Weekly Summary
- Packaged up CUPS 1.6.0 and cups-filters 1.0.20 for Debian and Ubuntu (tkamppeter)
Pulseaudio 2.1 testing, got some volume behavior weirdness which needs investigating, yet to test on ARM, thats for this week. (TheMuso)
Hit some snags with python 3 and BrlTTY, still working through those to get things working again with Orca. (TheMuso)
Insert things to discuss at meeting here..
Partner update
Web Apps
- libunity-webapps in universe
Online Accounts
- signond, libaccounts-glib and libsignon-glib in universe
- Updated all xorg-server and all xorg video drivers to prepare for x-1.13 release (mlankhorst)
- Submitted nouveau patches to support vblank (mlankhorst)
- Continued work on cleaning up dma-fences/dmabufmgr (mlankhorst)
IRC log Western edition
IRC log Eastern edition
DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-07-31 (last edited 2012-07-31 23:24:47 by 5ED48CEF)