
Test Cases for Gnome Calculator

Activities integration

This test will check that mathematical operations can be previewed in the Gnome Activities overview

  • Open Activities with the "Meta" key, or by clicking the button in the top-left corner of the desktop
  • Type a mathematical expression, such as 7+2

    • A result entry is shown with 7+2  = 9

Opening and Closing

This test will check that Gnome Calculator can be opened either from a terminal window or from the applications menu, and shutdown

  • Open a terminal window, type gnome-calculator at the prompt and hit the "Enter" key

    • Calculator opens
  • Click the top right "X" of the window's title bar to close the application
    • Calculator closes
  • Open Gnome Calculator from your FAMILY menu
    • Calculator opens

This test will check that Gnome Calculator's Application menu options work as expected

  • Navigate to Mode -> Basic

    • Calculator's GUI changes to provide buttons suitable for basic equations
    • Equations are entered in standard mathematical form. For example to add 7 and 2 enter the following: 7+2
  • Navigate to Mode -> Advanced

    • Calculator's GUI changes to provide buttons suitable for advanced mathematics such as Trigonometry
    • Trigonometry calculations can be performed using the sin, cos, and tan functions. For example sin 45
  • Navigate to Mode -> Financial

    • Calculator's GUI changes to provide buttons suitable for financial equations
    • Financial functions cannot be performed using the keyboard and the following buttons are available: Ctrm, Ddb, Fv, Gpm, Pmt, Pv, Rate, Sln, Syd and Term
  • Navigate to Mode -> Programming

    • Calculator's GUI changes to provide buttons suitable for computer programmers
    • When in programming mode there is a drop down menu for binary (Ctrl+B keys), octal (Ctrl+O keys) and hexadecimal (Ctrl+H keys) and the 'รก' button opens a dialogue to convert characters to character codes
  • From the Hamburger menu select one of the given options for 'Number format'
    • The format used to display results change accordingly to the selection made
  • From the Hamburger menu navigate to Preferences
    • Preferences dialogue window opens
  • Decrease/increase the value of decimal places to show
    • The number of decimal places, if trailing zeroes and if thousands separators are shown, change accordingly
  • Tick the 'Trailing zeroes' option
    • The format used to display results shows trailing zeroes
  • Tick the 'Thousands separators' option
    • The format used to display results shows digit grouping
  • Click the 'Angle units' drop-down list and select one of the given options
    • The unit used to display results, when performing trigonometry calculations, change accordingly to the selection made
  • Click the 'Word size' drop-down list and select one of the given options
    • The results when performing boolean algebra calculations, using the AND, OR and XOR operators, change accordingly to the selection made
  • From the Hamburger menu navigate to About Calculator
    • A dialogue window opens and the "Credits" and "Legal" buttons correctly display the associated information
  • From the Hamburger menu navigate to Contents
    • Calculator Help dialogue window opens

What Could Go Wrong

Gnome Calculator provides a shell plugin to preview mathematical expressions in the Activities overview search bar.

If there is a bug in the plugin, the shell might become unresponsive or consume a high amount of CPU resources.


DesktopTeam/TestPlans/GnomeCalculator (last edited 2024-07-11 15:46:10 by aleasto)