Weekly Summary
- Color Management Hackfest in Brno Nov 9-12 (and the days after): Discussed a lot about color management in printing workflow, reported bugs in Ghostscript, worked out changes for cups-filters, also meeting with upstreams of GTK and Qt print dialogs and they accept the ideas of the Common Printing Dialog. Tested CM on HP PDF printer: Does not work. Tested Nexus 7: Screen color management does not work (tkamppeter).
- Made Bluetooth on Nexus 7 working using Valgrind workaround: Keyboard works, Bluetooth printer not. Another way to work with Nexus 7: VNC-remote-control with vino/vinagre. Updated Wiki (tkamppeter).
- Nexus 7: All printing except Bluetooth printer works (tkamppeter).
- friends-service now has superb libnotify support (robru)
- Packaging inlining work is ongoing (robru)
Product strategy integration
Continue work on the automated build system to push trunk to distro. Code done, workarounding some launchpad issues, new copy workflow for security, jenkins setup and scripted, build sources in a chroot. First landing in the incoming hours
- Finished modernizing build systems of all components (dh9, tests, etc)
- All components have been prepared for new automatic changelog entries
- Added new package gnome-control-center-unity to hold the Appearance panel
- SRU uploaded for precise. quantal still in unapproved after a week.
Indicators & Themes
- Completing modernizing build system for indicators.
- Continuing work on moving packaging into trunk, updating to dh9, etc
- More SRUs coming, unity-firefox-extension, libunity-webapps, webapps-applications
Open input framework
- Finalizing xorg stack for inclusion. Making sure users can't shoot themselves in the foot easily. (mlankhorst)
- vdpau decoding for nouveau (mlankhorst, mostly free time fun project)
IRC log Western edition
IRC log Eastern edition
DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-11-20 (last edited 2012-11-20 17:21:55 by S01060016cbcbce92)