
Meeting started by Laney at 14:01:21 UTC.

Meeting summary

ACTION: laney to delete network-manager packageset (Laney, 14:09:08)

ACTION: laney to contact menesis about schooltool packageset (Laney, 14:09:17)

ACTION: laney to contact TB to see if netbook/unr/mobile packagesets are still needed (Laney, 14:09:29). Done: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2012-August/001363.html

LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Keng-YuLin/PPU (Laney, 14:10:41). ACTION: stgraber to add ppu for lexical to fwts (Laney, 14:55:48)

This application was discussed and voted on. The outcome was:

Members voting for: Laney tumbleweed barry bdrung micahg. Keng-Yu Lin's PPU application for fwts is approved.

ACTION: next chair cody-somerville (tumbleweed) (Laney, 14:58:00)

The meeting ended at 14:58:03 UTC.

Action items

People present (lines said)

Full Log

DeveloperMembershipBoard/TeamReports/12/August (last edited 2012-08-27 20:25:06 by adsl-77-86-6-226)