Weekly Summary
- system-config-printer: Added printer driver auto-download to the D-Bus service, so that the auto download also happens when the printer setup tool of GNOME Control Center is used (tkamppeter).
- GNOME Control Center: Reported 7 bugs in the printer setup tool to both Ubuntu and upstream, discovered while testing the driver auto download (tkamppeter).
- Landed new LightDM and Unity Greeter with better memory usage and nexus7 support (mterry)
- Dropped pulseaudio-module-gconf from default image, reducing another long-running daemon (mterry)
- Landed new Deja Dup 25.5 release, with better support for tmpfs /tmp folders (mterry)
Working on finishing the service to run the Dee.SharedModel for friends, now that we've made the friends dispatcher exit after all threads finish we are seeing a leak. (kenvandine)
- webapps/webcreds manual package updates, looking forward to getting everything autolanding (kenvandine)
Insert things to discuss at meeting here..
Product strategy integration
Wrote the documentation for the daily release process (available through blog posts: http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Unity%3A-release-early%2C-release-often%E2%80%A6-release-daily%21.
Also set it up in a more formal tone on the ubuntu wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease
- Finally landed a Unity daily release after a week of no releases, due to various test failures
Indicators & Themes
- We now have hourly automated testing of the individual webapps (userscripts), horray!
- The webapps team will split them into separate repositories then we can setup autolanding.
Open input framework
IRC log Western edition
IRC log Eastern edition
DesktopTeam/Meeting/2013-02-05 (last edited 2013-02-05 16:27:19 by ken-vandine)