- do not display /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1; instead, show human-readable description of device, and always consume the entire device when selecting "Wipe disk"
- Only offer the "smartest" choice. If they don't have a partition table, then only
- Show existing partitions if they are any
- Show lsusb abstracted name instead of device name
- Detect other filesystem quirks and force format (FAT16 or USB key that has no partition table i.e. partition direct on device - unless --whole-disk is used)
- keep existing files on the disk
- Make startup disk button needs to be greyed out when disk and iso are not selected
- when formatting block user interface and show progress bar.
Random Ideas
- automated tests?
13:23 <ev> xnox: on the automated tests front, do check out the usb gadget module in the kernel. It will let you write system tests without having to plug in a physical usb device.
- better message if you try to install something that's not an ubuntu iso
- NTFS disk support
- clone an existing usb stick (allowing for different sizes; might cause ui confusion)
DimitriLedkov/usbcreatornotes (last edited 2014-02-08 23:03:36 by xnox)