Meeting Notes February 27 2010


  • 4:00-6:00 Ubuntu Hours Bug Jam in #ubuntu-us-dc on freenode

  • 6:00-6:05 Roll Call
  • 6:05-6:40 Discussions: (ten minutes max)
    • 6:05-6:15 [ACTION] Magilum to discuss Ubuntu SSO (02/20)
    • 6:15-6:25 Local Community Activity Discussion
    • 6:25-6:35 LoCo Structure discussion [bcurtiswx]

    • 6:35-6:40 Free-for-all
  • 6:40-7:00 Report Backs: (five minutes max)
    • [ACTION] lfaraone to get meetbot in here (02/20)
    • [ACTION] crimsun to install GC and begin testing merging & bug workflow for Global Jam (02/20)

    • [ACTION] Magilum to look into officially adopting GIMP for the LoCo (02/20)

    • [ACTION] bcurtiswx to create Wiki page for LoCo structure (02/20)


Attendees: Magilum, bcurtiswx_, lfaraone, crimsun

Apologies: kjcole

[ACTION] Magilum to discuss DistrictOfColumbia LoCo intent pending imminent Ubuntu SSO policy (02/27)

[DONE] crimsun to install GC and begin workflow construction (02/06)

[DONE] Magilum to look into officially adopting GIMP for the LoCo (02/20)

[DONE] bcurtiswx to create Wiki page for LoCo structure (02/20)

  • Consensus reached on members carrying forth with ad hoc roles; no need to formalize with additional bureaucracy

[ACTION] crimsun to blog about GC uses (02/27)

[ACTION] lfaraone to follow up with meetbot owners (02/27)

[ACTION] crimsun to chair 03/06 meeting (02/27)

DistrictOfColumbiaTeam/MeetingNotes/20100227 (last edited 2010-02-27 23:43:43 by static-71-166-202-51)