Revision 1 as of 2010-11-29 21:12:27
Clear message
DistributedDevelopment steering meeting to be held in #ubuntu-meeting on 2010-11-17 at 2100 UTC.
- Action items
- barry to start some sphinx docs to be well-integrated w/ wiki.u.c (ongoing)
- poolie to capture uds session notes in a wiki page, with more detail (turn it into a blueprint?)
- poolie to send dump of udd survey results to mailing list
- ajmitch to come up with questions/topics for next meeting (re: REVU)
- poolie to send bzr rotation pitch to platform mailing list
- Bugs of interest:
http://pad.lv/674353 - graph packages built through UDD
http://pad.lv/556132 - don't drop SSH connection after sending 1GB; requested by kiko
http://pad.lv/375013 - support committing direct to stacked branches
- bzr branches are too expensive to use for casual sponsoring, compared with downloading packages from my local mirror (slangasek)
(watch file support) - james_w and barry to sprint on that at uds-n
bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout does not propagate new tags
Interface to dpkg-buildpackage inconsistent and not well documented
New actions