To create a local mirror of the Ubuntu repositories for fast updating of lab
- Edubuntu server
- USB hard drive (160 gigs) plugged into server
- Local network of Ubuntu,Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu machines
sudo apt-get install apt-mirror apache2 (make sure universe is enabled)
Now edit /etc/apt/mirror.list to include the following lines:
deb feisty main restricted universe multiverse deb feisty-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb feisty-security main restricted universe multiverse
- Uncomment set base_path and change its value to /media/disc/apt-mirror
- Run apt-mirror(as root)
- Do a symlink from /media/disk/apt-mirror to /var/www/apt-mirror
- Edit the sources.list on networked machines to refer to server
Debmirror Procedure
sudo apt-get install debmirror apache2
Run /usr/bin/debmirror <location of mirror> --nosource -v -m --passive --root=:mirrors/linux/ubuntu --method=rsync --progress --dist=feisty,feisty-security, --ignore-release-gpg --section=main,restricted,universe,multiverse --arch=i386,amd64 where <location of mirror> is the path where the mirror shall be located.
- Do a symlink from the location of the mirror to /var/www/ubuntu
- Edit the sources.list on networked machines to refer to server
EdubuntuAptMirror (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:21 by localhost)