Inclusion deadlines for Impish – String Freeze: September 16, 2021 / Non-language packs: September 30, 2021 |
Date, time, place
There are no plans for the next team meeting. Whenever there is we meet in #ubuntu-doc on
Documentation Team meetings are open to everyone who wants to contribute to Ubuntu Documentation.
The chairs are the drivers of the four sub-teams along with one main chair who commands the bot.
Sub-Team |
Driver |
Desktop |
N/A |
Server |
Ubuntu Manual |
Help Wiki |
N/A |
From Last Meeting
Pending Action Points
New Business
Team Business
The discussion will be more meaningful if everybody attending has installed the latest version of the affected Artful packages:
gnome-user-docs gnome-getting-started-docs ubuntu-docs
You can install them even if you aren't on Artful yet. Once installed, the current state of the 17.10 desktop guide can be accessed via the terminal command
yelp help:gnome-help
- Overall presentation
Even if most of it is GNOME Help unmodified, the name of it is "Ubuntu Desktop Guide". Is this contradiction appropriate? Personally I think so. The guide targets users of the Ubuntu distribution. See for instance the section "Get more help".
- How does ubuntu-docs fit in?
This file gives an overview of the gnome-user-docs pages currently proposed to be modified and the proposed additional pages. (This is very much work-in-progress.)
- Workflow / bug tracker
My idea is that we should keep ubuntu-docs as the principal bug tracker for the desktop guide. We can't expect the users to know the applicable package name.
New bugs which are upstream in nature should normally be handled like this:
- Change the affected package
- File an upstream bug (or make the OP do it)
- Attach a git patch to the upstream bug
For (the few) pages shipped with ubuntu-docs it's business as usual.
- Translations
For ubuntu-docs (the ubuntu-help template) translations will be handled in Launchpad as usual. For gnome-user-docs and gnome-getting-started-docs the translators will be asked to do the translations upstream.
- Stable release updates
We have now detached the docs packages from Ubuntu's language pack system, so that won't block backporting of important changes going forward. However: Backporting of new/changed translatable strings is always a tradeoff between the importance of the change and loss of translations. So even if we now have it in our own hands, so to speak, my belief is that stable release updates of the docs still has to be exception cases (apparently misleading instructions...). It's also a matter of resources (both docs team and translators).
- GNOME events
2017 GNOME Documentation Sprint
We have enjoyed recent contributions from subject matter experts on LDAP and SAMBA. The ServerGuide now seems to be a weekly agenda item on the Server Team meetings. There is a 16.04 ServerGuide point release pending. However we want the update stuff updated before hand.
Ubuntu Manual
- Publishing of the desktop guide out from 3 source packages
Should we consider to always publish the U.S. English only ServerGuide in some development section of (Similar to what we typically do about a month or two before the release date.) We could also post the English only desktop docs at their current state. (so what we used to call "preliminary" could now be called "Dev" or "Development", but always present.)
Past meetings
Past meetings are shown on the MeetingLogs/DocTeam page.
DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda (last edited 2020-07-22 14:29:04 by dsmythies)