The Edubuntu Handbook is a culmination of work by many people brought together in order to help the new Edubuntu user with their standalone or thin-client system.

Aim of the Handbook

The Handbook intends to be a guide and reference for new users, experienced users and administrators looking to install, configure or utilise their Edubuntu system to it's full potential.

The Handbook is not intended to "reinvent the wheel" so specific Ubuntu documentation will be covered in the Ubuntu documentation (currently in a TopicBasedHelp structure) and upstream projects like Gnome.

The Handbook, therefore, looks only to:

Intended Audience

The Handbook is intended to serve:

In general, the Handbook will assume that the reader has a basic understanding of ICT, but is not skilled in using Linux, LTSP or the relevant Open Source tools and applications supplied with Edubuntu.

Contributing to the Handbook

If you are interested in helping out with the Edubuntu Handbook you are encouraged to contact the Ubuntu Documentation Project at <> and read their wiki page. The Handbook is created in DocBook XML and stored in a Subversion (SVN) repository.

There are still many sections available for adoption as well as every section is in need of proofreading as well as extra content. To see the current state of the Edubuntu Handbook you can view it at


The planning pages for the Edubuntu Handbook will look at a general overview of:

Please feel free to contribute to these sections or to the structure and outline of the sections. However, before making large or drastic changes, we ask that you confer with the Documentation Team first.

Edubuntu/Documentation/Handbook (last edited 2009-10-14 19:21:16 by 95)