
Ubuntu Education Programme : Goals


Current Goals : 2007/2008

  • DRAFT - Planning currently in Progress

  • goal 1: Cement the position of Ubuntu and its variants as the leading Linux distribution in the Education Sector

  • goal 2: Support the business goals of Canonical

  • goal 3: Grow Ubuntu Education Community and Developer / Resource / Skill / Partner Pool

  • goal 4: Position Ubuntu and it variants as a complete solution for a wide scale educaiton deployment - from Server back-end to Classroom front-end

  • goal 5: Leverage the ClassmatePC to position Ubuntu as one of the two leading education Linux brands

  • goal 6: Measure & improve the proportion of Ubuntu based government education deployments

  • goal 7: Promote Ubuntu education successes and engagements more agressively - with a focus on Spain

  • goal 8: Refine the differentiation of Edubuntu as an Ubuntu Base and Education Add-on allowing Education components to be installed onto Ubuntu

  • goal 9: Establish a closer working relationship and regular, scheduled interaction with agreed targets with:

    • Canonical OEM Channel
      • Maria Bonnefon and Team
    • Canonical Partner Channel
      • Mark Murphy
    • Canonical Training
      • Billy Cina

Past Goals : History

Goals : 2006/2007

  • goal 1: Position Ubuntu and its variants as the leading Linux distribution in the Education Sector

  • goal 2: Grow Ubuntu Education Community and Resource / Skill / Partner Pool

  • goal 3: Support the business goals of Canonical

  • goal 4: Leverage global excitement around OLPC to position Ubuntu as one of the two leading Linux brands

  • goal 5: Measure & improve the proportion of Ubuntu based government education deployments

  • goal 6: Position Ubuntu and Education internally as more than the current Edubuntu Desktop Product

  • goal 7: Differentiate Edubuntu into Ubuntu Base and Education Add-ons for better internal positioning

  • goal 8: Promote Ubuntu education engagements and news in local territories to create a demand

  • goal 9: Create a greater demand for Ubuntu through engagement of the education sector communities

Goals : Hisorical

  • Historical versions of this document will be listed here.

[ document details ]

[ document purpose ]

Outline the current goals for the Ubuntu Education Programme.

This page is a planning and discussion document for open discussion.

[ document author ]

[ document editing ]

  • Please sugest changes to the author via email rather than modifying directly

Education/Goals (last edited 2008-08-06 16:39:38 by localhost)