Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-06-04
Chair: tumbleweed (with help from stgraber)
Present: barry Laney micahg stgraber tumbleweed
Review of previous Minutes
- cfalco got his upload rights
- zentyl packageset and it's membership team was created
- micahg to document the packageset: todo
- stgraber to review the freeze process with bencer: in-progress
- the membership monitoring script is working again.
- cody-somerville and bdrung to vote in early meeting poll: cody still needs to vote
Contributing Developer Juan Negron
Not present, postponed.
MOTU application Jeremy Bicha
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeremyBicha/DeveloperApplication
Voting: +1 stgraber Laney barry tumbleweed
- +0 micahg
The application is accepted.
Action: stgraber to add jbicha to MOTU (done)
Chair for next meeting: stgraber
rodrigo-moya appears expired from ubuntu-dev, tumbleweed pinged him in late April. Received no reply, so we agreed to remove his PPU rights for couchdb-glib and evolution-couchdb
Action: stgraber to remove rodrigo-moya's PPU rights (done)
DeveloperMembershipBoard/TeamReports/12/June (last edited 2012-06-04 17:05:34 by stefanor)