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## page was renamed from Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting/Logs/2007-08-22
## page was renamed from MeetingLogs/Edubuntu-2007-08-22
#title Edubuntu Meeting Log 2007-08-22
= Meeting August 22, 2007 =
Line 7: Line 12:
 * stgraber
 * pips1
 * toonix
 * LaserJock
 * juliux
 * gpocentek
 * highvoltage
Line 14: Line 18:
  * Progress over past week
  * Issues/ Blocks
  * Planned Activities for coming week
  * Where are we in the development cycle:
   1. What was the last deadline?
   2. What is the next deadline ?
  * Progress over the last week?
  * Items needing to be sorted out for the next deadline.
  * Issues needing assistance for the next deadline.
  * Any Other Items under Artwork.
  * Any Other Items under Documentation.
  * Planned Activities for coming week.
= Minutes =
 * Where are we in the development cycle?
  * ogra reports back as follows:
   * General
    * Done:
     * lots of screensaver fixing for thin client usage (fixed several crashers, no graphics intensive modes being used anymore and no fading).
     * lots of merges and code reviews of ltsp/ldm code (still more ahead).
     * set spec status where possible (see list below).

    * Ahead:
     * TCM needs a lot of love (fixing the user list functions to get it going with new ldm, easier vnc setup for the chroot/image).
     * one massive bug outstanding to be solved before tribe 6 (bug 121547).
     * tribe 5 planned for this Thursday, please help tesing.
     * poking around with libflashsupport to get it to multiverse (flash sound on thin clients).
     * get moodle status from moquist (no news yet, he contacted pitti about postgres db creation scripts).
   * Specs
    * Implemented:
     * ltsp-boot-performance.
     * ldm-improvements.
     * fully-automatic-swapserver.
     * ldm-loadbalancing -> vagrant to set status.
    * Deferred for gutsy+1:
     * ltspfs-virtual-hal-devices.
     * gphoto-ltspfs.
     * ltsp-update-manager-integration.
     * ltsp-management-gui -> (hope to get global settings going at least).
     * ltsp-fat-clients.
     * ltsp-local-apps -> sbalneav to set status.
    * Unknown:
     * ltsp-palm-devices -> sbalneav to report status.
 * Where we are in the dev cycle?
  * ogra noted that the last deadline was UVF/feature freeze.
  * ogra noted that upstresam version freeze, nothing new can enter main anymore.
 * What is the next deadline ... item and date?
  * orga noted that feature freeze is no new features can be adeed anymore (same exception rules) & next immediate dealine is tribe5 (thursday).
 * Items needing to be sorted out for the next deadline?
  * ogra noted that the next important deadline is beta release.
  * '''NOTE: '''bug 121547 needs to be solved before next tribe release.
  * tribe6, archive is friozen this week until tribe5 is out.
  * '''ACTION: ''' orga to squash bug 121547.
 * Issues needing assistance for the next deadline?
  * ogra noted that having two tribe releases instead of one before beta doesn't help here.
  * moodle is still in the clouds, no feedback from mmoquist yet apart from him saying he wants to have it ready.
  * sbalneav and vagrant need to clean up their spec statuses.
  * '''ACTION: ''''ogra to follow up with sbalneav & vagrant.
 * Artwork
  * '''ACTION: ''' Jill to complete abstract concept for the default desktop.
  * '''NOTE: ''' Final freeze for artwork: 20th September 2007.
Line 19: Line 86:
  * Progress over past week
  * Issues/ Blocks
  * Planned Activities for coming week
 * Art Work
  * Progress over past week
  * Issues/ Blocks
  * Planned Activities for coming week
 * Web Sites
  * Progress over past week
  * Issues/ Blocks
  * Planned Activities for coming week
 * Community
  * Progress over past week
  * Issues/ Blocks
  * Planned Activities for coming week
 * Management & Planning
  * Progress over past week
  * Issues/ Blocks
  * Planned Activities for coming week
 * Any other Matters Arising

= Minutes =
 * Technical
  * ogra noted that there isn't much more involved than maintaining seeds, building metapackages and ask for iso rebuilds.
  * Spec's for Tribe 5:
   1. Translated into C: check
   2. Eliminated delayed mounter: check.
   3. Greeter: check.
   4. Selectable lang, session, and host: check.
   5. Fixed up some server side things for handling multi-hosts: check.
   6. Better password handling: check.
   7. i18n: added tonight (ogra: don't know if I did it right).
  * ogra noted that ldm finally will be translatable.
  * ogra noted that LaserJocks changes are now in the server-addon CD, we still need icons.
  * '''ACTION: ''' ogra needs to copy icons as well as the .desktop and .directory files for the seeds.
  * '''stgraber noted that he'll have a working version of the reworked TCM by the end of the week.'''
  * pips1: what about schooltool, will it be included by default? ogra noted that it won't be right now, but will be included in a later release.
  * Update on Willow: ogra noted nothing as we require developers.

 * Artwork
  * RichEd noted that the first sample of the artwork is viewable at ["https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuArtwork/Volunteer"]. '''ACTION: ''' Team to review and give feedback via the Wiki page.

 * Websites
  * pips1 noted that there has been no changes.

 * Community
  * LaserJoock busy with a FLOSScom project that is viewable at ["https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FLOSSCom"]

 * Planning
  * '''ACTION: ''' RichEd to split Meeting Agenda(hour meeting for edubuntu-devel and an hour for edubuntu-users) and mail to the lists.
  * ogra noted that scott is currently busy with the documentation.
 * General
  * How do we get more users at the meeting?
   * '''ACTION: '''RichEd: Investigate meeting advertising in the mail list.
   * '''ACTION: '''RichEd: Look at the dates coming up and play a bit and then make some suggestions for alternative meeting dates and time for the Tech & Dev Meetings.
  * German Ubucon
   * '''juliux noted that the time and date will be: 20-21 October 2007, Krefeld/Germany'''

(X) This is a log or summary of an Edubuntu Meeting. Please go to the Meeting Page for more information about our meetings.

Meeting August 22, 2007

This is the Edubuntu Team Meeting, started on 22 August 2007, 12H00 - 14H00 (Etc/GMT).


  • ogra
  • RichEd

  • juliux
  • gpocentek
  • highvoltage


  • Technical
    • Where are we in the development cycle:
      1. What was the last deadline?
      2. What is the next deadline ?
    • Progress over the last week?
    • Items needing to be sorted out for the next deadline.
    • Issues needing assistance for the next deadline.
    • Any Other Items under Artwork.
    • Any Other Items under Documentation.
    • Planned Activities for coming week.


  • Where are we in the development cycle?
    • ogra reports back as follows:
      • General
        • Done:
          • lots of screensaver fixing for thin client usage (fixed several crashers, no graphics intensive modes being used anymore and no fading).
          • lots of merges and code reviews of ltsp/ldm code (still more ahead).
          • set spec status where possible (see list below).
        • Ahead:
          • TCM needs a lot of love (fixing the user list functions to get it going with new ldm, easier vnc setup for the chroot/image).
          • one massive bug outstanding to be solved before tribe 6 (bug 121547).
          • tribe 5 planned for this Thursday, please help tesing.
          • poking around with libflashsupport to get it to multiverse (flash sound on thin clients).
          • get moodle status from moquist (no news yet, he contacted pitti about postgres db creation scripts).
      • Specs
        • Implemented:
          • ltsp-boot-performance.
          • ldm-improvements.
          • fully-automatic-swapserver.
          • ldm-loadbalancing -> vagrant to set status.

        • Deferred for gutsy+1:
          • ltspfs-virtual-hal-devices.
          • gphoto-ltspfs.
          • ltsp-update-manager-integration.
          • ltsp-management-gui -> (hope to get global settings going at least).

          • ltsp-fat-clients.
          • ltsp-local-apps -> sbalneav to set status.

        • Unknown:
          • ltsp-palm-devices -> sbalneav to report status.

  • Where we are in the dev cycle?
    • ogra noted that the last deadline was UVF/feature freeze.
    • ogra noted that upstresam version freeze, nothing new can enter main anymore.
  • What is the next deadline ... item and date?
    • orga noted that feature freeze is no new features can be adeed anymore (same exception rules) & next immediate dealine is tribe5 (thursday).

  • Items needing to be sorted out for the next deadline?
    • ogra noted that the next important deadline is beta release.
    • NOTE: bug 121547 needs to be solved before next tribe release.

    • tribe6, archive is friozen this week until tribe5 is out.
    • ACTION: orga to squash bug 121547.

  • Issues needing assistance for the next deadline?
    • ogra noted that having two tribe releases instead of one before beta doesn't help here.
    • moodle is still in the clouds, no feedback from mmoquist yet apart from him saying he wants to have it ready.
    • sbalneav and vagrant need to clean up their spec statuses.
    • ACTION: 'ogra to follow up with sbalneav & vagrant.

  • Artwork
    • ACTION: Jill to complete abstract concept for the default desktop.

    • NOTE: Final freeze for artwork: 20th September 2007.

  • Documentation
    • ogra noted that scott is currently busy with the documentation.
  • General
    • How do we get more users at the meeting?
      • ACTION: RichEd: Investigate meeting advertising in the mail list.

      • ACTION: RichEd: Look at the dates coming up and play a bit and then make some suggestions for alternative meeting dates and time for the Tech & Dev Meetings.

    • German Ubucon
      • juliux noted that the time and date will be: 20-21 October 2007, Krefeld/Germany

Any Other Business

  • None reported.

IRC Logs

02:02   RichEd  hi all ... start in 1 min ...
02:02   juliux  ogra, ubotu is not here;)
02:02   ogra    ah
02:03   RichEd  Okay ... here is a test version of the agenda for Edubuntu-Devel ... the old tech part of the 2 hour meeting.
02:03   RichEd      *
02:03   RichEd        Technical
02:03   RichEd            o
02:03   RichEd              Where are we in the development cycle:
02:03   RichEd                  +
02:03   RichEd                    What was the last deadline ?
02:03   RichEd                        #
02:03   RichEd                          Item
02:03   RichEd                        #
02:03   RichEd                          Date
02:03   RichEd                  +
02:03   RichEd                    What is the next deadline ?
02:03   RichEd                        #
02:03   RichEd                          Item
02:03   RichEd                        #
02:03   RichEd                          Date
02:03   RichEd            o
02:03   RichEd              Progress over the last week
02:03   RichEd            o
02:03   RichEd              Items needing to be sorted out for the next deadline
02:03   RichEd            o
02:03   RichEd              Issues needing assistance for the next deadline
02:03   RichEd            o
02:03   RichEd              Any Other Items under Artwork
02:03   RichEd            o
02:04   RichEd              Any Other Items under Documentation
02:04   RichEd            o
02:04   RichEd              Planned Activities for coming week
02:04   RichEd  let's try this out today and see if it works ... I'll drive the agenda.
02:04   RichEd  ogra: Where are we in the development cycle ?
02:04   RichEd  What was the last deadline ?
02:04   RichEd  Item
02:04   RichEd  Date
02:04   RichEd  ??
02:04   RichEd  sorry about the shody paste ... wiki cut & paste adds line breaks :(
02:04   RichEd  *shoddy
02:05   ogra    well, lets see if my paste is better then :)
02:05   ogra    == General ==
02:05   ogra    Done:
02:05   ogra    - lots of screensaver fixing for thin client usage (fixed several crashers, no graphics intensive modes being used anymore and no fading)
02:05   ogra    - lots of merges and code reviews of ltsp/ldm code (still more ahead)
02:05   ogra    - set spec staus where possible (see list below)
02:05   ogra    Ahead:
02:05   ogra    - TCM needs a lot of love (fixing the userlist functions to get it going with new ldm, easier vnc setup for the chroot/image)
02:05   ogra    - one massive bug outstanding to be solved before tribe 6 (bug 121547)
02:05   ogra    - tribe 5 planned for this thursday, please help tesing
02:05   ogra    - poking around with libflashsupport to get it to multiverse (flash sound on thin clients)
02:06   ogra    - get moodle status from moquist (no news yet, he contacted pitti about postgres db creation scripts)
02:06   ogra    == Specs ==
02:06   ogra    Implemented:
02:06   ogra    - ltsp-boot-performance
02:06   ogra    - ldm-improvements
02:06   ogra    - fully-automatic-swapserver
02:06   ogra    - ldm-loadbalancing -> vagrant to set status
02:06   ogra    Deferred for gutsy+1:
02:06   ogra    - ltspfs-virtual-hal-devices
02:06   ogra    - gphoto-ltspfs
02:06   ogra    - ltsp-update-manager-integration
02:06   ogra    - ltsp-management-gui -> (hope to get global settings going at least)
02:06   ogra    - ltsp-fat-clients
02:06   ogra    - ltsp-local-apps -> sbalneav to set status
02:06   ogra    Unknown:
02:06   ogra    - ltsp-palm-devices -> sbalneav to report status
02:06   ogra    i'll try to maintain such a report in the future, should keep the tech part short
02:07   RichEd  that's great :) ... will be easy to make minutes & action list out of that ...
02:07   zul     ./topic
02:07   zul     sorry
02:07   ogra    right
02:07   ogra    zul, ubotu is gone, so no topic updates atm ...
02:07   RichEd  can we work through my section suggestions ... to see how it fits together ... I still think we need contest as to where we are in the dev cycle (I know I do) :)
02:07   ogra    (edubuntu meeting now)
02:07   RichEd  What was the last deadline ?
02:08   RichEd  What is the next deadline ?
02:08   ogra    no idea ?
02:08   RichEd  I mean in terms of the dev cycle ... last one was tribe 4 ?
02:08   gpocentek       ogra: I think I have a libflashsupport somewhere if it can help
02:08   gpocentek       a package*
02:08   ogra    last deadline was UVF/feature freeze
02:09   ogra    gpocentek, i have one ready already, but it was rejected, the one from the EdubuntuFAQ is horribly packaged
02:09   RichEd  ah ... and explain that in 1 sentence for the technically challenged ... what is UVF ?
02:09   ogra    i need to get it going with gnutls instead of libssl etc to get it included
02:09   gpocentek       ogra: ok
02:09   ogra    upstresam version freeze
02:09   ogra    nothing new can enter main anymore
02:09   RichEd  :) thanks
02:10   ogra    (unless you do a bit of paperwork and get a review)
02:10   RichEd  and what is the next deadline ... item and date ?
02:10   ogra    feture freeze is no new features can be adeed anymore (same exception rules)
02:10   ogra    next immediate dealine is tribe5 (thursday)
02:10   RichEd  * Items needing to be sorted out for the next deadline ?
02:10   ogra    next important deadline is beta release
02:11   ogra    bug 121547 needs to be solved before next tribe release
02:11   toutouff        I've got a problem with pbuilder, could you help me ?
02:11   ogra    (tribe6, archive is friozen this week until tribe5 is out)
02:11   ogra    toutouff, we're in the middle of a meeting and this is no support channel, try #ubuntu-motu
02:12   toutouff        sorry, wrong channel
02:12   toutouff        :/
02:12   RichEd  ogra: quick summary of the bug ? and what needs to be done to squash it ?
02:12   ogra    i need to rewrite the installed bits for ltsp
02:13   RichEd  and will you be able to manage in time for the deadline ?
02:13   ogra    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/121547
02:13   ogra    at least for beta i can guarantee it ... cant promise it for tribe 6
02:13   ogra    but i'll do my best
02:13   RichEd  * Issues needing assistance for the next deadline ?
02:13   ogra    having two tribe releases instead of one before beta doesnt help here :/
02:14   RichEd  can anyone help you with that bug or anything else ?
02:14   ogra    not wi5th that bug, no
02:14   ogra    i listed actions above where others are required
02:15   ogra    moodle is still in the clouds, no feedback from mmoquist yet apart from him saying he wants to have it ready
02:15   ogra    sbalneav and vagrant need to clean up theoir spec statuses
02:15   RichEd  will you prod them, or will it help if i ask nicely as well :)
02:15   ogra    beyond that i get all help i can get from scottie during this bugfixing phase
02:16   ogra    i'll go after them, all fine
02:16   highvoltage     ogra: is vagrant doing full-time ltsp now?
02:16   ogra    no
02:16   ogra    he's doing freegek
02:16   ogra    *freegeek
02:16   highvoltage     ah
02:17   ogra    he still didnt get his stuff sorted
02:17   RichEd  * Any Other Items under Artwork
02:18   ogra    anyway, thats all from tech side, any other questions ?
02:18   ogra    not yet ... i'll need to tackle the artwork package and do some cleanups .. but thats for tribe6
02:18   RichEd  Fine ... Jill mailed to say thanks for the feedback in the meeting last week.
02:18   ogra    scott is already preparing docs for the new ltsp stuff we have
02:19   RichEd  I mentioned the abstract concept for the default desktop, and she said she would try to complete some she had started.
02:19   ogra    good
02:19   ogra    i'm fine with the one we have as "young" flavor
02:19   RichEd  When is the final freeze for artwork ?
02:19   RichEd  official and unofficial ;)
02:19   ogra    (the logo could be a bit less in the face though)
02:20   RichEd  are you talking about her sample ? the logo comment ?
02:20   highvoltage     RichEd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule
02:20   ogra    sept 20th is final
02:20   ogra    yes
02:20   ogra    i'm talking about the sample
02:20   RichEd  okay ... i'll add that to the comment page she is working off
02:20   ogra    the logo is very huge and to much in the face imho
02:21   RichEd  I wanted to give her samples of all of the old default desktops we shipped, but art.ubuntu.com is out of action
02:21   RichEd  So I have given her the 2 I have access to ... LTS and feisty
02:21   ogra    osdir ususally has a bunch
02:21   RichEd  osdir ? not familiar with that ?
02:21   ogra    LTS was the chalkboard ...
02:21   ogra    osdir.com
02:21   RichEd  okay will check for more ...
02:22   ogra    edgy and feisty were the best ones we had yet
02:22   RichEd  * Any Other Items under Documentation
02:22   ogra    as i said, scott is on it and i'll review
02:22   RichEd  okay ... is that it for tech then ? anyone with questions ?
02:23   RichEd  Okay .... some general discussion for people who are interested:
02:23   RichEd  * how do we get more users at the meeting ?
02:24   RichEd  I can advertise in the mail list, but I need to get an idea of what topics will pull people in to attend.
02:24   juliux  RichEd, for me one meeting per weeks is too much
02:25   juliux  RichEd, if it would be only once a month then there could be more topics and more people
02:25   ogra    juliux, well, we have different people at the differently scheduled meetings
02:25   RichEd  juliux: so would you suggest tech every week, and users once a month ?
02:25   juliux  RichEd, yes
02:25   RichEd  If we have a edubuntu-users section of the meeting, we can start some debate / poll topics on the mail list, and then meet to discuss monthly ?
02:25   RichEd  so keep it down to 1 hour per week for tech & general dev ...
02:25   ogra    one in the evening and one in the morning
02:26   juliux  ogra, that is also fine
02:26   ogra    and we need to find a solution for EC if we do that as well
02:26   RichEd  that would work for me as well ... every second week ...
02:26   RichEd  but then we are always at the same time ... no variance for the US people
02:26   ogra    RichEd, twice a month with alternating times
02:26   ogra    as we have iot now, but skip two a month
02:27   RichEd  perhaps first meeting of the month ... and do the EC stuff ... and then 3 weeks after that ?
02:27   RichEd  that will alternate the times ?
02:27   ogra    yeah
02:27   juliux  RichEd, one meeting in the morning one in the evening;)
02:28   RichEd  okay, let me look at the dates coming up ... and play a bit and then make some suggestions
02:28   ogra    good
02:28   RichEd  pips1 is not here for community
02:29   RichEd  I have nothing else to discuss for today ... and some conference calls coming up ...
02:29   RichEd  Anyone else with topics / questions ?
02:29   juliux  yeah
02:29   juliux  i want to invite you all the german ubucon;) we will have an extra education track
02:29   RichEd  great :)
02:30   RichEd  have you got a fridge article up ?
02:30   juliux  RichEd, yes
02:30   RichEd  and did you send a mail to the edubuntu lists ?
02:30   juliux  RichEd, there will be an other if the programm is online
02:30   juliux  RichEd, that will come next week
02:30   RichEd  good ... what sort of audience are you expecting ? size and type of person ?
02:31   RichEd  and give the dates and locations here in the channel, so it can go in the minutes
02:31   juliux  we hope betwenn 200 and 500 people
02:31   juliux  and there will we everything from developer over normal users to newbies
02:31   RichEd  all linux converts already, or some people looking to jump in ?
02:31   juliux  date is 20. and 21. october in krefeld/germany
02:32   juliux  we think some new people
02:32   juliux  the university will invite local schools
02:32   RichEd  do you need any more material / presentations / ubuntu stuff ?
02:32   juliux  we only need talks;)
02:32   cliebow__       ttfn
02:33   RichEd  I have a presentation on Edubuntu reference cases ... if someone is prepared to speak on that, I can help them with the slides ?
02:34   RichEd  okay ... any other issues for today ?
02:34   RichEd  ogra ... are you okay to wind up now ?
02:34   juliux  RichEd, cool
02:34   ogra    sure :)
02:34   RichEd  going once ...
02:34   RichEd  going twice ...
02:35   RichEd  BONG ... thanks all

Edubuntu/Meetings/Logs/2007-08-22 (last edited 2009-10-14 19:32:36 by 95)