Weekly Summary
- Added API versioning to libhud QML bindings, we should use this practice for all QML binding packages going forward (kenvandine)
- Ported share-app to use new HUD API (kenvandine)
- Added uoa-create script to the daily touch images so users have a way to add online accounts until we have a proper settings interface for it (kenvandine)
- More work on signon-ui (kenvandine)
- Updated translations, in the desktop packages that don't use langpacks, for raring (seb128)
- Raring testing and bugs fixing (seb128)
- Investigated some of the most frequent raring issues on errors.ubuntu.com (seb128)
Helped track down a few remaining pulse issues and with David's help got them fixed. (TheMuso)
Further documenting and colating of required work for a11y in a converged world, with the ultimate goal of creating a blueprint to track it. (TheMuso)
Insert things to discuss at meeting here..
Product strategy integration
- define procedure to continue diverging branches
- some small fixes on cupstream2distro
- continue investigating some autopilot issues
- continue working on the touch stack by reviewing/coordinating work
- planning some discussions for next week sprint
Indicators & Themes
- signon-ui ported to use webkit2, worked around the cookie storage issues that was keeping us on webkit1.
Open input framework
IRC log Western edition
IRC log Eastern edition
DesktopTeam/Meeting/2013-04-23 (last edited 2013-04-23 23:25:50 by CPE-60-225-133-75)