For Maverick, we simply refined the artwork we implemented in Lucid. I plan to use this page to document those changes some time. --JonathanCarter
New Colour Pallette
The colour pallette has been updated to reflect the actual colours used in Edubuntu 10.10. The dark grey colour has been updated to #424242 to match the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy theme around the 10.10 release. Our new official green is also a bit lighter and brighter, it turned out useful in the installer slideshow to make it somewhat more cheerful.
New Ubiquity Slideshow
Above is an example slide, visit to view the entire slideshow.
Icon changes
Default menu icon now applies to the gartoon theme too. Currently it's applied per icon theme with diverts, which is certainly not optimal. We'll look into improving this and liaise with upstream to improve this.