Meeting information
#ubuntu-meeting: DMB meeting, 09 May at 15:01 — 15:34 UTC
Full logs at
Meeting summary
Review of previous action items
The discussion about "Review of previous action items" started at 15:03.
ACTION: cyphremox Update Mate packages per Iain Lane’s suggestions
Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications
The discussion about "Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications" started at 15:13.
Martin Wimpress / Ubuntu MATE Packages (15:13)
Ubuntu Core Developer Applications
The discussion about "Ubuntu Core Developer Applications" started at 15:14.
Phillip Susi (15:14)
LINK: says that your last sponsored upload was in 2014?
LINK:*Susi*&sponsoree_search=name <- it seems there was one more in 2015
Vote: Phillip Susi for Ubuntu Core Dev (Denied)
The discussion about "AOB" started at 15:33.
Vote results
- Motion denied (For/Against/Abstained 0/3/2)
- Voters BenC, sil2100, rbasak, cyphermox, bdmurray
- Motion denied (For/Against/Abstained 0/3/2)
Done items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- BenC (40)
- rbasak (28)
- psusi (18)
- flexiondotorg (15)
- meetingology (14)
- cyphermox (10)
- sil2100 (9)
- Laney (8)
- bdmurray (1)
- lamont (1)
- ubottu (1)
DeveloperMembershipBoard/TeamReports/16/May (last edited 2016-05-09 16:24:50 by localhost)