to intrepid


  • put cairo-clock 0.3.4 into PPA for intrepid https://edge.launchpad.net/~macslow/+archive

  • preformance-review phone-call
  • desktop-experience phone-call
  • some travel preparations for GUADEC'08, distro-sprint
  • helped kwwii setting up and using PPAs so he can provide theme/engine-previews from intrepid also under hardy


  • continue with sparkle implementation (as time permits)
  • assigned bugs: 130441, 141432, 147966, 151395 (milestoned), 152844, 164670, 200146, 206809, 144472, 152271 (milestoned)

Sebastien Bacher (seb128)

  • lot of desktop bugs triage
  • GTK 2.13 update
  • other GNOME updates
  • archive admin tasks
  • merges
  • some 8.04.1 updates

Ted Gould (tedg)


  • network-account-profiles-*
  • power-management-settings


  • Most time spent moving (vacation), for most people that means that my timezone is now -5 instead of previously being -7.
  • Travel for London sprint.
  • 401K meeting
  • Desktop experience meeting

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