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{{{09:05 RichEd Shall we kick off ... with (drum roll) Oliver on Tech ! 09:06 ogra specs: 09:06 ogra edgy-plusone-thinclient-sound: missing one main inclusion for alsa-plugins, apart from that it's done and rocking the house Smile :) 09:07 ogra ltsp-management-gui: python-ltsp (the backend module) is about done, still have to do the gui rewrite .. will start over the weekend 09:07 ogra student-control-panel-upgrade: well, see petes blog 09:07 ogra its soooo sexy !!!!!! 09:07 cbx33 it's going well 09:08 cbx33 and the rewrite of the DES encyrption bit switcher worked 09:08 cbx33 so we can now ship VNC stuff 09:08 cbx33 which was in jeperdy at one point 09:08 ogra edubuntu-network-auth-server: the thing im fighting with since i came back from oslo, spec will need a bunch of changes and the auth server will only be set up for new installs for now 09:08 highvoltage cbx33: very nice stuff 09:08 ogra we wont be able to use the planned frontend, its simply to buggy 09:09 cbx33 Sad :( 09:09 ogra i'm lookinf for something in replacement atm 09:09 ajmitch which frontend? 09:09 ajmitch edsadmin? 09:09 ogra we could take lat which is considered for upstream inclusion at some point as well 09:09 ogra ajmitch, yep 09:09 ajmitch hm, lat is nice but may be complex 09:10 ajmitch plus we need to fix the package so it builds 09:10 ogra after using it extensively for one week i saw more chrashes that i would have expected 09:10 ogra it will be some major work to get it to a level where we could ship it as default 09:10 ajmitch unfortunate 09:10 ogra i havent seen any crashers with lat yet 09:11 ajmitch 1.2.x FTBFS 09:11 ogra but i extremely dislike its UI 09:11 ogra so i'm still looking around 09:11 ajmitch oh that's a simple fix, I'll do that now 09:11 highvoltage UI sounds like something cbx33 is good at, so that will probably be the next phase Smile :) 09:11 ajmitch if you could check out lat 1.2.x, it may be an improvement over 1.0.7 09:11 cbx33 heheh 09:12 ogra highvoltage, well, lat is mono 09:12 cbx33 ogra, and... 09:12 cbx33 heheh 09:12 cbx33 I can learn mono 09:12 cbx33 heheh 09:12 ogra and edsadmins UI is fine it just explodes all the time 09:12 ajmitch C# is easy Smile :) 09:13 ogra anyway, edubuntu-network-auth server should be done before feature freeze, even though it moght not yet be the ful specced variant === pips1 googles edsadmin and finds 'Erudite Directory Service Admin' 09:13 ogra edubuntu-auth-client will either be ajmitch's login tool ... but i dont know the status 09:13 ogra or a static config that points to the local edubuntu server for now 09:13 ajmitch mostly there, I've got a few spare days 09:14 ajmitch public holiday in a couple of days Smile :) 09:14 ogra important for me with these two specs is that we got all bits and pieces in this time ... 09:14 cbx33 only a week left 09:14 ajmitch plus you were going to do a metapackage that asks debconf questions & preseeds? 09:14 ogra we can improve beyond basic authentication over the releases 09:14 ajmitch I guess that'll have to come once I ship this for you 09:14 Mithrandir (we're about a week from creature freeze, uh, feature freeze) 09:14 ajmitch Mithrandir: yep, I know Smile :) 09:14 ogra ajmitch, i'm doing a udeb for feisty ... 09:15 ajmitch ogra: ok, using debconf? 09:15 ogra ajmitch, which will then do the preseeding 09:15 ogra yep 09:15 ajmitch great 09:15 ajmitch define what you need preseeded & I'll grab that 09:15 ogra essentially i dropped the metapackage idea for feisty ... its just to big but i want at least an ldap server in place 09:15 ajmitch ok 09:16 ogra else development will get stuck in feisty+1 .... too much of our future plans depends on network auth 09:16 ajmitch using smbldap, I expect 09:16 ogra i was planning to, but if that doesnt make FF, i'm also fine with a simple ldap auth ... 09:16 ajmitch ah right 09:17 cbx33 ogra, ++ about the future plans 09:17 cbx33 hehe 09:17 ogra the chorus here is "network authentication" no matter how ... 09:17 ajmitch I'll get this client stuff done & working before I offer to help with server this week 09:17 ogra we can improve in the future, having a working skeleton is the start for that ... 09:18 highvoltage ogra++ about network authentication policy! 09:18 cbx33 ogra, I'm gonna need details of whatever we do for the book 09:18 cbx33 but then you'll see where we are once you've read it all 09:18 highvoltage ogra: I've found that easy painless authentication isn't too bad with sshfs, even though it uses fuse, wich may put off some people 09:19 rodarvus highvoltage, not sure I understand the reasoning for that? 09:19 ajmitch ogra: ok, I'll get this stuff in a day or two, no matter what Smile :) 09:20 ajmitch I have to run off to work now 09:20 rodarvus (fuse being a reason for people to be scared) 09:20 highvoltage rodarvus: it's basically for exporting a filesystem to a client that's booting from a seperate / 09:21 rodarvus (but I might be missing something, of course) 09:23 rodarvus (ogra is likely timed out, btw) 09:23 rodarvus his connection, I mean 09:23 RichEd i was wondering 09:24 Burgwork ogra, ajmitch: lat has major crashing issues 09:24 RichEd Anybody with any other tech news in the meanwhile ? 09:24 RichEd rodarvus do you want to let people know about your moodle packaging efforts ? 09:25 rodarvus I do, but I'd like ogra to be here 09:25 RichEd okie ... anyone else ? 09:25 cbx33 don't think so 09:25 rodarvus since he raised a point on wwwconfig-common I'm interested in hearing 09:25 RichEd I'll introduce the moodle bit then ... we're trying our best to get moodle integrated into Main for Edubuntu. 09:26 RichEd I was in LCA a week or so ago, and met Martin Douigiamas, the founder of moodle. 09:26 RichEd He is keen for us to succeed, and to work on spreading both products as a bundle. 09:27 RichEd LAMS and moodle are also looking at integration and interoperability, and LAMS are also keen to see a Edubuntu / moodle / LAMS easy install bundle. 09:27 cbx33 RichEd, this is all going to be awesome 09:27 cbx33 ogra, must get hacked off with his net connection 09:28 RichEd The good news for us is that many people want moodle and LAMS as a resource tool, and just want a stable server underneath. That means we can get into libraries and universities and schools even if they are using other distros on the server and desktop space. 09:28 cbx33 yup 09:29 RichEd moodle is also working on a "moodle cloud" where you can set your server up and join a voluntary clound, and when a user authenticates against any singel server, they are free to move across all servers with the same log-in. 09:29 RichEd *cloud 09:29 RichEd so our steps are: #1 bundle moodle with main 09:30 Burgwork https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportMoodle 09:30 Burgwork that needs to be dealt with 09:30 RichEd rodarvus is busy with that, he'll give an update when ogra is back 09:30 rodarvus I can start my technical overview on the process 09:30 rodarvus but would like ogra to be here 09:31 RichEd step#2 will be a Edubuntu/moodle/database single CD .iso - easy intall, minimal questions and config 09:31 RichEd so we hope that moodle will recommend our image as being the simplest up & go option. 09:31 Burgwork RichEd: for that we need to create a moodle task, I suspect 09:32 rodarvus actually, more than that, what I would like to see (or do, even) is a graphical installation/configuration tool for moodle 09:32 RichEd yep, but moodle will cooperate and we can chew it from both ends. 09:32 pips1 Burgwork: 'moodle task' = ? 09:32 cbx33 http://www.progbox.co.uk/group.jpg - meet the new feisty edubuntu homies 09:32 Burgwork rodarvus: better to have the graphical client be a web-based thingy, I suspect 09:32 Burgwork pips1: using tasksel for the installer 09:32 RichEd and step#3 will be LAMS but that will be feisty+1 or +2 09:33 highvoltage pips1: debian terminology Wink ;) 09:33 RichEd cbx33: you can go ahead ... 09:33 cbx33 AliasVegas, has been hard at work 09:33 rodarvus Burgwork, its kind of a chicken and egg problem, but can be dealt with 09:33 pips1 Burgwork: ta 09:33 AliasVegas lol 09:33 pips1 cbx33, AliasVegas niiiice 09:33 Burgwork rodarvus: if you install the moodle server, you get asked for an IP and then told to go to that IP with your workstation 09:33 cbx33 pips1, -cbx33 09:33 cbx33 hehe 09:34 rodarvus Burgwork, I'm talking about the server configuration, to be honest 09:34 Burgwork rodarvus: for that we could use debconf 09:34 rodarvus which is not trivial, and currently is our main point of headaches 09:34 rodarvus Burgwork, we do 09:35 pips1 AliasVegas: I really like the way they poke fun with the 'victory' sign :_D 09:35 rodarvus but lets move to artwork, and get back to moodle when ogra is here 09:35 AliasVegas heheh :P 09:35 rodarvus otherwise we'll have to discuss this twice Smile :) 09:35 Burgwork indeed 09:36 rodarvus (but rationale is: some of the configuration is waaaay beyond what you'd do from inside debconf) 09:37 AliasVegas The clock idea for the ldm login screen has been put on hold till next release....not enough time to complete the code for the clock and it seems like a better idea to do it when the clock can be included 09:38 AliasVegas pips1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuArtwork/Palette 09:38 cbx33 that was the idea pips1 09:39 cbx33 and it will happen 09:39 cbx33 just not for feisty 09:40 RichEd we were also talking about the possibility of making the message board realtime ... for school wide news and announcements 09:40 cbx33 RichEd, yes an MOTD system was something AliasVegas and I were keen to do 09:40 cbx33 and we thought the clock woud give it a nice look 09:40 cbx33 and something dynamic too 09:40 cbx33 but that's for feisty + 1 09:41 cbx33 so... 09:41 highvoltage would be nice if a teacher could choose all the widgets and place them like gdeskletts, but that's of course way off Smile :) 09:41 cbx33 yes 09:41 AliasVegas any comments on the latest artwork?? http://www.progbox.co.uk/group.jpg 09:42 pips1 highvoltage: nice imagination! Smile :) 09:42 RichEd AliasVegas: very anime ... quite hip Smile :) 09:42 AliasVegas thanks RichEd 09:43 highvoltage AliasVegas: well, I don't know if you read the original comments about edubuntugirl, some people might have a problem about where the girl's one hand is 09:43 pips1 AliasVegas: I like the expressions on their faces (especially the smirk of the guy) 09:43 highvoltage AliasVegas: but it's quite cool Smile :) 09:43 willvdl for the record, I did inquiries into artwork contributions. did anything come through on the ML? 09:43 pips1 highvoltage: shock! horror! Wink ;-) 09:43 ogra ok, i just discovered a bug in edubuntu-auth-server Smile :) 09:43 AliasVegas the guy isnt finished yet 09:43 RichEd ogra: we're going through artwork ... 'cos alias and pete need to dash 09:44 cbx33 AliasVegas, can you repost the link for ogra 09:44 AliasVegas this is what i have been workin on since 10am 09:44 RichEd then back to ogra and rodarvus will give us a moodle update 09:44 AliasVegas ogra http://www.progbox.co.uk/group.jpg 09:44 ogra did you guys contact kwii or did he contact you for artwork ? 09:44 cbx33 nope had no contact 09:44 ogra hes the hired designer who will do all designs now it seems 09:44 pips1 !! 09:44 highvoltage kwii, that's a kde wii emulator, right? right!? 09:44 willvdl ogra, not cliff? 09:45 pips1 highvoltage: LOL 09:45 cbx33 ogra, when was this decided? 09:45 ogra highvoltage, dont say that to him Smile :) i think he's tired of hearing it Wink ;) 09:45 Riddell ogra: kwwii 09:45 ogra cbx33, no idea when mark decided to make it final 09:45 willvdl cbx33, remember two meeitngs back? the debate around feisty art contributions? 09:45 ogra ken had done the kubuntu artwork in edgy 09:45 highvoltage ogra: heh, ok 09:45 cbx33 willvdl, yes 09:46 cbx33 but there was no outcome as far as I knew 09:46 ogra Riddell, ah, thanks ... 09:46 pips1 AliasVegas: I like the girls hair (on the left): nice shape and tones 09:46 AliasVegas thanks pips1 09:46 ogra cbx33, did you send the mail to ubuntu-art we talked about some meetings ago ? 09:46 AliasVegas highvoltage: can you elaborate on the girls hand comment for me? : ) 09:47 cbx33 ogra, i thought I had but didn't see it on the archive 09:47 ogra that would be where kwwii would pick you up ... 09:47 cbx33 I'll mail him later 09:47 ogra anyway, i'll try to get him to #edubuntu once 09:47 ogra or that, even better 09:47 kwwii a little bird told me to join 09:47 cbx33 kwwii...was just coming to look for you 09:48 ogra kwwii, meet cbx33 and AliasVegas, our edubuntu artists Smile :) 09:48 ogra Riddell, thanks for that Wink ;) 09:48 kwwii ogra, cbx33, AliasVegas, hi 09:49 cbx33 kwwii, so....where do we stand for artwork on edubuntu Wink ;) 09:49 highvoltage AliasVegas: heh, keep it like it is. I think it's fine. I also find emails like this amusing: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2005-October/000628.html 09:49 highvoltage AliasVegas: so bring it on! 09:49 cbx33 we were just discussin this 09:49 cbx33 http://www.progbox.co.uk/group.jpg 09:49 kwwii cbx33: well, until now I have only discussed working on the login screen with ogra 09:49 AliasVegas highvoltage: heheh thatnks!! _ 09:49 kwwii cbx33: it would depend on what needs to be done 09:50 kwwii until now it is unclear to me how tied to ubuntu edubuntu is, art-wise 09:50 ogra kwwii, we usually ship a default wallpaper with a kids wallpaper alongside ... http://www.progbox.co.uk/group.jpg would be a kids variant ... 09:50 ogra kwwii, login window, gnome splash, wallpaper(s) 09:50 ogra thats usually what we change ... 09:51 kwwii ogra: well, I will be working on Ubuntu and Kubuntu stuff anyway, so I guess some of that work could end up in edubuntu as well, if there is a desire to do it 09:51 ogra right 09:51 kwwii mainly, if we pick one look the hardest part is filling in all the pieces 09:51 ogra thats why AliasVegas should coordinate it with you 09:52 kwwii sounds great 09:52 ogra edubuntu has a it more freedom to be more colorful and fresher ... 09:52 kwwii we can discuss that offline, if it is not pertinent to this meeting 09:52 ogra even though we start targeting older audience ... 09:52 highvoltage ogra: perhaps this is not the right meeting for this, but isn't it possible that there would be a kubuntu edubuntu metapackage at some point, perhaps edubuntu should have a KDM theme as well? 09:52 ogra kwwii, right ... 09:53 kwwii sorry for disturbing Smile :-) 09:53 ogra highvoltage, i'd like to leave that to some kedubuntu people 09:53 ogra kwwii, you never disturb, you know that Smile :) 09:53 highvoltage heh 09:53 ogra highvoltage, your ressouces are to small to care for multiple DEs 09:53 rodarvus kedubuntu! 09:53 kwwii if we could somehow come to a state where all the *buntu's shared the same look it would be really easy Wink ;-) 09:54 ogra and if i would care for a second one my choice would be xfce for now 09:54 highvoltage ogra: true, but often it's just a fact of life and we have to deal with it _ 09:54 ogra simply because the request fr it is bigger in the edu landscape 09:54 kwwii one set of SVGs with a makefile like "make blue" 09:54 ogra and a script that only adjusts the color values Smile :) 09:54 willvdl kwwii, can you do that with svg? 09:54 ogra easily 09:55 kwwii I actually had something like that running for suse a long time ago 09:55 kwwii Wink ;-) 09:55 willvdl useful 09:55 ogra willvdl, you can edit svg with a text editor 09:55 rodarvus I believe you can even embed js inside an svg 09:55 ogra yep 09:56 ogra you guys should probably schedule an artwork meeting or somethng like that 09:56 cbx33 ogra, already happeneing 09:56 ogra if anything on the packaging side is needed, feel free to abuse me Smile :) 09:57 cbx33 hehe 09:57 cbx33 oh i will 09:57 pips1 so the result is: kwii will coordinate with AliasVegas 09:57 ogra right 09:57 ogra and with me if it comes to technical details 09:58 AliasVegas alrighty _ 09:58 ogra is that it for artwork ? i'D like to finish tech ... 09:58 AliasVegas Yep 09:58 cbx33 yes 09:58 cbx33 sorry ogra 09:58 pips1 AliasVegas: keep up the nice work, and tell us if kwwii is nasty, then we will gang up on him! Wink ;-) 09:58 ogra great, where did i stop ... edubuntu-network-client will either be ajmitch's tool or a static setup ... 09:59 AliasVegas pips1: hehe thankyou! 09:59 ogra during the crash i had some mins ago i found an evil bug with udev .... i have to examine that but it might stop edubuntu-auth-server from feisty ... :/ 10:00 RichEd pity :/ 10:00 ogra well, lets see 10:00 rodarvus ouch 10:00 ogra udev needs userauthentication and groupauthentication if it creates the initial devices 10:00 pips1 8-O 10:01 ogra that cant be there at this point if we are our own server (there is no filesystem mounted yet) 10:01 ogra its probably solveable through an easy setting or something ... but its a bug i didnt expect 10:02 ogra and it locked me out completely, so i needed a liveCD to recver 10:02 ogra *recover 10:02 ogra nothing i'd want to bother our testers with 10:02 highvoltage ogra: just call it a random security feature 10:02 ogra ok, something positive ..... 10:02 ogra edubuntu-on-two-cds 10:02 Mithrandir uh, why can't it map unauthenticated accesses to nobody? That should be enough to get you started. 10:03 ogra Mithrandir, will look, i havent dug through all the nsswitch options yet 10:03 ogra thanks for the pointer 10:03 ogra Smile :) 10:03 ogra http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/ 10:03 ogra edubuntu-on-two-cds 10:03 pips1 yay 10:03 highvoltage :-D 10:03 ogra WE HAVE 650MB SPARE SPACE !!!! 10:04 ogra (only on the server iso though) 10:04 ogra the gnome-app-install hook is still missing 10:04 ogra so the CD only starts up synaptic atm 10:04 rodarvus ogra, not for long Wink ;) 10:04 ogra but even with that i'D be happy to go Wink ;) 10:04 highvoltage ogra: even that is a major improvement 10:05 ogra ltsp-fat-clients: the one spec i wouldnt care to defer 10:05 ogra if the auth-server makes it, it wil be implemented as well 10:06 ogra all pieces apart from network aouth are implemented 10:06 ogra but if that one desnt make it i wil drop fat clients as well 10:06 highvoltage fat clients was always dependent on auth 10:06 ogra ltsp-persistent-home: deferred 10:07 highvoltage it's easy to hack up for an administrator who really, really wants it, at least 10:07 willvdl ogra, I'm rusty on the spec for fat-client, is that a network booted diskless fat? 10:07 ogra better-moodle-integration: rodarvus is packaging moodle 1.7 atm ... 10:07 ogra thats al about tech 10:07 rodarvus my turn, then 10:07 cbx33 phew that's a lot 10:07 Burgwork we were talking about how to configure the moodle server 10:07 ogra willvdl, thats a netbooted workstation 10:07 willvdl ogra, cool 10:08 rodarvus as RichEd said on his introduction to the moodle subject, I'm working on properly packaging moodle for main 10:08 ogra Burgwork, not differently from the defaults now ... we need a safe upgrade path 10:08 Burgwork ah 10:08 rodarvus this task is twofold: removing the usage of wwwconfig-common from the postinst/postrm/prerm scripts 10:08 RichEd [ Burgwork: the simple CD .iso will be a next step ] 10:08 rodarvus and, since we want to have a very close relationship with upstream (and for security reasons) 10:09 rodarvus I'm also working on the update of our moodle package for the latest version 10:09 rodarvus the rationale is we base our package on debian's, which is version 1.6.3 10:09 ogra which should essentially only be a replacement of the orig.tar.gz ... 10:09 ogra right 10:09 rodarvus debian has frozen main, so won't have a new version for a while 10:09 rodarvus ogra, no, it isn't 10:09 ogra oh, why is that ? 10:09 rodarvus database schema is different, for instance 10:10 ogra ah 10:10 rodarvus moodle 1.7.0 (.1, actually) is quite an upgrade from 1.6.x 10:10 rodarvus various new modules, and added features 10:10 ogra i only knew about added utf8 support 10:10 rodarvus no Smile :) 10:10 rodarvus wait a sec, I'll grab the list 10:11 willvdl A db schema change is quite drastic isn't it? 10:11 ogra yes it is :/ 10:11 rodarvus Roles - Moodle has a complete new architecture for assigning people permissions. 10:11 rodarvus XML database schema - Moodle now supports a single way of specifying database structures using XML 10:11 ogra thats something we need to sort in our new upstream relationship 10:11 rodarvus New admin interface 10:11 rodarvus and 10:11 rodarvus Unit testing framework 10:11 rodarvus (various other small features too) 10:11 rodarvus but these are the big ones 10:12 willvdl how would the unit testing framework affect users? 10:12 rodarvus it won't 10:12 rodarvus its for developers only 10:12 rodarvus but as moodle is quite extensible, we might see many users adding their own modules for added spice on their courses/seminars 10:13 willvdl rodarvus, not tech doc yet, but is their documentation up to date? 10:13 rodarvus it is 10:13 willvdl gooood 10:13 ogra they have awesome docs 10:13 rodarvus willvdl, but unfortunately, I was not able to link it to yelp :/ 10:13 ogra moodle is one of the best docced apps i've seen so far 10:13 rodarvus they have great docs, and a dedicated (?) person for that 10:14 rodarvus what they are (unfortunately) lacking is on quality code, regarding security 10:14 rodarvus moodle has had 13 secunia issues in the last two years 10:14 rodarvus two of them are open for moodle 1.6.x 10:14 ogra well, its php ... 10:14 ogra what would you expect 10:14 rodarvus to be sincere, I'm not confident on what will be the response of pitti to our MIR 10:15 rodarvus ogra, indeed, it resembles mediawiki a lot, on this regard 10:15 ogra we will urely get restrictions 10:15 highvoltage ogra: I hear the main ubuntu.com site is going to be driven by php soon 10:15 ogra like i did for pulseaudio 10:15 willvdl drupal, yeah 10:15 rodarvus ogra, indeed, which takes me to the question you asked me on email, this morning (regarding how I dropped wwwconfig-common) 10:15 ogra its not allowed into -desktop 10:15 ogra but its allowed into main, so i can use it in ltsp 10:16 rodarvus I basically reimplemented all the scripts manually, based on what they were doing from inside wwwconfig-common 10:16 ogra rodarvus, i'd still like to see that scripts Smile :) 10:16 rodarvus but parts of the scripts (the parts related to postgresql) are changing for 1.7 10:16 rodarvus ogra, sure 10:16 rodarvus nothing out of extraordinary, to be honest 10:16 ogra yes, please focus on 1.7 ... i will try to get a FF exception if one is needed 10:17 pips1 rodarvus: The new roles feature in 1.7.1 has caused our moodle admin quite a big headache. he upgraded from 1.6.4 and ended up with automatic course subscriptions of students that weren't supposed to be there... I think that problem still persists in moodle upstream :-/ 10:17 rodarvus ogra, I *really* don't think it will be needed 10:17 ogra rodarvus, worst case ... you never know 10:17 rodarvus (unless we have huge problems, which I haven't had yet) 10:17 rodarvus right 10:17 willvdl "worst case ... you never know" ... lol 10:18 rodarvus pips1, right. this is one of my worries (and the reason why it is not a trivial orig.tar.gz upgrade) 10:18 rodarvus there isn't really much we can do, apart from either: 10:18 rodarvus 1. having a separate package for moodle 1.6 and 1.7 10:18 rodarvus or 10:18 rodarvus 2. ignoring upgrade users (which I don't think will happen :P ) 10:18 ogra 1. is fine with me 10:18 ogra we divert from debian anyway 10:19 rodarvus nice 10:19 willvdl seeing as tis is the first time we package moodle with our release, can we not work around that with good docs? 10:19 ajmitch rodarvus: did you not consider using dbconfig-common? 10:19 rodarvus that is on my plans too, if we find out upstream is not supporting database schema updates properly 10:19 ogra so people wanting to use 1.6 can get the debian upgrades as long as they fix 1.6 10:19 rodarvus ajmitch, no, I didn't, to be sincere 10:19 ajmitch ok, that's been promoted as a replacement for wwwconfig-common 10:19 ajmitch afaik 10:20 ajmitch sorry to tell you about it after the work has been done Smile :) 10:20 rodarvus nice! 10:21 rodarvus (its less useful for 1.7, if we don't support upgrades from 1.6, but nice, still Smile :) ) 10:22 rodarvus anyhow, this is my tech update for moodle, unless someone has comments or questions 10:22 ogra sounds great ! 10:22 pips1 rodarvus: will moodle run on the edubuntu server by default? 10:23 rodarvus RichEd can probably give more details on this regard, I think (from his conversations with upstream) 10:23 ogra thats the plan 10:24 ogra edubuntu will be a fully fledged setup with all server apps we promote ... 10:24 ogra so its easy to make derivatives by switching off parts 10:24 cbx33 Smile :) 10:24 ogra edubuntu itself sould always have all features we put effort in Smile :) 10:24 ajmitch rodarvus: I'm just filing a sync request for dbconfig-common now to get the latest, 1.8.30 has some useful fixes Smile :) 10:24 willvdl so moodle goes on server install but not workstation install right? 10:24 ogra to show off with integration Wink ;) 10:25 ogra right 10:25 rodarvus willvdl, yes, no reason to have it on workstataion installs 10:26 ogra it wont be on the desktop CD and not in wrokstation installs ... 10:26 ogra only on the first server CD 10:26 willvdl did I miss TCM BTW? 10:26 ogra with a default config 10:26 highvoltage willvdl: try channel 7 10:26 pips1 has there been any thinking about integrating user administration of edubuntu and moodle? or is that feisty+5 ? Smile :) 10:27 rodarvus one thing I talked briefly with Burgwork and others is about a (theoric) tool for extra configuration of moodle 10:27 rodarvus would be nice for us to collaborate with upstream on this regard 10:27 ogra willvdl, 09:07ograstudent-control-panel-upgrade: well, see petes blog 10:27 Burgwork pips1: for that you would need an ldap plugin for moodle 10:27 ajmitch Burgwork: there's probably one floating around 10:27 rodarvus there are various little configurations and tweaks on moodle which could benefit from that 10:27 ogra pips1, afaik there are ldap integartion bits for moodle ... 10:27 ajmitch Burgwork: google shows me docs for it Smile :) 10:28 ogra that would be a good feisty+1 target Wink ;) 10:28 willvdl ogra, thanks 10:28 Burgwork ajmitch: right, figured it would be likely 10:28 Burgwork rodarvus: see the first run config stuff of wildfire (the jabber server) 10:28 Burgwork it is quite slick 10:28 ajmitch ogra: could you tell me later (after meeting I guess) just what you need for pam_mount config for network auth? 10:29 rodarvus Burgwork, will do, thanks! 10:29 rodarvus but imho, these configs are not stuff for a "first run", but instead, configurations which can be enabled/tweaked by administrators wanting advanced features 10:30 ogra ajmitch, i'm not sure i need anything yet ... that will depend if i do samba integration now or in feisty+1 10:30 Burgwork actually, "do you want user stuff stored in moodle or ldap" is a first run question 10:30 ogra with nfs mounts there shouldnt be any modifications necessary 10:30 ajmitch ogra: assuming you need it now, I want to be prepared 10:30 ajmitch ok === ajmitch has the start of a module for it, but no config setting yet 10:30 pips1 Burgwork: good point 10:31 ogra anyway, lets not get the tech stuff to big ... reports are done 10:33 ogra feature freeze is near 10:34 ogra what did you covere apart from artwork while i tried to get back into my system ? 10:34 ogra *cover 10:35 willvdl RichEd has a bad lag. Shall we move to docs? 10:35 willvdl just phoned me 10:35 pips1 nothing, apart from nixternal piping in that he makes a promise to work on docs this weekend 10:35 ogra feel free, i'm done 10:36 pips1 willvdl: ? 10:36 willvdl rodarvus, about moodle docs 10:36 willvdl how will it integrate at the mo 10:37 willvdl if not in yelp 10:37 rodarvus well, not with yelp, unfortunately. I tried to hack a script to merge moodle docs into yelp xml, but failed miserably 10:37 ogra willvdl, they are contained in moodle 10:37 rodarvus apart from that, they are html files 10:37 rodarvus contained in moodle, as ogra said 10:37 willvdl context help in moodle 10:37 ogra afaik if you install them they show up as a module 10:37 froud rodarvus: what is src for moodle docs? 10:37 willvdl OK, so we don't have to consider anything special for it on or off-line? 10:37 ogra froud, moodle upstream 10:37 froud wiki 10:38 froud moin 10:39 willvdl any thoughts on an install doc? vs having it in handbook? 10:39 rodarvus froud, basic html 10:39 rodarvus created by moodle upstream 10:39 rodarvus not sure if they use something else to create it 10:40 froud rodarvus: isn't there a round trip script from wiki to db and back in ubuntu-doc 10:40 rodarvus (might be a good idea to talk with them on the subject) 10:40 froud rodarvus: html 2 db is a hard one 10:40 RichEd_ hi guys - sorry other machine is hanging on me 10:41 rodarvus froud, it *might* be, but I think it is created specifically for use inside moodle, and not for a common wiki 10:42 rodarvus (hmm, no - mediawiki with heavy plugin usage) 10:42 pips1 hold on, aren't you guys talking about two different things? there is a documentation that comes as a moodle module (static html), and there is a work-in-progress online documentation wiki, right? 10:42 froud rodarvus: http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/Html2DocBook 10:42 froud It's not 100% fire and forget though 10:43 rodarvus pips1, this is right 10:43 pips1 are you now talking about packaging up the work-in-progress wiki doc? === rodarvus isn't 10:44 pips1 froud: ? Smile :) 10:44 froud pips1: I think we speaking on both 10:44 froud 1. module 10:44 rodarvus I'm saying that the static docs are positively not wiki, but I'm not sure if they are generated from a mediawiki or such, by the moodle documentation person 10:44 froud 2. wiki 10:45 cbx33 sorry just popping in on docs.... 10:45 rodarvus (*and* that I will talk with him to get more info on that) 10:45 willvdl cbx33, are TCM docs a load of work? 10:45 pips1 right, oki 10:45 cbx33 willvdl, not really 10:45 froud rodarvus: let me know if I can help in some nice way 10:45 cbx33 and most of it will be written for the edubuntu chapter in the ubuntu book anyway 10:46 cbx33 so I can just hack it up a bit 10:46 willvdl cnx33, will you have yelp integration? 10:46 cbx33 well I 'll rewrite/hack up...not sure if my editor will like me just copying the text from the book 10:46 froud rodarvus: as I recollect, yelp does read HTML, no? 10:46 ogra i guess you need one screenshot per fuction and one explanatory sentence 10:47 cbx33 ogra, if you can just check through that doc and make changes where necessary that'll be a great help 10:47 ogra that shoud be enouhg 10:47 cbx33 ogra, exactly 10:47 cbx33 infact the handbook already has a lot 10:47 cbx33 and all the screenshots were done 10:48 ogra think abou tthat we need to update screenshts with the final artwork 10:48 cbx33 ye 10:48 cbx33 s 10:48 cbx33 ogra, screenshots are not done for the book yet 10:48 ogra ah, ok 10:48 cbx33 and most of the tcm/scp are done of tiny potions which don't change much 10:48 willvdl maybe even a screencast? Smile :) 10:48 cbx33 could do 10:49 popey \o/ screencasts 10:49 popey hi cbx33 10:49 rodarvus froud, it reads xml 10:49 froud rodarvus: yes, but also HTML 10:49 rodarvus but anyhow, nice - help is always appreciated Smile :) 10:49 willvdl froud, I don't think it does read html 10:49 willvdl not like khelp 10:50 froud willvdl: hmmm then they took support for it out 10:50 rodarvus it expects XML, using the specific DTD used by the gnome documentation, afaik 10:50 froud shame getting moodle docs in would have been simple scrollkeeper touch if yelp still supported it 10:50 froud will try yelp an html page please I am on kde 10:51 froud willvdl: can you try yelp an html page please I am on kde 10:51 willvdl froud looking 10:51 froud willvdl: try that nepad eschools page you built today 10:52 willvdl trying to point yelp to a url... 10:52 froud try page on disk 10:52 willvdl built that on kde Smile :) 10:53 froud it will also build on gnome 10:53 rodarvus froud, willvdl: "Yelp serves as a DocBook viewer, a man page viewer, and an info page viewer. This page serves as a development workspace for Yelp and gnome-doc-utils. For the content that goes into Yelp, see the GNOME DocumentationProject." 10:53 willvdl it does read html 10:53 rodarvus http://live.gnome.org/Yelp 10:53 willvdl just did drag and drop of html file into it 10:53 froud willvdl: thx 10:53 froud rodarvus: yes that is what they say, but reality is not the same 10:54 pips1 heh 10:54 froud rodarvus: hence you can take moodle html and package it 10:54 froud then just update scrollkeeper 10:54 willvdl simple omf pointer right? 10:55 froud willvdl: yes 10:55 froud this could save many hours 10:55 willvdl anyhoo 10:55 rodarvus you mean scrollkeeper would be able to index an html file? 10:55 rodarvus that would be great news 10:55 froud but may create issues for l18n 10:55 willvdl maybe not index it 10:55 willvdl sorry, ignore me 10:55 rodarvus well, if not index it, I don't see the point of opening moodle documentation from inside yelp 10:55 rodarvus (unless I'm missing something else) 10:56 rodarvus in this case, yelp would be a simple html browser 10:56 willvdl unless linked from the front page... 10:57 froud rodarvus: scrollkeeper does no index it just keeps track of docs when they are registered with it 10:57 froud rodarvus: yelp will search the html though, I think I recollect that 10:57 rodarvus and yelp is far from good at parsing generic html - it has a very weak html parser 10:58 froud rodarvus: choose your poison, round trip or tweak Smile :-) 10:58 willvdl well lets see if it does work, otherwise a context system within moodle is good enough? 10:58 rodarvus froud, what I mean is, imho, the real reason to use yelp as a moodle help viewer would be to have the help contents properly indexed and linked 10:58 rodarvus froud, heh 10:58 willvdl rodarvus, agree 10:59 froud is there a use case for this? sorry I am missing info 10:59 rodarvus otherwise, it just makes more sense to browse the documentation from inside moodle - since moodle will be running on firefox or similar most (all?) of the time 10:59 froud hence my question on the use case 11:00 froud effort vs reward 11:00 willvdl let's take this offline? 11:00 froud np 11:00 rodarvus agreed 11:00 ogra sounds good 11:00 ogra Ubugtu is pushy 11:01 rodarvus <Ubugtu> meeting is over, or rather, should be! 11:01 rodarvus next would be community? 11:01 ogra anything left ? 11:02 RichEd_ ogra: not from my side ... will do the conference sttuff next weeek }}}