
Meeting summary

  • Review of previous action items
    • Laney to start thread on ubuntu-devel about renaming UCD (Laney, 19:08:08)
      • To let run for a bit longer. Summarise at the next meeting.
    • jono to ask Daniel to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers to be easier to read (Laney, 19:11:36)

    • cody-somerville to write some documentation on how to endorse someone (Laney, 19:12:25)
      • In progress, review next time
    • stgraber to publish packageset generation script so the rest of the DMB can help maintain it (Laney, 19:19:56)
      • Don't know

ACTION: Laney to poke stgraber about publishing package set script (Laney, 19:22:09)

  • James Page (Laney, 19:22:15)
    • Finished, position statement on similar applications (re: MOTU) to be sent out after all members have reviewed it.

ACTION: cody-somerville to follow up on position statement (Laney, 19:26:24)

  • Administrative Matters
    • Continue discussion about our package set management workflows (Laney, 19:29:00)
      • A proposal was put forward by Laney and broadly agreed by members present.

ACTION: Laney to write down proposal for streamlining packageset changes and mail DMB and TB (Laney, 19:41:45) ACTION: micahg to ping packageset owners to write down criteria for package membership (Laney, 19:46:50)

  • next chair
    • It was decided to follow an alphabetical rotation, skipping micahg as he chaired last week. Next chair: stgraber.

Meeting ended at 19:51:21 UTC.

Action items

  • Laney to poke stgraber about publishing package set script
  • cody-somerville to follow up on position statement
  • Laney to write down proposal for streamlining packageset changes and mail DMB and TB
  • micahg to ping packageset owners to write down criteria for package membership

Action items, by person

  • cody-somerville
  • * cody-somerville to follow up on position statement
  • Laney
  • * Laney to poke stgraber about publishing package set script
  • * Laney to write down proposal for streamlining packageset changes and mail DMB and TB
  • micahg
  • * micahg to ping packageset owners to write down criteria for package membership

People present (lines said)

  • Laney (83)
  • micahg (13)
  • cody-somerville (13)
  • bdrung (8)
  • geser (7)
  • meetingology (7)
  • ScottK (2)
  • ajmitch (1)

DeveloperMembershipBoard/TeamReports/11/October (last edited 2011-10-10 20:12:13 by cpc3-nott15-2-0-cust123)