Weekly Summary
LibreOffice (bjoern-michaelsen):
LibreOffice development currently expelled from quantal by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.7/+bug/1007616
currently falling back to precise: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-prereleases/+sourcepub/2490418/+listing-archive-extra
- ppa buildd filesystem limitations are still hurting: amd64 failed with no space left on device, is issue filed
ppa total storage resized: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/198979 https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/199169
wrote BuildingLibreOffice and DebuggingLibreOffice
LibreOffice updates on precise struck, pending MRE (was requested)
- current 3.5.4 update would solve among others:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/818761 (ok, backported to 3.5.3 for Ubuntu already)
https://launchpad.net/bugs/975503 (ok, backported to 3.5.3 for Ubuntu already)
- and more
- current 3.5.4 update would solve among others:
Ubiquity now uses ubuntu-drivers-common instead of Jockey; started discussion about the KDE UI. (desktop-q-third-party-driver-installation) (pitti)
- pyppd now ported to Python 3 and uploaded to Debian; will sync to quantal after alpha-1 (pitti)
Started work on language-selector removal from g-c-c. Uploaded some simple initial packages with our patches disabled to https://launchpad.net/~laney/+archive/gcc — smoke testing welcome. (laney)
- Chatted with Aron Xu (Debian maintainer) about syncing libxml2. Looks possible, but the sync would drop the .la file so need to check whether it isn't being used anywhere. (laney)
- Quickly for 12.04 has a new SRU candidate fixing the issues with ARB support. If you were affected by those bugs, please test! (mterry)
- Update Manager got a slightly new look, more to come in the future. (mterry)
Prepared GNOME 3.5 a11y updates, orca, at-spi, and will upload them to quantal-proposed. (TheMuso)
Further work towards python 3 for a11y tools in quantal. (TheMuso)
Insert things to discuss at meeting here..
Partner update
- Compiz transition to boost 1.49 done.
- Compiz package transition for "all in one source" ready. Just need a newer compiz release (post alpha1)
- Unity FTBFS fix in quantal (with newer gcc4.7) ready. Transition to newer boost (1.49) and newer glew ready as well. Everything builds. However, a reproducible crash on startup happens as well. Investigation conjointly with dx in progress.
- Preparing the hangover sprint with Product Stategy so that they can manage their own packaging, integrations and product (and so compiz, nux, unity and the whole stack)
- Projector / multihead testing [bryce]
- Setting up system reimaging scripts for more reliable issue reproduction [bryce]
- Following up on various X bugs, patches, and SRU uploads [bryce]
- Trivial mock display-manager to test system-compositor written [raof]
- System compositor now capable of driving a usable Unity session [raof]
- XWayland support for system-compositor interface [raof]
IRC log Western edition
IRC log Eastern edition
DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-06-05 (last edited 2012-06-06 00:43:00 by raof)