
  • Riddell and Kubuntu, see

  • Riddell:Port Ubiquity to native KDE 4 application:done, needs merging

  • Riddell:Enhance timezone map for Kubuntu installer:being worked on by shtylman

  • Riddell:Update partitioning labels to match GTK front end in KDE installer:blocked

  • Riddell:Use Kwallet password strength bar for password on user setup page-blocked On advanced setup replace GRUB line edit with a pre-seeded combo box:blocked

  • Riddell:Enable auto-login on user setup page in Kubuntu installer:not started

  • Riddell:Update OEM help page for Kubuntu:not started

  • Riddell:Update language page to show all languages at once in Kubuntu:not started

  • Riddell:Package kpackagekit:done

  • Riddell:Package policykit-kde:done

  • Riddell:Add KPackageKit update notifier and remove update-notifier-kde:done

  • Riddell:Add ability to filter out non-applications to KPackagekit:rgreening

  • Riddell:Package KDE 4.2 for Jaunty:done

  • Riddell:Test Akonadi for functionality and upgrades.:done

  • Riddell:Change Konqueror to use kdewebkit by default if Qt 4.5 is out for Jaunty:blocked on upstream

  • Riddell:Collect feedback for problem areas when upgrading in Kubuntu:started

  • Riddell:Modify kconfig update scripts to address identified problem areas.:not started

  • Riddell:Drop Konversation:done

  • Riddell:Include Kolorpaint if space and agreed to at council meeting.:blocked

  • Riddell:Move Skanlite to main.:done

  • Riddell:Remove kioslaves from archive:done

  • Riddell:Replace guidance-power-manager with Powerdevil in Kubuntu:done

  • Riddell:Remove power profiles for primary powerdevil UI in Kubuntu:not started

  • Riddell:Fix the image on the logout menu to ensure it matches its background in Kubuntu:done

  • Riddell:Convert system-config-printer-kde to a KControl module:done

  • asac:Adobe Flash in partner repository with apturl:started
  • asac:work with NM upstream to re-enable one at a time interface connection as default:postponed
  • asac:Communicate with Mozilla upstream that they should start responding:not started
  • asac:Confirm Pidgin behaviour on NM changes:started
  • asac:Confirm that evolution's reconnection to IMAP connections are working in Jaunty:done

  • asac:Confirm that LifeArea reconnects by default upon new connection:done

  • asac:Confirm that Ekiga handles changes to network states properly. Ifvnot, log bugs:done
  • asac:Modify Update Manager so that it does not automatically download new indexes when connected to a 3G network:started
  • bryce:Assist video driver upstreams and vendors with implementing KMS support.:done
  • bryce:Support the Dx team by consulting and helping with low level packages.:blocked
  • bryce:Create backend xorg.conf parser/writer:done
  • bryce:Implement xorg.conf Validator:done

  • bryce:Implement xorg.conf Options Data Store (man pages):done
  • bryce:Implement xorg.conf gui - GTK:started

  • bryce:Implement xorg.conf gui - Qt:not started

  • bryce:Implement xorg.conf backup/restore functionality:started
  • bryce:Create X Historical Package Pages:started

  • bryce:Create X Smoke Tests:started

  • bryce:Verify EXA acceptance criteria met by Alpha-5:not started
  • bryce:Search for ctrl-alt-backspace:started
  • calc:Convert OOo 3.0.0/3.0.1 depencies in universe to use Java components to build with default-java:done
  • calc:Include OOo 3.0.x on Jaunty Alpha's, including MIRs:done

  • calc:Port Fedora's gtkprint dialog patch and confirm that it works on OOo in KDE.:started
  • calc:Get GIO to work, currently falling back to GVFS.:blocked
  • calc:Get KDE4 to work, currently falling back to KDE3.:blocked
  • calc:Get 3.1.0 split build into a PPA for English.:started
  • calc:Define, with Sun, the strategy for separating language support into it's own self-contained module.:done
  • pitti:Document packaging best practices:done
  • pitti:Review OLS Team Packaging:postponed

  • pitti:Assist Dx with (or simply do) packaging and integration:done
  • pitti:Review Dx Team Packages:done

  • pitti:Advice Dx Team Regarding Gnome settings demon:done
  • pitti:Advice Dx Team Regarding Gnome power manager:done
  • pitti:Advice Dx Team Regarding Compiz Plugin:blocked

  • pitti:Advice Dx Team Regarding playing sounds to provide volume control feedback:not started
  • pitti:Advice Dx Team Regarding where to store assets such as icon:not started
  • pitti:Advice Dx Team Regarding “Do not disturb systems”:not started
  • pitti:Determine what can be supported by Soyuz/Rosetta in Jaunty in terms of Help blobs:postponed
  • pitti:Refactor packages and build system to support moving help files to language packs:postponed
  • pitti:Support for attaching apport data to an existing bug:done
  • pitti:X server crash or failure to start up apport support:done
  • pitti:Rewrite apport crash-digger to be cron-based and more robust:done
  • pitti:Set up automatic dup db backups in DC retracers:done
  • pitti:Create "vanilla" session in gdm:done
  • seb128:Package latest GDM:done

  • seb128:Create settings Migration for new GDM:not started

  • seb128:Move OLS Google Protocol Buffer into main:started
  • seb128:Assist OLS in getting Enhanced libglib2.0-0 Upstream:blocked

  • seb128:Integrate other OLS components as completed:blocked
  • seb128:Change font rendering default to "Subpixel Smoothing" by default:not started
  • ArneGoetje:Language-selector GUI redesign:done

DesktopTeam/Meeting/2009-02-24/WorkItems (last edited 2009-02-24 14:47:58 by ppp-70-252-1-68)