Documentation Hug Days

NOTE: Documentation Hug Days are not currently operating.

The DocumentationTeam runs a monthly Hug Day - a day to concentrate on a specified area of the documentation, whilst bolstering community involvement by promoting and getting as many people involved as possible.


Documentation, the Community Wiki in particular, often has areas which require attention. These tasks fall into one of three categories:

Identifying Tasks

Topics will be added to this page and picked based on discussion through the DocumentationTeam mailing list.

This is a list of suggested hug day topics and can be added to by anyone. Please add your name to your suggestion so that we can seek clarification if needed.


Hug Days are initially monthly but might increase in frequency should there be both the level of participation and sufficient tasks.

It would be ideal to have a specific date, such as the first Saturday of the month say, in order to simplify marketing.

I suggest we look at availability within the team and discuss the best day.

The Documentation Team's Role

Documentation Team's members role would primarily be:

Members should be available throughout the day in #ubuntu-doc on any questions can be asked there. Members are asked to note what times are convenient for them and add their availability to this page, the more the merrier but as long as we can cover the whole period.


The promotion of Hug Days is essential, this section is to identify possible routes to our target audience. Initially establishing a high visibility for this initiative is essential for it to succeed.


DocumentationTeam/Ideas/HugDays (last edited 2011-05-26 21:29:48 by 85-210-11-2)