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#title Edubuntu Meeting Log 2007-02-07 <<Include(Edubuntu/WikiSite/Includes/MeetingLogs,,from="^##begin_include$",to="^##end_include$")>> = Meeting February 7, 2007 = == Technical == * libpam_mount: has problems, might defer * ltsp-sound: done * thin-client-manager: uploaded but buggy * edubuntu-on-two-cds: needs testing * ltsp-manager: ogra working on it * 2nd CD needs inclusions == Technical Documentation == * Handbook needs contributers * sbalneav has included LTSP sections == Artwork == * kwii wants us to pitch designs that he will work on == Community & Documentation == * cbx33 working on Edubuntu section for Ubuntu Book * willvdl working on wiki revamp * RichEd gave overview on new community education site * Announced UES in Seville |
This is a log or summary of an Edubuntu Meeting. Please go to the Meeting Page for more information about our meetings.
Meeting February 7, 2007
- libpam_mount: has problems, might defer
- ltsp-sound: done
- thin-client-manager: uploaded but buggy
- edubuntu-on-two-cds: needs testing
- ltsp-manager: ogra working on it
- 2nd CD needs inclusions
Technical Documentation
- Handbook needs contributers
- sbalneav has included LTSP sections
- kwii wants us to pitch designs that he will work on
Community & Documentation
- cbx33 working on Edubuntu section for Ubuntu Book
- willvdl working on wiki revamp
RichEd gave overview on new community education site
- Announced UES in Seville
01:07 RichEd okay, ogra ... technical ? 01:08 ogra well, some good and some not so good news 01:08 pips1 give us the good news first :) 01:08 ogra libpam_mount has a good bunch of problems, as well as i didnt find a proper method to replace the files in /etc/pam.d ... 01:09 ogra wihich is a bad thing foe edubuntu auth server and client 01:09 Kamping_Kaiser RichEd, sent 01:09 RichEd Kamping_Kaiser: tx mate 01:09 ogra i think i'll defer these two to feisty+1 since i think the implementation needs far more testing than i could give it tis cycle 01:10 ogra that will block fat clients as well ... 01:10 pips1 ouch 01:10 ogra well, i dont want to go with a half baked solution 01:10 RichEd pity ... 01:10 pips1 right.. 01:11 RichEd agreed ... stability is essential ... else we fall into the rest of the grey muddle 01:11 ogra well, it's not only stability, but also finding more proper ways to implement it 01:12 ogra ltsp-sound: is done so far, tw packages waiting in the mai inclusion queue for review but thats it, its implemented ... 01:12 ogra thin-client-manager: (student-control-panel) is uploaded since yesterday, still pretty buggy but getting there 01:12 cbx33 sorry guys 01:12 pips1 \o/ 01:12 ogra we al owe cbx33 a beer 01:13 cbx33 heh 01:13 ogra for his awesome work 01:13 cbx33 ogra: have you heard of TCOS? 01:13 Fujitsu I must say, TCM looks absolutely great! 01:13 cbx33 it will work great soon too :p 01:13 cbx33 jus a few bugs to iron out 01:14 ogra edubuntu-on-2-cds: ready for testing .... if you run a decent feisty with up to date gnome-app-install and update-manager packages, it should work like specced 01:14 ogra please test 01:14 ogra ltsp-manager: im still working on that one and hope i have uploaded a gui till tomorrow 01:14 ogra the backend part is done though 01:15 ogra which brings us a great set of modules for all kinds on ltsp admin work 01:15 cbx33 nice 01:15 ogra (clicking together a web gui with python-ltsp will be a charm ;) ) 01:15 cbx33 ogra: seems like someone else is working on a TCM-esque tool 01:15 cbx33 http://soleup.eup.uva.es/trac/wiki/TcosMonitor#Capturas 01:15 cbx33 looks pretty feature rich actually 01:15 ogra yes, i know that 01:16 ogra i think tcm is on par with it, dont you ? 01:16 cbx33 ahh...I'd never heard of it 01:16 cbx33 yes 01:16 cbx33 the guys as TCOS commented on my blog post 01:16 cbx33 s/as/at 01:16 ogra you should write some documentation how to write plugins for it after release :) 01:17 cbx33 i will 01:17 ogra so we can get some external contributions 01:17 cbx33 nice 01:18 ogra so i think thats about it with y specs .... i'm really sorry about the auth server stuff, and i already thought about only having ldap auth with no homedir mounting ... but that doesnt seem the right thing 01:18 cbx33 ogra: we have a fair amount of new stuff 01:18 cbx33 ;) 01:18 ogra so i'll put my focus on it next release and take less new specs 01:18 cbx33 Jordan and I were looking at packages last night for the second cd 01:18 ogra cbx33, yes, but its a *hype* feature 01:19 ogra its the most users requested feature we have ... 01:19 pips1 yep 01:19 cbx33 Jordan wanted me to ask you....are we tied by the deadline of FF for MIR's on the second CD 01:19 ogra eve though i found the 2cd spec far more important i agree that we need something in that area 01:19 cbx33 as someone said to him that it was largely up to you 01:20 ogra my plan is to have at least the essential bits in main and on the CD 01:20 ogra so people dont need to download the bits and pieces to set it up 01:20 cbx33 cool 01:20 ogra i have three main inclusion reports pending for it ... lets see what pitti says :) 01:20 pips1 ogra: what is blocking the auth? 01:21 cbx33 ogra: did you see my question from Jordan? 01:21 ogra pips1, the fact that i'd have to fiddle with /etc/pam.d/* files 01:21 ogra and a bug n libpam-mount 01:22 pips1 right 01:22 ogra pips1, imho the pam.d structure needs an overthought before we start doing stuff like replacing login methods in there 01:23 ogra it's not pluggable at all, you have to modify textfiles line by line ... i'd like to address a mechanism to properly change these files through just dropping files in place without the need to modify existing ones 01:24 ogra but time was to short and this wasnt specced 01:24 ogra (it's underlying architecture we didnt take into account during the speccing sessions) === pips1 searches packages.ubuntu.com for libpam-mount.. "PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session" 01:25 ogra since the fat-client bit is doe but cant be included, i'll chop it down a bit and we can at least ship a kiosk module 01:25 ogra s/doe/done/ 01:26 ogra pips1, its responsible for mounting the users homedir at login 01:26 cbx33 yeh that stuff is tricky 01:26 ogra we dont gain anything without it apart from a more complicated user administration 01:26 ogra just ldap doesnt really help ... 01:26 ogra you need the combo of the different pieces and the integration 01:27 ogra there are pleant of howtos to set up ldap auth with pam-mount, so having the pieces needed for it on the CD shoud be a first step 01:28 ogra *plenty 01:29 RichEd we can also have a wiki page with the how-to info linked or embedded 01:29 ogra right 01:29 RichEd recipes for idjits 01:29 RichEd (my sort of level ;) 01:29 pips1 so you are suggesting to re-package libpam-mount ... for debian? 01:29 ogra well, its not easy ... 01:29 ogra you need some small skills .... 01:30 cbx33 small skills 01:30 cbx33 hehe 01:30 ogra editing the right textfiles and working on the commandline and with apt there ... 01:30 ogra but if you have these and just follow a good guide it shoud work ... 01:30 RichEd that's why I said recipes ... people can follow step-by-step instructions withought understanding the theory 01:31 RichEd *without 01:31 ogra right 01:31 pips1 would it be possible to configure auth manually on a feisty ... while keeping an upgrade path to feisty+1 intact? 01:31 ogra it should, yes ... i need to talk with moquist about it ... 01:32 pips1 ok 01:32 ogra anyway, please test the serveraddon iso ... 01:32 ogra thats the most important spec we have so it deserves plenty of testing 01:33 pips1 gotcha :) 01:33 ogra sound tests on thin clients are appreciated as well btw 01:33 ogra is rodarvus here ? 01:33 pips1 so the serveraddon iso is now built with every 'Herd' release? 01:33 ogra yes 01:34 ogra and with every daily 01:34 pips1 what is currently on the second cd? 01:34 ogra currently only tuxtype is on it :P 01:34 pips1 ah 01:34 ogra i'll chnage the seeds before the weekend 01:34 ogra so there should be more apps then 01:34 cbx33 ogra: Jordan and I worked on that last night 01:34 cbx33 did you see my question above? 01:34 ogra right, you said that 01:34 pips1 cbx33: what is the status? 01:34 cbx33 well Jordan has 7 apps earmarked 01:35 cbx33 with a total of 15 MIRs 01:35 ogra cbx33, i think we can add software later as well, but not add features to it ... 01:35 pips1 he did the 15 MIRs himself? already? 01:35 cbx33 no not yet 01:35 ogra somewhere n the wiki is a detailed definition of the freeze states i thin 01:35 cbx33 but I wrote a script to make it easy 01:35 cbx33 ogra: that would be useful 01:37 ogra https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze hmm 01:37 ogra edubuntu on 2 cds is a low prio goal ... 01:38 pips1 doesn't look good 01:38 cbx33 no 01:38 ogra we have some stuff in main we can add though 01:39 pips1 "we ship a add-on cd with ... with ... 3 apps on it!" =8-o 01:39 cbx33 one pacakge that won;t be getting in anytime soon 01:39 cbx33 celestia :p 01:39 ogra pips1, nope 01:39 jsgotangco 2CDs? === jsgotangco shudders 01:39 ogra we'll ship an add-on CD with 3 apps and 90 langpacks :P 01:39 pips1 hehe 01:39 ogra notMax, i really think we'll have a lot more on it 01:40 pips1 that will make the south american ppl happy :) 01:40 ogra sorry notMax ... autocompletion 01:40 ogra right 01:40 ogra and others as well 01:40 pips1 sure 01:40 ogra i think xcfe can go in it as well 01:40 ogra so highvoltage gets a chance to realise his edubuntu-xfce spec one day ;) 01:41 pips1 what's the status of edubuntu-menus-completion ? 01:41 ogra dunno 01:41 pips1 on LP, it says pending approval 01:41 RichEd ogra: that's good news ... the buy from NorhTec ... low spec appliances is pushing hard for us to work on education projects 01:41 ogra i havent seen jordan for quite some time 01:41 RichEd s/buy/guy 01:42 cbx33 we were working last night 01:42 cbx33 he's been pretty busy 01:42 RichEd ( laser has been in edubuntu ) 01:42 ogra i know i see him in my backlog .... 01:42 ogra but not at times where i was in there ... 01:42 pips1 hmm 01:42 ogra but the spec isnt approved ... 01:43 pips1 feisty+1 then.. 01:43 ogra Keybuk is listed as approver 01:44 pips1 so when is the feature freeze date? 01:45 ogra ok, if there is no moodle update from rodarvus i think tech is done 01:45 RichEd pips1: tamarra : 8 feeb' 01:45 ogra pips1, tomorrow 01:45 pips1 rodarvus: ? 01:45 RichEd rodarvus appears to be here, but is not reponding :( ping 01:45 willvdl I'm back 01:45 RichEd hey willvdl 01:46 RichEd just a quick highlight for you from a few mins ago: 01:46 RichEd <ogra> i think xcfe can go in it as well 01:46 RichEd <ogra> so highvoltage gets a chance to realise his edubuntu-xfce spec one day ;) 01:46 cbx33 heheh 01:46 willvdl woot. 01:46 willvdl ogra, 90 language packs? 01:46 RichEd I said this was good news re Mike Barnes and his ubuntu on edu appliciances. 01:46 willvdl that's going to take some work 01:46 RichEd *appliances 01:47 willvdl RichEd, true. 01:47 ogra RichEd, that wont get us official support for xfce from canonical though 01:47 cbx33 is moodle likeley? 01:47 pips1 RichEd: expand ? 01:47 ogra cbx33, i havent seen anything yet, according to rodrigo it is ... 01:47 willvdl ogra, are language packs maintained acording to relevant package? or is there someone overseeing it in general? 01:47 ogra willvdl, pitti and carlos 01:47 RichEd a thai company under US management produces low spec machines, targetting africa and developing countries 01:48 willvdl ogra cool. I know some of the african langs are a bit behind and just need to be repackaged 01:48 ogra willvdl, carlos for the rosetta side, pitti for distro 01:48 RichEd they are low cost, and importantly low power devices ... suitable for non-airconditioned batter environments 01:48 RichEd battery / alternate power 01:48 RichEd they are using ubuntu with xfce to reduce spec requirements 01:49 willvdl ah, I didn't know he was using xfce 01:49 RichEd they are pushing aggressively into S America and Africa, and are wanting to meet us to work together 01:49 pips1 nice one 01:50 pips1 ... more testers for edubuntu .. hopefully :) 01:50 ogra yeah 01:50 willvdl as long as the testers feedback to community 01:50 ogra ok, i'm done with tech next ? 01:50 cbx33 what's next? 01:52 RichEd tech documentation 01:52 willvdl Cool. Handbook needs contributions! There are a few indipendant efforts, I'm just trying to merge them 01:52 cjwatson ogra: FWIW I think the important bit of edubuntu-on-two-cds to get in before feature freeze was the infrastructure; obviously the earlier the better for the rest of it but I don't think FF is really a hard deadline there 01:53 cbx33 nice cjwatson 01:53 ogra cjwatson, its about the MIRs 01:54 ogra we dont have MIRs for all apps yet ... 01:54 cbx33 jordan is working on them 01:54 cbx33 I would have helped but i have the book deadline tomorrow 01:54 cbx33 so i wrtoe the script to help him out 01:56 pips1 ogra: do language packs for edubuntu-desktop exist, in Main, yet? 01:56 ogra pips1, define "language packs for edubuntu-desktop" ? 01:56 ogra what would make them special ? 01:57 pips1 nothing, I suppose 01:57 ogra right 01:57 willvdl stelis has written some stuff and is going to merge into doc-team SVN 01:57 pips1 language packs are handled differently in the distro process though, right? 01:57 ogra the language-support packages have translations for all apps in main .... 01:57 pips1 right 01:57 ogra right, their creation is handled differently 01:58 willvdl does anyone know if sbalneav has written any LTSP stuff? 01:58 cbx33 there's a lot of LTSP stuff 01:58 cbx33 i saw the other day 01:58 ogra willvdl, most of it 01:58 pips1 good question 01:58 willvdl urk, I must of botched my svn update 01:58 pips1 hurray 01:58 ogra at least in the edubuntu book 01:59 willvdl handbook? 01:59 ogra yeah 01:59 willvdl ok, I definately botched my update 01:59 ogra the ltsp section was written by him 01:59 willvdl sweet. stelis is writing an install guide 01:59 willvdl we jsut have to merge his efforts 01:59 ogra for edubuntu ? 02:00 willvdl yip 02:00 ogra for which installer does he write it ? 02:00 ogra the text one i hope .... 02:00 willvdl well, it's background stuff at the mo but for feisty I hope 02:01 ogra for ubiquity the instal guide is: pop in livecd, doubleclick "install now", answer the questions, reboot :P 02:01 willvdl yeah but some screenshots and default info would be nice :) 02:01 willvdl plus theres stand-alone vs ltsp install 02:01 cjwatson there is already an installation guide. I would much prefer any guide for the text installer to be merged into that 02:01 cjwatson see help.ubuntu.com and the installation-guide source package 02:02 ogra as long as we ship the server cd i'm more intrested in d-i howtos :) 02:02 willvdl cjwatson, is it not in the doc-team repo? 02:02 cjwatson willvdl: no, it comes from Debian 02:02 ogra willvdl, nope 02:02 willvdl hmmm, we need to make it _very_ accessable to new users 02:02 cjwatson it's important for me to be able to keep it reasonably in sync with Debian 02:02 willvdl I didn't even know about it 02:04 willvdl do we have one for ltsp install? 02:05 cjwatson not yet, but it could be added as a section 02:05 cjwatson the stuff I think it's important not to reinvent is all the automatic installation bits 02:06 cjwatson those change from release to release 02:06 cjwatson I don't much care if there's a separate easy install guide that doesn't refer to that at all :) 02:06 willvdl agreed. I'm more concerned about having it boldly linked from somewhere obvious 02:06 cjwatson but I don't want to have to maintain preseeding documentation in multiple places (and it's the installer team that will always end up maintaining preseeding docs, in practice) 02:10 willvdl ok, I'll look into it 02:10 willvdl can someone link me to the install guide? I can't seem to find it 02:10 ogra willvdl, the ltsp install from d-i is only one menu item ... 02:10 ogra you select it and watch a progress bar 02:11 ogra (or use edubuntu and its selected for you) 02:11 willvdl ogra, it may be simple but I believe there's great value in referencing it somewhere 02:11 willvdl for example, install guides seldom include partioning guidelines 02:12 pips1 what about the documentation for TCM ? 02:12 ogra right ... 02:13 ogra pips1, in the works afaik 02:13 pips1 will that live on the wiki only for feisty? 02:13 pips1 cbx33: ? 02:14 pips1 ogra, does ltsp-management-gui need doc? 02:14 ogra pips1, it will ship what it needs 02:15 ogra app docs are usually in the package 02:15 pips1 i.e. a 'Help' button that triggers yelp with the according help text.. 02:16 pips1 ? 02:16 ogra well, as apps do that, yes 02:16 willvdl pips1, integrate help is a coming spec 02:16 willvdl "more" integrated rather 02:16 pips1 ic 02:18 willvdl shall we move on? 02:19 ogra sure 02:19 ogra whats next ? 02:19 RichEd willvdl: anything more, or can we move on to artwork 02:19 cbx33 artwrok 02:19 cbx33 right 02:19 ogra is kwwii here ? 02:19 willvdl well, from my side it looks like I've got some exploring to do 02:19 cbx33 http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuArtwork/Palette 02:20 ogra http://sinecera.de/edubuntu.png i got that one recently 02:20 cjwatson willvdl: it's linked from the front page of help.ubuntu.com. 02:20 cbx33 yp kwwii did that 02:20 ogra yep 02:21 cbx33 lisa's done some concept characters 02:21 ogra looks great imho .... even i dont like that glossy style we shouldnt step to far away from ubuntu 02:21 cbx33 and will be making one more with the three characters as at graduation 02:21 ogra so its about time to adopt it 02:22 willvdl cjwatson, I'm aware of that link. Can I chat to you afterwards? 02:22 cjwatson sure 02:22 ogra cbx33, so do you work closely with kwwii ? 02:23 cbx33 ogra: kwwii wants us to come up with some designs that he'll help us refine 02:24 ogra ok 02:24 pips1 that sounds like a good way to collaborate 02:24 cbx33 yup 02:24 cbx33 when i say us 02:24 cbx33 i relly mean lisa 02:24 cbx33 she's doing all the work 02:25 ogra its very important that he's in the loop 02:25 cbx33 yes 02:25 cbx33 he is 02:25 cbx33 we keep meeting 02:25 ogra good 02:25 RichEd agreed. early appoval or awareness will short-cut any crunch deadline issues 02:29 RichEd ping ? has the conversation gone dead ... or me ? === ogra is still here 02:29 ogra are we done with artwork ? 02:29 cbx33 thinkso 02:29 willvdl looks like it 02:30 ogra willvdl, pips1 ? and news from the web front ? 02:30 RichEd okay ... other documentation ... community docs ... 02:30 willvdl yip 02:30 RichEd I'll update: 02:30 cbx33 the edubuntu chater in the book looks good 02:30 cbx33 ogra updated it 02:30 cbx33 and made usre I hadn't made ny big mistakes 02:30 willvdl https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/Wiki/SiteMap is coming along 02:31 willvdl it is an overview of what I'm putting in the wiki 02:31 willvdl WIP, still adding bits on how to contribute === RichEd is loading 02:31 willvdl remeber that page is just a site map, not a landing page 02:31 RichEd let me add my 2c here ... as it will have some impact 02:32 RichEd newz2000 (matt nuzum) is doing a revamp of ubuntu.com and is moving it to Drupal 02:32 ogra does it have any impact on us ? 02:32 willvdl yip. spoken to him at length 02:32 ogra we're using drupl since the beginning 02:32 RichEd he is going to create sub-areas for "portal like information" with www.ubuntu.com/education being one of the first areas he will look at with us 02:32 willvdl static info goes in web. dynamic info moving to wiki 02:32 ogra and our server is separate, isnt it ? 02:33 pips1 ogra: yes 02:33 ogra ah, so *we will have impact one the ubuntu page* now :) 02:33 pips1 :) 02:33 willvdl what will be in that portal? 02:33 RichEd well what it means that we'll have an "ubuntu and education" area on ubuntu.com 02:33 RichEd as well as our edubuntu.org which we will continue to look after 02:33 RichEd and also the wiki 02:34 willvdl the wiki's at least are the same thing 02:34 RichEd so matt will look at the education solution space, and edubuntu and ubuntu and kubuntu will all have a spot in the education picture 02:34 ogra which doesnt make it easier 02:35 willvdl ogra, I imagine it will jsut be general overview stuff 02:35 willvdl the meat must stay in the wiki 02:35 RichEd it will be aimed at decision makers coming into ubuntu from the top down, and wanting to explore education solutions 02:35 RichEd so, yes, it will be overview info, and will link to our own pages where there is any real meat required 02:36 RichEd but it will give an education department (for example) the idea that they can use ubuntu servers in the datacenter / server farm and edubuntu in the classroom ... 02:36 RichEd and get support for both from canonical ... as well as the community 02:37 RichEd the main impact it will have is that the community area that pips1 and I have been planning will now be more clearly defined. 02:37 willvdl how so? 02:37 RichEd we'll keep the user space for fringe stuff that does not fit in any official resource areas. 02:38 RichEd so the consideration will be by default for any information we want to add: "does this fit into an approved ubuntu or edubuntu space" ... 02:39 RichEd and only exception information or discussion etc. will be in the ubuntu-education area 02:39 RichEd I'll be putting up a wiki page to work out what goes where. 02:40 RichEd So if kids are joining up to post news about their school, we do not want them to create a launchpad account before they are able to post a news item or comments on user issues. 02:41 RichEd But by the same token we do not want people posting news etc. to areas where it looks as if they are speaking on behalf of our community. 02:41 RichEd So we'll have the fringe space as a place to catch info, and revise it for quality, and then move it to an official space when it is cleared. 02:42 willvdl same with the forums? 02:42 pips1 I think of the community space of "where all the action takes place" and the ubuntu.com website as "official top-down, settled info", while the wiki is somewhat an intermediary place for people that want to contirubute to edubuntu more extensively (i.e. documentation, packaging, bug fixing, rather than "just" discussing). 02:43 RichEd yep. if someone wants to create a forum topic for swopping cool pictures created by 8 year olds using tux-paint ... then that stays in the user communtiy space. 02:44 RichEd similarly, for people to discuss *any* application they are using, regardless of compliance to our policies, they can create a thread. 02:44 pips1 willvdl: ubuntuforums is focussed on *buntu foremost, and slanted towards helping to use/configure the OS and Apps in *buntu... 02:45 RichEd if lots of users comment on the application, then we will review it (using the users to do user level reviews) and then move it "across the border" into our official space if we want to serioudly consider it for universe or main 02:46 RichEd at LCA, everyone was very keen to have a space where kids and teachers can review an application, for age level, usability, curriculum fit etc. 02:46 RichEd and as the cream floats to the top, we'll tackle the good bits 02:47 pips1 in the education community space, the focus should be on education.. not only apps, but also content.. even references to content available elsewhere on the web... 02:47 ogra well, depends on your POV 02:47 RichEd same thing for resources ... if we see that there are useful helpful people in the community space, we'll encourage them into our core community to help them skill up via the path of documentation contributor etc. to add bandwidth 02:47 ogra for me from a tech side the focus *is* on apps :) 02:49 RichEd agreed ogra. but people also want to swop content links, school-projects etc. 02:49 ogra indeed 02:49 ogra i just wanted to poit that we have to cover both :) 02:49 ogra *point 02:49 RichEd so we'll keep that away from our core space, but provide an umbrella where people can swop that info, and feel that ubuntu / edubuntu is a cool community to help them find a home 02:50 RichEd so we'll even encourage skolelinix and debian-edu and k12ltsp people to share in the education conversations 02:50 RichEd and hope that they will "all see the light" and have a religious revalation at some point 02:50 RichEd *revelation 02:50 ogra heh 02:51 pips1 maybe think of the online education space as "additional services, from the (greater edu + foss) community, for the (more specific edu+buntu) community" 02:51 willvdl and fall of their horses? 02:51 RichEd the idea is that we use *as little of our resource bandwdith as possible* and it must be driven "by the users for the users" etc. 02:52 RichEd we can look at the wiki page I'll have up next week and discuss 02:53 RichEd willvdl: any more doc / web stuff ? we've got 8 mins left 02:53 willvdl not from me. just that: 02:53 willvdl keep looking at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/Cleanup to see what we can fix 02:53 pips1 well, that is putting it negatively... I think of it as: offer a platform for community exchange. 02:54 RichEd I was hoping to be able to officially announce our Ubuntu Education Summit, and release the web page I have ready to go ... but the powers that be want to announce the Ubuntu Developer Summit in one jpint release. 02:54 RichEd *joint 02:55 RichEd So. I'll just be able to give the overview for today. 02:55 pips1 Also, i want to add, that the new community site will only fly if we get quality contributions from the exisiting edubuntu core ppl and hopefully some early and good input from other communities (guada, etc) 02:55 ogra well, its on the public wiki :) 02:55 RichEd ogra yes, but clan sayes silbs wants to let the balloons go herself :) 02:56 ogra oki :) 02:56 ogra she gets all the fun :P 02:56 RichEd We have had approval for a 2 day education summit, which will be in the first week off May in Seville, Spain. 02:56 RichEd *of 02:56 RichEd Thursday & Friday. 02:57 RichEd The summit will mainly be aimed at Educators and Decision Makers ... 02:57 RichEd With presentations on success stories in FOSS in education ... 02:57 RichEd And discussions around training & support etc ... 02:58 RichEd The idea is to provide a high confidence level to people contemplating the awful future that Vista promises for them ... in terms of licencing, costs, and the migration issues. 02:58 RichEd And to show them that Edubuntu is a viable alternative, mature enough to do the job. 02:59 pips1 Seville, looking forward to it ! :) 02:59 RichEd We will have some technical discussions, but these will mainly be with tools & 3rd party developers arond relationships and integration. 03:00 RichEd We'll have some discussions around "feature requests" and "future direction" but the meat of the feature work will take place at UDS as already established. 03:00 RichEd UDS follows 2 days after our summit.
Edubuntu/Meetings/Logs/2007-02-07 (last edited 2009-10-14 19:51:07 by 95)