Overview of Education Planning for UDS-Boston
For discussion at Edubuntu meeting
- Wed Oct 24
- Education Staff
- Education Community
Related Pages
- Feature Roadmap for Gutsy
author: LaserJock - Jordan Mantha
- review what was not implemented for Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 but are still relevant
- carry over into UDS-Boston for Hardy Heron 8.04 as formal specs
- proposed specs from above page:
- ltsp-update-manager-integration (hi)
- edubuntu-menus-completion (hi)
- edubuntu-user-management (with extra low prio, only if dev time is left) (lo)
- Ideas for discussion for Edubuntu at UDS Boston
author: David Trask
- proposed specs from above page:
- Thin-client manager Improvements (med)
- Edubuntu needs to be focused on as a high load server (depending on CD decision) (med)
- Profile management (Sabayon) needs to be standard and easy" (covered by specs below) (hi)
Specs Proposed by Oliver Grawert : ogra
- edubuntu-mass-maintenance spec (hi)
- for example that would include a tool in the install to manage users sessions
- even on the classmate
- no need for a classmate specific spec if we provide such a feature in the distro anyway
- virtual-haldevices (lo)
- revisited from seville, I have some demo code already
- loacalapps (med)
- majority of work is already done by scott
- GUI frontends for ltsp-tools (hi)
- should probably be a sub spec of a general edubuntu server maintenance tools spec
- virtual-haldevices (lo)
- UME-edu derivative (hi)
- inclusion of the defined missing bits (TPM etc) (hi)
- network session management (italc and the like) (hi)
- edubuntu-content-server (moodle/wiki flavor integration) (med)
- edubuntu CD discussion (how do we proceed with teh edubuntu CDs) (hi)
- meta system enhancements (new meta packages or install tasks):
- edubuntu-content-server (see above)
- edubuntu-auth-server (based on the network auth server work of the server team
- edubuntu-file-server
Classmate Specific
- UME-edu derivative (hi)
- inclusion of the defined missing bits (TPM etc) (hi)
Specs Officially Proposed for UDS-Boston
- This list has been sent to edubuntu-devel mailing list for feedback
- Feedback cut off time is end of Friday
- The most desired features will be captured into Launchpad
Final Selection List
- edubuntu as a deriviative of Ubuntu (Edubuntu becomes an Add-On CD to Ubuntu CD 1) (hi)
- edubuntu CD discussion (how do we proceed with the edubuntu CDs) (hi)
- edubuntu-mass-maintenance spec (hi)
- edubuntu-menus-completion (hi)
- GUI frontends for ltsp-tools (hi)
- ltsp-update-manager-integration (hi)
profile & network session management
- (Sabayon) needs to be standard and easy (covered by specs below) (hi)
- management (italc and the like) (hi)
- edubuntu-content-server (moodle/wiki flavor integration) (med)
- edubuntu needs to be focused on as a high load server (depending on CD decision) (med)
- thin-client manager improvements (med)
- loacalapps (med)
- ltsp: virtual-haldevices (lo)
- edubuntu-user-management (with extra low prio, only if dev time is left) (lo)
Specs to be Recorded into Launchpad for UDS-Boston
- listed in priority order as per:
- hi/med/lo rating by ogra
- + edubuntu-devel mail list votes
profile & network session management
- GUI frontends for ltsp-tools
- ltsp-update-manager-integration
- edubuntu as a derivative of Ubuntu
- thin-client manager improvements
- edubuntu CD discussion
- edubuntu-mass-maintenance spec
- edubuntu-menus-completion
- loacalapps
- edubuntu-user-management
- edubuntu needs to be focused on as a high load server
- edubuntu-content-server
- ltsp: virtual-haldevices
- For the action items related to the list see:
Discussions Proposed by Richard Weideman : RichEd
- Edubutu as a Derivative
- and with a view to generalisation for e.g. guadalinex
action: needs a BOF
action: possible spec session
- Edubuntu normal specs
- Covered above by:
- Oliver specs
- Carried forward Gutsy Roadmap Specs
- Ideas proposed by David Trask
- Specs proposed during Edubuntu meeting - Wed Oct 24
- Covered above by:
- LTSP handover
action: needs a BOF
action: possible spec session
- Classmate Session
action: needs a BOF
action: possible spec sessions
- Status
- Issues
- Technical decisions to be taken
- Choice of Filesystem
- Choice of *buntu Base
- Classmate Outstanding Requirements
- anti-theft
- sonic notepad
- Classmate Additional Requirements
- Teacher Control
- Start with italc ?
- Who does development ?
- Teacher Control
Action: Add discussions from David Trasks page : done
Networking Informal Social Sugestions
- Visit to David Trask's School
suggested date: Tuesday 30 October November
suggested attendees:
- Oliver Grawert
- Richard Weideman
- Chris Kenyon
- Jason Scott
- Eric Harrison
- Warren Togami
- Scott Balneaves
Jim McQuillan
- Francis Giraldeau
- David Trask
- Stéphane Graber
- Shaun Meredith
- Belinda Lopez
Will have left before Tuesday:
- Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- Dinner for Education People
suggested date: Thursday 1 November
suggested attendees:
- Oliver Grawert
- Richard Weideman
- Chris Kenyon
- Jason Scott
- Eric Harrison
- Warren Togami
- Scott Balneaves
Jim McQuillan
- Francis Giraldeau
- David Trask
- Stéphane Graber
- Shaun Meredith
- Belinda Lopez
Will have left before Thursday:
- Anne-Marie Mahfouf
Education/UDS-Boston/Overview (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:57 by localhost)