Meeting Notes February 6th 2010


  • 1800-1805 roll call (crimsun)
    • someone to take minutes for and blog this mtg?
  • 1805-1820 recap/report on actions from previous week's mtg (crimsun)
    • DistrictOfColumbia LoCo team wiki page updated

    • previous week's bugjam/LoCo team mtg pics posted on Flickr
    • need someone to take action to follow up with fridge admins regarding LoCo team times being shown on fridge cal

    • status of importing identi.ca streams to LoCo team subpage?

    • status of spreadubuntu signups?
  • 1820-1835 contributing novel content to spreadubuntu (crimsun)
    • generate buzz for 10.04, possibly modifying existing 9.10 graphic?
  • 1835-1845 documenting ubuntu efforts (crimsun)
    • blogging, denting synopses of bug triaging, coding, packaging,mentoring
  • 1845-1855 late entries, wrap-up (crimsun)
    • deciding chair for next week's mtg


  • In attendance:
    • crimsun
    • kjcole
    • Magilum
    • bcurtiswx
  • [START] crimsun opens meeting at 18:00 sharp
  • [DONE] kjcole finished redirect of DCTeam to DistrictOfColumbiaTeam wiki page

  • [DONE] crimsun posted last week's bugjam/LoCo team photos to http://www.flickr.com/photos/crimsun/sets/72157623317037372/

  • [ACTION] crimsun to follow up with fridge admins regarding LoCo activities on Ubuntu fridge Google calendar]

  • [ACTION] crimsun to investigate merging Lucid source packages using Ground Control
  • [ACTION] bcurtiswx to follow up about using GC to fix bugs
  • [ACTION] bcurtiswx to chair next meeting
  • [ACTION] Magilum to nominate packages for loco adoption
  • [END] crimsun closes meeting at 18:48

DistrictOfColumbiaTeam/MeetingNotes/20100206 (last edited 2010-02-12 15:20:24 by 129)